Open letter to MEPs

19 min readSep 7, 2021


Brussels, 7 September 2021

MEP Motion for a Resolution puts the health and welfare of all animals at risk and would delay recently approved measures to combat AMR (antimicrobial resistance)

(This letter has been signed by over 9000 individuals from across Europe and beyond, including heads of veterinary associations and chambers, deans of veterinary faculties, animal welfare organisations, heads of related associations, and human health and One Health associations. See all signatories below)

Dear Member of the European Parliament,
In September, you will vote on a motion for a resolution on the Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Regulation (EU)2019/6 establishing the criteria for the designation of antimicrobials to be reserved for humans.
We share the global concern for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the need for coordinated action for the protection both of public and animal health. The Commission’s delegated act is designed to support the EU’s efforts to combat AMR. We support the delegated act as proposed, and consider it balanced, science-based and delivering upon the One Health approach.
If the Parliament were to adopt the motion for resolution objecting to the delegated act, it would counteract the EU’s efforts to combat AMR and may even increase pressure upon antimicrobials, exacerbating the risk of resistance development.

Therefore, we ask you to support the delegated act as proposed by the Commission and reject the motion.

Here are the reasons why:

The motion seeks to undermine the approved EU veterinary medicines regulation

The new Regulation on Veterinary Medicinal Products (Regulation 2019/6) requires seeking scientific advice to identify those antimicrobials that are to be reserved for human use only. It also introduces new additional restrictions for antimicrobial use. The aim of the motion is to change the recently adopted regulation.
The motion fails to acknowledge the extensive series of control measures on the use of antimicrobials on both individual and groups of animals in the new regulation and undermines the consensus reached by the co-legislators in 2019, in particular, regarding the restrictions on prophylactic and metaphylactic use of antimicrobials.
The new control measures range from collecting and monitoring antimicrobials use and resistance data on animals, to restricting and giving guidelines on prescribing and use. These measures would be delayed with the motion.

The motion would delay the approved measures to protect public health

The motion erroneously claims that the delegated act would not adequately protect public health. This ignores the delegated act’s criteria that allows case-by-case evidence-based decisions to reserve an antimicrobial for human use even when there is a need in animal health.
The Commission’s delegated act expressly offers this guarantee and delivers upon criteria that are designed to be very strict and are taking the interests of public health fully into account.

The motion puts at risk the health and welfare of farm and companion animals

The motion would:
• restrict the availability of appropriate antimicrobial treatments to all animals suffering or in need of treatment, including companion animals and equines,
• be a threat to animal health and welfare for the lack of treatment for both farm and companion animals,
• would challenge the One Health approach advocated by many EU and international bodies, including the European Parliament.

The motion can harm public health

The approach in the motion would mean imposing an excessive ban on antibiotics. It would do irreparable damage to animal health both on farms and in our homes and cause unnecessary animal suffering. Forcing the use of the small spectrum of antimicrobials left to treat animals, would increase the pressure upon those antimicrobials, favoring the faster development of resistance for this group of antimicrobials.
Having enough antimicrobials available in animals, is also important to protect public health, because more than 60% of infectious animal diseases are transmissible to humans (OIE).
There is a scientific consensus on the limited contribution of the use of antimicrobials in animals to the overall problem of human antimicrobial resistance. Several studies using modern tracking technologies have shown that the veterinary use of antibiotics has a significantly lower impact on the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy in humans than originally assumed (EFSA, Nature, NIH)

The motion disregards scientific advice

The motion:

• does not take into consideration the EU agencies’ scientific advice which was developed with input from both human and animal health experts, and built upon the international expert advice from WHO, OIE and EU scientific experts in human and animal health.
• does not take into account the global level WHO policy guidance. According to WHO, the list should not be used in isolation without the OIE list which categorises all antimicrobials important for animals. The WHO list is global, and in its general approach does not take into account the European reality.
• fails to take into account previous measures for the responsible use of antimicrobials that have led to a 34% reduction in the use of antimicrobials in animals, including critically important ones. This is a significantly lower use than in humans in Europe, as evidenced by the EU agencies’ ESVAC (European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption) and JIACRA (Joint Interagency Antimicrobial Consumption and Resistance Analysis) 2021 reports.

