The importance of a good book blurb

EMSA Publishing
2 min readMay 30, 2023


Book blurbs are summaries of your novel for the book jacket, back cover, or advertising copy. They are essential for the marketing and promotion of your book as they are the first things potential readers see when browsing for new books.

There are templates you could use when writing, but here are 5 things to keep in mind.

Why a good book blurb is important

A book blurb serves as a “sales pitch” for your book, giving readers a brief overview of the story and a taste of what to expect. It also helps them decide if they are interested in reading your book. A good book blurb is attention-grabbing, informative, and gives a sense of the book’s tone and genre.

How to write a compelling book blurb

1. Length

Book blurbs should be around 200–300 words, long enough to give readers an idea of the story and the characters but not so long that it is overwhelming or drops spoilers.

2. Grab their attention

The first sentence should be attention-grabbing and make the reader want to read more. Use a quote from the book, an intriguing comment, or a question that piques the reader’s curiosity.

3. Introduce characters and storyline

The blurb should give a sense of who the main characters are and what the story is about. Be sure to mention the genre and the tone of the book.

4. Introduce the main conflict

The blurb should touch on the main conflict or problem the characters face in. This gives readers an idea of what to expect and makes them want to read the book to see how the conflict will be resolved.

5. Call to action

End the blurb with a call to action, such as “Find out what happens next” or “Join the journey,” something that encourages readers to pick up the book and start reading.

In summary…

Two or three hundred words is not a lot of space to hook your reader, but don’t let its diminutive stature fool you. The book blurb is the first thing potential readers see, so make it short but sweet and include teasers enticing potential readers to pick up your book and continue reading your story from cover to cover.

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