AI Art Theft and the preversion of AI Theft for corporate gain.

Hero Doucette
3 min readOct 2, 2023

AI companies should be held responsible for the theft of artists work and training of AI off of stolen copyrighted work. Training a generative system off of information that was gathered from Metadata and copyrighted material that was scraped from the internet.

There is a criticism I hear a lot about how AI does what people do, but getting inspiration from a creator is not the same as generating content to look or read in the fashion of a creater. That would be like saying that studio ghibli art style is exactly the same as DragonBall Z. Or that John Green ‘stoll’ Margaret Atwoods words simply by having a young adult book. Originality is not about never taking inspiration from other artists it is about finding a unique way to tell a story. If every book was really a remix of the dictionary reading would never be any fun.

AI Theft & The legal battles against AI companies:

AI companies such as ChatGPT and Bard have proven time and time again that its code is based off of theft. Scraping the internet to collect data, and using it to train AI systems without permission of the creators. Lawsuits have been filed by many artists, and authors against company’s such as. google, open AI & Meta, as well as stability AI. These claims all aster that metadata and copy righted material alike were stollen and used, in some cases damaging the reputation of company’s who’s logos and watermarks were used. for the right to have their work removed from generative AI systems. ..

An Open Letter from the Authors Guild of America. More than 8,500 authors, press for proper authorization or compensation, from AI Generative Companie.

Finally questions to ask

Dose AI require a copyright?

Dose AI infringe upon copyright?

Dose generating content in the style of an author/artist violate copyright?

How dose open source licences apply to the training of AI?

It is not an exaggeration to say that AI companies are stealing money and art from artists. Without the ability to sell their art giant companies and corporations are lining their pockets with the money that has kept artists in their homes and with food on their tables.

If you are a artist or author I encourage you to ad a disclaimer in your online posts as well as to your books and receipts that state you do not and will not ever be using AI to write your novels or paint your art. That you do not give permission or licensing to anyone to use your art for AI training.

Artists and Authors should be paid a fair price for their works and this includes being paid what they are due from their art being used to train AI.

For more information you can go to

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Hero Doucette

Hero Doucette is a non-binary author who has been writing for over 20 years. None of their work is to be used to train Generative AI Telcnology.