We the undersigned call on the Members of the European Parliament to reject the Motion for Resolution objecting to Draft Delegated Regulation on the criteria for the designation of antimicrobials to be reserved for the treatment of certain infections in humans (2021/2718(DEA)

Veterinary associations & colleges/chambers:

· Bernard Vallat, Former Director General of the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health)

· Patricia Turner, President, World Veterinary Association

· Zeev Noga, Executive Secretary, World Veterinary Association

· Merel Knoops, President, International Veterinary Students Association (Belgium)

· Catherine Destrebecq, President, International Veterinary Students Association (Berlin)

· Jasmin Gern, Ambassador on Animal Welfare, International Veterinary Student Association (Munich)

· Dimitrios Argyris, President, International Veterinary Students’ Association (Greece)

· Georgios Batikas, President, International Veterinary Students Association (Thessaly)

· Nikos Davidis, President , International Veterinary Students Association (Thessaloniki)

· Ana Freitas, President, International Federation Students Association — Portugal

· Tracy Sullivan, President, Australian Cattle Veterinarians


· Nancy De Briyne, Executive Director, Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE)

· Steve Hallahan, Chair, European Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals (EPRUMA)

· Massenzio Fornasier, President, European Association Veterinarians Education Research and Industry (EVERI)

· Denis Novak, President, European Federation of Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA)

· Jane Clark, President, European Association of State Veterinary Officers (EASVO)

· Marialaura Corrente, President, European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians

· Olivier Dossin, President, European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine — Companion Animals (ECVIM-CA)

· Anne Couroucé, President, European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM)

· Dominik Fischer , President, European Association for Avian Veterinarians

· Giovanbattista Guadagnini, President, European Association Porcine Health Management

· Tim Greet, President, European College of Veterinary Surgeons

· Despoina Iatridou, General Secretary, Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe (VetCEE)

· Piotr Kwieciński, President, Union of European Veterinary Practitioners (UEVP)

· Stephane Martinot, President, European association of establishments for veterinary education (EAEVE)

· Chiara Noli, President, European College of Veterinary Dermatology

· Lucia Panakova, President, European Society of Veterinary Dermatology (ESVD)

· Ullrich Reif, President elect, European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS)

· Veronika Stein, President, European College and Society of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN + ESVN)

· Arno Werners, President of the board, European College of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology

· Mette Uldahl, President, European Equine Veterinarians (FEEVA)


· Norbert Greber, Landesveterinärdirektor Vorarlberg, Öster. Verband der Amtstierärzte

· Andrea Leutgöb-Ozlberger, President, Austrian Association of State Veterinary Officers

· Hannes Gressl, President, Austrian Small Animal Veterinary Medicine Association (VÖK)


· Theo Borgers, Chairman, Flemish Order of Veterinarians (NGROD)

· Hendrik Grootveld, Chairman, Verenigde Dierenartsen (VeDa)

· Olivier Hoens, Chairman, Small Animals Veterinarians Association Belgium

· Pierre Paindaveine, President, Equine Practitioners — Union Professionnelle Vétérinaire

· Emmanuelle Van Erck, President, Belgian Equine Practitioners Society


· Ivan Zemljak, President, Croatian veterinary chamber


· Nektaria Ioannou Arsenoglou, President, Pancyprian Veterinary Association

Czech Republic

· Petra Šinová, President, The Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons of the Czech Republic

· Miloš Urban, President, Czech Small Animal Veterinary Association


· Hanne Knude Palshof, Chair, Danish Veterinary Organisation


· Julija Abram, President, Estonian Small Animal Veterinary Association (ESAVA)


· Laura Ellonen, Chairman, Finnish Association of Veterinary Practioners

· Katri Kiviniemi, President, Finnish Veterinary Association


· Emmanuel Beneteau, President, Syndicat National des Vétérinaires Salariés d’Entreprise (SNVSE)

· Christophe Brard, President, Société Nationale des Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires (SNGTV)

· Julien Flori, President, Syndicat national des vétérinaires conseil

· Jean-Yves Gauchot, President, Fédération des Syndicats Vétérinaires de France

· Joelle Graebling, President, Association pour la promotion de la santé animale

· Jacques Guerin, Président, Conseil national de l’Ordre des vétérinaires français

