Procrastination in Product Hunt

EOSfinex Fan Community
2 min readNov 17, 2018


Have you ever noticed that you are mindlessly checking Product Hunt or Betalist when you have to do something else?

I’m a Product Hunter. I’m addicted to information. More specifically, I am addicted to the infinite search for new web services and hacks

And I think I’m not alone. Information addiction is real, and is a perfect outlet for procrastination. After all, why would I want to perform some unpleasant task when I can sit and look for something useful and necessary, but which I definitely don’t need now?

But procrastination can lead to mental fatigue and missed deadlines that frustrate me. How did I become addicted? And how do I recover for the sake of productivity? The answer to both questions is the same: restarthunt.

About 95 percent of people admit to putting off work (perhaps the other 5 percent didn’t get around to completing the survey). So, it’s safe to assume you, like me, are a procrastinator at times…you are even now reading about Product Hunt.

I read, I study daily lists of new products, and I’m confused … so many great creators. And I understand that I spend time watching instead of using what I found a long time ago (now I have a list of 400 products).

Set aside everything. And use only once what you want to mark (you get experience, and if you like the product, you will return, but only if you try it once). Accept imperfection, value the effort, and keep moving onto your next product. With repeated effort, you’ll become skilled at being productive when it matters, just like you became skilled at procrastinating.

And, of course, give yourself a few minutes after completing the testing of a product from the list to recall a similar experience.

p.s. Hahaha almost bookmarked and posted this later

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