Why the ending of “Life of Pi” tells us everything about life and nature

5 min readSep 6, 2022

If you have seen the movie, you’ll know that the ending is quite ambiguous. In my opinion, it just needs interpretation, and interpretation is always subjective. The first lesson you’ll learn trying to figure out the meaning of the ending itself, is that there is no true answer.

Reading about it, i found out lots of people think that the tiger represented God because he saved Pi’s life, so perhaps the tiger never looked back before going into the forest and never said good-bye because they will meet again. In their opinion, Pi has to learn to live in the world again, before he can join him and his family when he dies.

That’s, unfortunately, just WRONG. Yes, I know, i just said that it is all up to interpretation, but just bare with me for a little while.

Now, Life of Pi is a story of survival. There is no questioning that. Since the start of the movie Pi develops an interest for religions, lots of them. As a boy he is easily influenced and becomes attached to different religions, making his father worry that he believes anything he is told. Pi states he follows Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. So, the question the film hands to us since the start is: does God exist? How many of them? Can you believe in something you have never seen? What is the boundary between faith…




My life is pretty messy and eventful, but i like it, so i write about it.