· Jean-Pierre Jegou, President, Syndicat National des vétérinaires spécialistes

· Mélanie Liber, President, Associations des Vétérinaires exerçant en Productions Organisées (AVPO)

· Charles-François Louf, President, Association Vétérinaire Equine Française

· Vanessa Louzier, President, Federation of Teachers and Researchers of French Veterinary Schools (FSEEVF)

· Bernard Malabirade, Président, Allice

· Laurent Perrin, President, Syndicat national des vétérinaires d’exercice libéral

· Jean-Francois Rousselot, President, Association Française des Vétérinaires pour Animaux de Compagnie (AFVAC)


· Gábordr Gönczielnök, President, Hungarian Veterinary Chamber


· Karl Eckart, President, Bayerische Landestierärztekammer

· Susanne Elsner, President, Tierärztekammer Hamburg

· Karsten Feige, President , German Equine Veterinary Association

· Peter Hinsberger, 1st Chairman, Professional Association for Industrial Veterinarians

· Uwe Hoeruegel, President, Chamber of veterinarians of Saxony

· Klaus Kutschmann, President, Tierärztekammer Sachsen Anhalt

· Marion Ludes, Vice President, Tierärztekammer Saarland

· Martin Pehle, President, Landestierärztekammer Brandenburg

· Evelin Stampa, President, Tierärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein

· Josefine Starke, President, Tierärztekammer Nordrhein

· Thomas Steidl, President, Landestierärztekammer Baden-Württemberg

· Kerstin Ternes, Veterinarian, Zoological Garden Duisburg

· Uwe Tiedemann, President, Bundestierärztekammer

· Peter Witzmann, Vertreter der Turniertierärzte, Landeskommission für Pferdeleistungsprüfungen Baden-Württemberg


· Stefanos Kladakis, President, Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society

· Maria Linou, President, Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society

· Athina Trachli, President, Hellenic Veterinary Association


· Zsolt Szebeni, President, Hungarian Veterinary Chamber


· Bára Heimisdóttir, President, Icelandic Veterinary Association


· Conor Geraghty, President, Veterinary Ireland


· Giovanni Albergo, President, Ordine dei Medici veterinari della Provincia di Bari

· Elena Barilli, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari Piacenza

Alessandro Benvenuti, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari diPisa

· Rebecca Bragadin, President, Associazione Donne Medico Veterinario (ADMV)

· Girogio Blandino, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari di Ragusa

· Daniela Boltrini, President, Ordine Veterinari Viterbo

· Teresa Bossú, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari Roma

· Alberto Brizzi, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari Provincia di Parma

· Roberto Camaiani, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari, I ASCOLI PICENO E FERMO

·Germano Cassina, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari VCO

· Sergio Caporaletti, President, Ordine dei Medici Veterinari della Provincia di Lecce

· Mattia Cecchinato, President, Italian Branch of the WORLD VETERINARY POULTRY ASSOCIATION

· Nicola Decaro, President, Italian Association of Veterinary Infectivologists (ANIV)

· Mario Facchi, President Società Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Reddito (SIVAR)

· Sara Faggin, President, Ordine dei medici veterinari di Vicenza

· Massenzio Fornasier, President European Association Veterinarians Education Research and Industry

· Rodolfo Gialletti, President, Società Italiana Veterinari per Equini (SIVE)

· Marco Ghedina, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari di Trento

· Alessia Grassigli, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari di Treviso

· Pelizzone Igor, President, Società Italiana Veterinari Animali Esotici (SIVAE)

· Calogero Lentini, President, Ordine dei Medici Veterinari della provincia di Agrigento·

· Marco Melosi, President, Associazione Nazionale Medici Veterinari Italiani (ANMVI)

· Giorgio Micagni, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari della Provincia di Reggio Emilia

· Pasquale Miccolis, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari Taranto

· Filomena Montemurro, President, Ordine dei Medici Veterinari della Provincia di Matera

· Luigi Navas, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari Prov. Di Napoli

· Orlando Paciello, President, Ordine dei Medici Veterinari della provincia di Salerno

