The founder of TokenGo Anton Benderskiy about the platform’s prospects.

TokenGo Platform_EN
9 min readJan 5, 2018


Greetings friends,

Currently, the TokenGo platform carries out the ICO Pre-sale. Now we are on the finishing piece of this stage. At the end of November our Bounty campaign which we approached creatively, was started. Results please us and instill still big confidence in success of the begun business!

Of course, it would not have be possible without the many days of laborious work of the entire team of the project, during preparation for pre-sale and now carrying it out.

Watching how interest in TokenGo among participants of the market of ICO grows, reading a huge number of positive reviews and appreciations addressed to us, and also, seeing interest and desire to learn about the project more, I resolved, it is important to give a more detailed history of emergence of the idea and the reasons of creation of such a project, to reveal the features which were not disclosed in the White Paper and on the project website, and also to tell a little about future plans.

Being software developer with an experience of more than 15 years and having experience with problems of various subject and complexity, beginning from applied appendices and finishing with the most modern technologies of safety in the bank sphere, I monitored emergence and development of the ideas of cryptocurrencies, attempts of their introduction. Considering my own experience, estimating opportunities, I came to a conclusion that, together with team of adherents, we will be able to offer to do a product which corresponds to inquiries of the market and gives the chance to other people do favorite thing and to earn worthy reward!

For a start I will tell shortly how and when the idea of TokenGo what stages preceded start of Bounty of a campaign and the beginning of pre-sale came.

The idea of creation of an own blockchain platforms was born about a year ago. Stable growth of a course, recognition of Bitcoin and blockchain, in general, rapid growth of Ethereum, emergence of such interesting platforms and projects as Nem, Nxt, Steem, starting of the ICO procedures as IPO analog to attraction of investments into startup all this induced not only to understand the processes and regularities of functioning of cryptocurrencies and their derivatives, but also to understand additional requirements of users, and also to estimate the scale of expectations from similar platforms.

At the end of January of 2017, we with the main representatives of future team of developers held hour-long discussions for the first time which were to designat the main criteria and requirements of the TokenGo platform.

Then there was a long and difficult conceptual phase of the project, search of additional professionals for our team.

The understanding that implementation of such large-scale project demands serious investments arose the following stage. TokenGo it not only a blockchain.

TokenGo is:

A Uniform web platform where the participant has access to all modules of a platform at the same time in the private office (there are no analogs).

Crowdfunding platform for carrying out ICO (KickIco analog).

The constructor of the websites and offices for carrying out ICO (there are no analogs).

The constructor of offices for carrying out Bounty of campaigns (there are no analogs).

The constructor of smart contracts (there are no analogs).

Harvesting (vote) (analog of Steem, Golos).

The cryptocurrency exchange (there are a lot of analogs).

Widget of votes (there are no analogs).

All listed modules will be connected to uniform platform and will use own blockchain. Connection will be realized on API technology. It is supposed that a set of third-party modules will also be connected to a platform and to use its opportunities.

Such impressive list is the reason for which we plan to bring together Hard Cap which it is declared in White Paper to which writing we devoted almost all 2nd quarter of 2017.

We are very much pleased by the fact that, thanks to start of bounty of a campaign and the beginning of preliminary sale of tokens, formation of community of the active, interested and inspired by the ideas of the project participants began, each of which in the near future will be able to use opportunities and privileges which the TokenGo platform with pleasure will give them!

Now I would like to tell about the Bounty Campaign and its features as first demonstration of approach and quality work of our team and an example of the beginning of effective interaction with the formed community of participants.

If to speak shortly, then the Bounty campaign is a set of tasks which are available to any authorized participant of TokenGo in its Private office. The participant independently chooses those tasks which are interesting and available to him to performance . It can be writing of content, creation of video of reviews, the translations and many other things. After performance of a task there is post moderation, the participant receives into the account the first GoPower — platform tokens! It is very simple and fair system. The more tasks the participant, the higher will be the remuneration.

The current personal office has tasks for Bounty of the campaign TokenGo — this is the constructor prototype a web of the websites for carrying out ICO and Bounty of campaigns which will be conducted on our platform. That is why at this stage we give such great value to the correct organization of a Bounty campaign. Systematization of tasks, formation of descriptions, instructions for performance, optimization of relationship with community, analytics of pricing of cost of tasks, fast and high-quality moderation — are parts of one big task of work over future our platform.

If to mark out features of our bounty of a campaign, then it is the maximum automation of all process, the detailed description of tasks, convenience and full transparency for participants, with a possibility of clear adjustment in case of a mistake from the participant, and also generous remuneration. Our moderators check the performed tasks carefully and quickly, helping participants to improve quality of the work performed by them. There is no need to fill in reports in Google documents which are actively used by the majority of projects now. The similar way, unfortunately, is not absolutely convenient and, often, raises many questions, sometimes, leads to losses by participants of remunerations for the operations performed by them. Also the team, judging by responses, already managed to show competence of various questions, activity, openness to the wishes and offers sent to its address, and also goodwill in relation to community.

