You won’t believe what Trump did now: Watchdog Report

Environmental Advocates
4 min readMar 30, 2017


Fresh off his failure to change the nation’s health care law, President Trump has turned his attention to the environment. During a speech at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, he claimed to have a plan to protect our air and our water by repealing (without replacing) the very standards that ensure clean air.

He wants to allow polluters from states as far away as Kentucky and beyond to continue to foul New York’s air.

His attack compromises the Paris Climate Agreement.

It lays waste to methane emission regulations.

And it assaults the promise of protected public lands by opening them for mining.

New Yorkers lit up the Empire State Plaza/Capitol with calls for Governor Cuomo to step up on climate.

Air that makes our kids sick is not what anyone voted for.

Over the coming weeks, there will be many ways for you to fight back. As disappointing, frustrating, and disheartening as his actions are, this is also a moment that will awaken millions of people to demand action. Be a part of it! Mark your calendars!


March for Science

D.C., and many communities across the country

More information here!


People’s Climate March

D.C., and many communities across the country

More information here!

If you cannot make it to these events, your voice is still needed. Make four brief phone calls today to New York’s political leaders, and demand passage of the Climate & Community Protection Act in the upcoming State Budget:

  1. Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan: 518–455–2071
  2. Senate IDC Leader Jeff Klein: 518–455–3595
  3. Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie: 518–455–3791
  4. Governor Andrew Cuomo: 518–474–8390

Inside the Sausage Maker: Budget Update

We’re just days from passage of the SFY2017–18 New York State Budget. If you haven’t heard many details, you are not alone — state leaders craft the budget (estimated at $162 billion this year) typically behind closed doors.

But we have updates for you, our members! Check out our new blog for an inside look on where things stand on water infrastructure investments, chemical oversight, diesel emissions & childhood asthma, community solar, and more!

Big Oil’s Master Plan for Trump

The assault on our air follows another remarkably reckless development: President Trump’s rushed approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. It is critical that people understand that Keystone’s approval is not a one-off. It’s part of a larger scheme the fossil fuel industry hatched to make Americans more dependent on their product. They are cornering consumers into reliance. While no one would accuse President Trump of having some master plan on policy, what’s now clear is how easily he is manipulated and cajoled into embracing whatever industry wants.

It started with attacks on basic clean air and water protections. It advanced with the dismantling of vehicle emission standards that will result in consumers paying more at the pump. It comes full circle, with President Trump’s attack on climate action. And it won’t end there. Big Oil has one goal: more profit. While the President is glad-handing his allies, he’s thumbing his nose at Americans across the political spectrum who will pay the price both out of our pockets, and with our health.

SAVE THE DATE: On April 4th, there will be a rally outside of Senator Chuck Schumer’s Manhattan office to “Save the EPA” — while Senator Schumer has been a champion on many fronts, what’s become abundantly clear is that he is one of the few voices in Congress today who can stop President Trump’s anti-health and anti-environmental agenda.

When: Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 @ Noon

Where: 780 Third Avenue, Manhattan

Facebook event page here!

Gearing Up With Electric Car Rebates

Here is a prime example of why the nation needs states like New York to lead the way on climate action: President Trump is slamming the brakes on vehicle emission standards at the request of automakers. His administration may also target the autonomy of states like California from exercising their right to stronger standards than the federal government has imposed.

Due to our advocacy in last year’s budget, New York State now has its very first electric vehicle rebate program for consumers! The goals are aggressive: 850,000 electric vehicles on New York’s roads by 2025, vitally important given that transportation accounts for 1/3 of all carbon emissions in the state.

Consumers are now eligible for an up-to $2,000 rebate on the purchase of zero-emission electric vehicles. For more information about the rebate, click here.

AVEDA Clean Water Fundraisers

Once again, AVEDA salons from Albany to Buffalo are raising money for Environmental Advocates of New York’s clean water initiatives throughout the month of April as part of AVEDA Earth Month. From Haircuts for Clean Water to Fashion Shows, local salon owners and their staff are dedicating their time and talent to support clean water in their communities. For more information on participating salons and activities, visit our website at



Environmental Advocates New York’s green government watchdog, holding public officials accountable on climate action, clean energy, healthy air and water, and much more!