· Massimo Pelizza, President, Ordine Veterinari provincia di pavia

· Gaetano Penocchio, President, Federazione Nazionale Ordini Medici Veterinari Italiani

· Giovanni Ragionieri, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari Provincia di Siena

· Luca Robutti, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari della Provincia di Savona

· Alfio Russo, President, Ordine Medici Veterinari di Catania

· Eliana Schiavon, President, Società Italiana Buiatria

· Antonio Sorice, President, Società Italiana di Medicina Veterinaria Preventiva — SIMeVeP

· Igmar Spada, Presidente Ordine medici veterinary, Modena

· Luigi Emiliano Maria Zumbo, President, Ordine medici veterinari della provincia di Palermo


· Valdis Šmēliņš, Chairman of the Management Board, Latvian Association of veterinarians


· Myriam Bormann, President, Letzebuerger Association vun de Klengdéierepraktiker

· Luc Catel, President, Large animals practitioners Luxembourg

· Josiane Gaspard, President, Collège Vétérinaire de Luxembourg

· Jean Schoos, President, Association des médecins vétérinaires du Grand — Duché de Luxembourg


· Andrew Agius, President, Malta Veterinary Association (MVA)


· Arabella Burgers, President, Caring Vets

· S.J. de Groot, Secretary General, Collectief Praktiserende Dierenartsen

· Sophie Deleu, Chair, Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association

· Heidi Featherstone, President, European College of veterinary Ophthalmologists (ECVO)

· Karien Koenders, President, Collective of veterinary practitioners (CPD)

North Macedonia

· Katerina Jovanovska, Secretary, Veterinary chamber of North Macedonia


· Jacek Łukaszewicz, President, Polish National Veterinary Chamber

· Marek Mastalerek, Secretary General, Polish National Veterinary Chamber


· Viorel Andronie, President, College of Romanian Veterinarians (CRV)

· Mario Codreau, President, General Associations of Romanian Veterinarians


· Miso Kolarevic, President, Veterinary Chamber of Serbia (VKS)

· Denis Novak, President, Serbian Association Of Small Animal Practitioners (SASAP)


· Andrej Danis, President, Slovak Small Animal Veterinary Association


· Ivan Amon, President, Slovenian Buiatric Association

· Ožbalt Podpečan, President, Veterinary Chamber of Slovenia

· Alenka Seliškar, President, Slovenian Small Animal Veterinary Association (SiSAVA)


· Veronica Araunabeña, President, Collegi oficial de veterinaris de Tarragona

· Luis Alberto Calvo Sáez, President, Consejo General de Colegios Veterinarios de España (CGCVE)

· Caridad Cerezuela, President, Murcia Association of Swine Veterinarians

· Gonzalo De Sada, Director, Colegio oficial veterinarios Zaragoza

Luciano Diez, President, Consejo de Colegios Veterinarios de Castilla y León

· Yasmina Domínguez Cardona, President, Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Almería

· Alejandro Fisac de Frias, Vice-President, Official College of Veterinary Surgeons of Burgos

· María Luisa Fernández Miguel, President, Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Tenerife

· Francisco Galisteo, President, Colegio Oficial Veterinarios de

· Juan Gallardo, President, Asociación Empresarial de veterinarios de Cádiz (Aevecca)

· Ramon Garcia Janer, President, Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios Illes Balears

· José Angel Gómez García, President, Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Albacete

· Francisco Gutiérrez Sánchez, President, Colegio de veterinarios de Ceuta

· Alejandro Lujan Feliu-Pascual, President, Spanish Association of Diplomate Veterinary Specialists

· Francisco Javier Llamazares, Presidente Asociación de Veterinarios de Porcino de Castilla y León

· Manuel Marco-Laguna, President, Rabbits Specialized Vets Association

· Álvaro Mateos Amann, President, Official Veterinarian College of Bizkaia (Spain)

· Gonzalo Moreno, President, Colegio de veterinaries de Alicante

· Maria Fatima Pelaez Martin, President, Asociacion Murciana Veterinarios animales de compania

· Pedro Ruf Jimenez, President, Asociación Madrileña de Veterinarios de Animales de Compañía