Several words about remuneration in campaign bounty: the received tokens GoPower, can be moved to the external purse of the participant. This function becomes available right after the end of the ICO procedure. But it is much more interesting to continue to cooperate with a platform, having GoPower tokens on balance and to earn daily extra fee in GoCoin coins — own crypto currency of a platform which will be paid to all holders of GoPower in proportion to a possession share, since launch of process of collecting this cryptocurrency.

I and all team am very much pleased by the relation of community to our experiments on work on improvement of quality of carrying out Bounty of campaigns. We put this model of work in formation of the future of a platform. We understand that regulation in carrying out ICO not far off and therefore we want to take active part in this important process and to offer crypto community an interesting and modern platform.

Now I would like to explain that TokenGo ecosystem is. To decipher for what each its module and as it will work is necessary.

The constructor will give the chance very quickly to prepare to launch an office for the reception of crypto currency investment. Everything you need for the ICO tools can be built yourself or by a third party. To conduct Bounty campaign is enough to choose the required task from the list, determine the cost and method of moderation.

After registration of own website and of a Bounty campaign; information will be automatically placed on the crowdfunding platform. Any participant of community will be able to choose in what project to it to invest or in what Bounty of a campaign to participate.

With the help of the constructor creating smart contracts becoming a standard solution, automatic audit will eliminate common errors of beginners.

Each participant will be able to realize their potential for generous rewards. Writing articles, a comment, description, project, voting . It is implemented in the module, Harvesting is a very important part of the ecosystem TokenGo.

The voting widget can be placed on other sites. Imagine that You put a like using the Facebook widget and You get paid for this crypto currency! That would work for widget votes TokenGo.

The crypto currency exchange TokenGo will serve all operations with GoPower and GoCoin in also tokens which are released on the blokchain of TokenGo.

All information on your investments, Bounty campaigns, purchases will be reflected in the exchange, etc. in uniform Private offices in one place on a web to the TokenGo platform.

There is a wish to answer one of often set a question: in what a TokenGo platform innovation?

We in sufficient time analyzed all platforms existing at the moment: their device, work speed, functionality and interaction with users. We were inspired by such remarkable projects as Ethereum, Nem, Steem, Golos, etc. Certainly, we carefully studied work of the main guiding star crypto community , Bitcoin.

As a result we drew the following fundamental conclusions:

- possibilities of Blokcheyn-technology are incredibly wide and still are not used fully;

- with a growth of requests for carrying out ICO acute shortage of the large blokchain-platforms allowing just to release quickly and own tokens, and also to carry out the ICO procedure optimum is observed;

- the platforms of the closed full cycle allowing participants are necessary for the market not only to invest means in the next ICO — the procedure, but also to participate fully in life of community with receiving fair remuneration which is also possible for exchanging in a platform for other benefits;

- regulation and systematization in holding the ICO procedures is necessary for the market;

- the protocol of reaching consensus of POW used in largest Blokchain-system does not allow to provide the scaling speed demanded in the modern world, at the same time the speed of confirmation of transactions remains extremely low.

TokenGo is also such a closed ecosystem which will be able to consider all specified factors and will allow participants, in the course of their interaction with a platform, to earn the corresponding rewards.

One more often found question: how the two basic elements of TokenGo — token GoPower and a coin of GoCoin differ from each other in.

GoPower tokens which are released on the basis of a blockchain of Ethereum, highly liquid currency of a platform. Additional issues of tokens is not planned, at the same time growth of their cost will be provided, thanks to carefully thought over and planned system of their application within a platform.

GoCoin coins — the own cryptocurrency of a platform got daily by means of a minting. To 90% of total amount of the released GoCoin it will be distributed between holders of GoPower.

Tokens of GoPower will play an important role in receiving coins of GoCoin subsequently, and also will allow their owners with the maximum benefit for themselves to use all opportunities of a platform, beginning from daily charge of coins of GoCoin and finishing with privileges in the course of collecting. Degree of these privileges will be defined by the number of GoPower which is owned by the specific participant.

Coins of GoCoin will be the blood system of an ecosystem TokenGo. All collecting ICO procedures will be happens to participation of coins of GoCoin. All payments for results of Harvesting will happen in GoCoin coins too. It will be possible to pay with coins of GoCoin a paid part of services in preparation and holding the ICO procedures which to a large extent will provide their demand, and also any other services of a platform and the projects which are her partners.

Both GoPower tokens, and coins of GoCoin can be realized at the exchange.

What next plans at the TokenGo platform?

In the nearest future we plan to start prototypes of the constructor of the websites for carrying out ICO and carrying out bounty campaign of different projects on our platform.

In conclusion I want to tell that creating TokenGo, we seek to rethink and analyse everything made by us. We take the most perspective ideas from our point of view, we finish them and we plan to give to the world new and demanded opportunities!

From myself and on behalf of the entire TokenGo team I wish you a Happy New Year! Let this year will be year of progress, victories, new opening and fulfillments! Let’s be glad to see each of you in community TokenGo!

Yours faithfully, Founder and Blokchain architector of the TokenGo platform,

Anton Benderskiy.

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How it works: TokenGo Use Cases

TokenGo business tokenization

TokenGo Consensus

TokenGo Ecosystem

Tokengo Harvesting



TokenGo Platform_EN

A Fair Rewarding, Powered Blockchain Based, Business Tokenization Platform