Apparatus Cardio. Breakthrough in diagnostics of CVD.

3 min readNov 14, 2017

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide: for no other reason, as many people die each year as from CVD. According to the World Health Organization, in 2012, 17.5 million people died from CVD, accounting for 31% of all deaths worldwide. In order to reduce these figures, our company is developing a unique medical device Cardio.

The Cardio device is a unique development of our company, which has no analogues in the world. It is not just an apparatus, but also a whole complex of scientific and technological developments. The technology we are using allows us to track up to 77 parameters of the human cardiovascular system. At the same time, the device will have small dimensions and weight, which distinguishes it from stationary devices used in hospitals and medical centres. The main feature of the device will be its ability to determine the possibility of a heart attack or stroke with a high probability. This will allow getting required treatment on time and preventing undesirable consequences. All this distinguishes CARDIO from conventional ECG monitors, which only take an electrocardiogram.

The device is designed to work both independently and in pairs with special software. The software is developed specifically for medical professionals. Such a solution will allow the implementation of the function of remote monitoring and diagnosis. This is especially important for diagnosing people living in rural areas, as well as in developing regions, where no quick access to medical services is available. It is assumed that by means of the Medical Blockchain Platform, which is being developed by our company, the data recorded by the device will be passed on to specialists for further evaluation. This solution will also be very convenient for carrying out professional inspections among various groups, such as athletes, military, police, pilots, drivers of transport and others, where it is necessary to regularly check the health of a person, for example, before work shifts.

On the other hand, the device will be convenient to use individually. If a person has any problems with cardiovascular system and needs to regularly visit a cardiologist or track the parameters of the cardiovascular system, it will not be necessary to regularly visit hospitals or medical offices. All the necessary information can be obtained using the apparatus developed by us. A specialist can give consultation remotely, using the data received. This will save time and money for the patient, and also relieve the burden on hospitals.

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