· Cristina Velasco, President, Colegio de veterinarios de Gad

· Felipe Vilas, President, Veterinary College of Madrid

· Ranz Vallejo, President, Association National Especialistas of Medicine Bovine of España

· Javier Yus Cantin, Head, Colegio Veterinarios de Zaragoza (ANEMBE)


· Olivier Glardon, President Swiss Veterinarians Society SVS

· Annette Liesegang, Director, European College of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Swiss Association for small animal medicine, Swiss Association for Veterinarians for zoo and wildlife

· Päivi de Jesus Maia, President, Swiss association for equine medicine (SVPM)


· Fergus Allerton, Chairman, Small Animal Medicine Society

· Elinor McCartney, President, Association of Veterinary Consultants (AVC)

· Calum McIntyre, President, Association of Veterinary Students (AVS)

· Sheldon Middleton, President, British Small Animal Veterinary Association

· David Mountford, Chief Executive, British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA)

· Elizabeth Mullineaux, President, British Veterinary Zoological Society

· Jo Oakden, President, British Veterinary Nursing Association

· Mike Rhodes, Chairperson, British Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists

· James Russell, President, British Veterinary Association

Deans/heads of veterinary faculties/institutes:

· Frank Gasthuys, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ghent, Belgium


· Todor Stoyanchev, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, Trakia University, Bulgaria

· Boyko Georgiev, President, BASAV


· Nenad Turk, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia

Czech Republic

· Martin Faldyna, Director, Veterinary Research Institute


· Toomas Tiirats, Director Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia


· Stéphane Blot, Head of medicine/neurology, Ecole nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort France


· Martin Ganter, Head, DVG-Fachgruppe Krankheiten kleiner Wiederkäuer,

· Katrin Hartmann, Head of Medizinische Kleintierklinik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Isabel Hennig-Pauka, Director of Field Station for Epidemiology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover

· Sabine Kaestner, Senior Vice President, Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA), Europe, Head of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, Clinic of Horses, Veterinary University Hannover

· Ilse Denise Jacobsen, Head of Microbial Immunology, Leibniz Institute for Natural Products and Infection Biology, Jena

· Barbara Kohn, Vice Director of Small Animal Clinic and head of section inner medicine, Veterinary Faculty, Freie Universität Berlin

· Benjamin Lamp, Vice Head of Institute of Virology, Veterinary Faculty, Justus-Liebig-University

· Rolf Mansfeld, Head of Klinik für Wiederkäuer mit Ambulanz und Bestandsbetreuung, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

· Andreas Moritz, Head of Klinik für Kleintiere, Innere Medizin, Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen

· Martin Pfeffer, Group Epidemiology, Institut Tierhygine, Tierseuchenbekämpfung, Biochemie, Veterinärfakultät, Universität Leipzig

· Heidrun Potschka, Head of institute, Institute of Pharmakology Pharmacy and Toxicology, Veterinary Faculty, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

· Angelika Richter, Head of the institute, Institute of Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig

· Stefan Schwarz, Managing Director of the Institute of Microbiology and Epizootics, Veterinary Faculty, Freie Universität Berlin

· Axel Wehrend, Head of Klinik für Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologie und Andrologie der Groß- und Kleintiere Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen


· Vasileios Papatsiros, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Thessaly, Greece


· Ludo Hellebrekers, Director, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (part of WUR)

· René van Weeren, Head of Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University


· Bogdan Lewczuk, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland


· Andrej Kirbis, Dean, Veterinary faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


· Maria Luisa Arias, Director for Animal Health Research, Natitonal Institute for Agrarian Research-INIA

· María Teresa Carbajo Rueda, Dean, University of León Faculty of Veterinary, Spain

· Manuel Gascón, Dean, Veterinary School of Zaragoza, Spain

· Maite Martin, President, Association of Deans of Spanish Veterinary Faculties (CDVE)

· Juan Enrqiue Perez Martin, Dean, Veterinary Faculty. Extremadura University, Spain

· Isabel Rodríguez Hurtado, Dean Alfonso X El Sabio University, Veterinary Medicine, Spain

· Gaspar Ros Berruezo, Dean, University of Murcia, Veterinary Faculty, Spain

· Joaquín J Sopena-Juncosa, Dean CEU Cardenal Herrera University, Veterinary School, Spain

· Consuelo Serres, Dean of Veterinary Faculty, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

· Rosa Vazquez, Director, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain


· Danijela Kirovski, Vice Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Belgrade, Serbia


· Abdullah Inci, Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Erciyes University, Turkey

· Hüseyin Yildiz, Dean of Veterinary Medicine, uludağ üniversitesi, Turkey


· David Argyle, Dean of Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh, UK

Human health & One Health associations:

· Nathalie Moll, Director General, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations

· Humberto Arnés, Director General, FARMAINDUSTRIA Spain

· Jean Carlet, Past-president, World Alliance Against Antimicrobial Resistance (WAAAR)

· Vincent Jarlier, President, World Alliance Against Antimicrobial Resistance

· Giorgi Chakhunashvili, Head of One Health Division, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (Georgia)

· Johan de Haes, Public & Animal Health Manager,

· Gerard Schouw, Director General, Vereniging Innovatieve Geneesmiddelen (VIG)

· Maarten van Dongen, Founder, AMR Insights

Animal Welfare organisations:

· Alberto Díez, Director, Asociación Nacional Defensa Animales (ANDA)

· María Yedra Feltrer Rambaud, Co-Director, International primate health and welfare group

· Andreas Franzky, Tierärztliche Vereinigung für Tierschutz e.V. (TVT)

· Antonella Giamminelli, I Migliori Amici

· Elisa Battaglia, Padova Enpa (ente nazionale protezione animali)

· Elisabetta Mattiello, Enpa (ente nazionale protezione animali)

· Ninfa Giovanna Monteleone, Ravenna Enpa (ente nazionale protezione animali)

· Lavinia Novelli, Sesto San Giovanni Enpa (ente nazionale protezione animali)

· Ilaria Ferri, Difesa protezione animali onlus DPA

· Mara Corazzin, Petswood Difesa Animali Odv

· Flavia Corsine, Anime di Strada

· Maria Antonietta Lombardini, Greenpeace Italy

· Allison Ledez, Société protectrice des animaux (SPA)

· Youness Elouasbi, Société Protectrice des Animaux et de la Nature

· Fabienne Houlbert, President, Association TERPTA

· Zoi Paouri, Vice President, Volunteer Animal Helpers Agios Stefanos Attiki

· Miriam Martinez Macipe, Fundación para el Asesoramiento y Acción en Defensa de los Animales (FAADA)

Related associations:

· Alexander Anton, Secretary General, European Dairy Association (EDA)

· Roland Aumüller, Standards Manager, GLOBALG.A.P./FoodPlus

· Dolores Cainzos, President, European Group for Generic Veterinary Products (EGGVP)

· Peter Damborg, Chair, VetCAST (EUCAST subcommittee on veterinary antimicrobial susceptibility testing) and ENOVAT (European network for optimization of veterinary antimicrobial treatment)

· Alain Cantaloube, Secretary General, Fédération Européenne pour la Santé Animale et la Sécurité Sanitaire (FESASS)

· Didier Delmotte, President, Fédération Européenne pour la Santé Animale et la Sécurité Sanitaire (FESASS)

· Alexander Doring, Secretary General, European Feed Manufacturers Federation (FEFAC)

· Roxane Feller, Secretary General, AnimalhealthEurope

· Ana Granados Chapatte, Director, EFFAB — European Breeders Association

· Jean Louis Hunault, Secretary General, Diagnostics for Animals

· Paull Khan, Secretary-General, European and Mediterranean Horseracing Federation

· Ingrid Morvan, Deputy Secretary General, UECBV — European Livestock and Meat Trades Union

· Javier Ojeda, General Secretary, Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP)

· Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General, Copa-Cogeca, European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives

· David Scallan, Secretary General, FACE

· Hans Spoolder, Coordinator, EU funded research project HealthyLivestock

· Birthe Steenberg, Secretary General, AVEC — EU poultry meat sector

· Jose Carlos Terraz, President, ERPA — European Rural Poultry Association

· Matthias Voss, Senior Vice President, The Poultry Veterinary Study Group of the EU (PVSGEU)

· Susan Danger, CEO at the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU.

· Andrea Rosati, Secretary General, EAAP — The European Federation of Animal Science


· Katharina Krenn, President, Cat club Austria

· Harald Schliessnig, Austrian Poultry Health Service e.V.

· Gottfried Schoder, Bundeskoordinator der Anerkannten Tiergesundheitsdienste Österreichs


· Fabiana Dal Pozzo, Coordinator, Antimicrobial Consumption and Resistance in Animals

· Marie-Thérèse Picavet, President, Scientific Society on Equine Health (WVGP)

· Theodora Richter, President, The Collie Association Belgium

· Hilde Van Meirhaeghe, President, NBFB Association of Belgian Hatcheries

· Marc Verbeeren, General Secretary, BTCC


· George Katodritis, President, Cyprus Feed Association

Czech Republic/Slovak Republic

· Milan Malena, President, Animalhealth CZ/SK


· Jens Munk Ebbesen, Director, Danish Agriculture and Food Council

· Brigitta Golde, Chairman of the board, DcH Langå local dog club


· Frédéric Bouix, President, Fédération Internationale de Tourisme Equestre (FITE)

· Bruno Colin, Président, La Coopération Agricole

· Etienne Fauvet, Secrétaire Général Adjoint et Président du Groupe Technique des Organisations Professionnelles Agricoles sur le règlement “médicaments vétérinaires”, Fédération Nationale des Groupements de Défense Sanitaire (GDS France)

· Segolene Guerrucci, Director, French Hatcheries Association (Syndicat National des Accouveurs)

· Jean-Louis Hunault, President, Syndicat de l’Industrie du Médicament et Diagnostic Vétérinaires

· Johan Lodetti, President, SDVF

· Mily Leblanc-Maridor, President, AFMVP (Association Française de Médecine Vétérinaire Porcine)

· Serge Lecomte, President, Fédération Française d’Equitation

· Louis Perrault, President, Syndicat National des Accouveurs

· Bernard Rouxel, Chairman, Association Nationale Sanitaire Porcine (ANSP)

· Jean Michel Schaeffer, Président, ANVOL

· Eric Thébault, Directeur, Federation Nationale Porcine

· Olivier van Ingelgem, Secretary General, SDVF


· Christine Ahlers, Geflügelgesundheitsdienst

· Nora Hammer, General Manager, German Livestock Association/ Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V.

· Michale Flügger, Tierpark Hagenbeck, Hamburg, Germany

· Bernd Kalvelage, Vice president, Association of the German Poultry Industry

· Leif Kopernik, Managing Director, Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen (VDH) e.V.

· Katrin Langner, Secretary General, Industrieverband Heimtierbedarf (IVH) e.V.

· Elisabeth Leix, President, Deutscher Falkenorden (German Falconers Association)

· Dennis Müller, Director, Zoological Garden Halle

· Peter Nagel, President, IPZV e. V. (Icelandic Horse Association Germany)

· Andreas Ochs, Deputy, Director, Berlin Zoological Garden

· Andreas Randt, Managing Director, Tiergesundheitsdienst Bayern e.V.

· Hans-Peter Schons, Director, German Animal Breeders’ Federation (ADT)

· Sabine Schueller, Executive Director, BfT Bundesverband f. Tiergesundheit e.V.

· Gudrun Wibbelt, Scientist, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research

· Eckhardt Wiesenthal, President, German Association for Game- & Wildlifeparks


· Ilias Alexiou, President, Panhellenic Union of Poultry Producers

· Theocharis Koloveas, President of the Management Board, Havepharm


· Balazs Aladics, Director, Hungarian Association of Innovative Veterinary Pharmceutical Manufacturers (HAIVPM)

· András Bába, President, HAEP Hungary

· Endre Sós, Director of Veterinary Services and Conservation, Budapest Zoo


· Joe Hernon, Chairman, European Federation of Thoroughbred Breeders’ Associations

· John Keogh, CEO, Animal and Plant Health Association


· Stefania Agostini, Ente Nazionale Cinofilia Italiana

· Luppi Andrea, President, Italian Society of Swine Pathology and Herd Management (SIPAS)


· Roberto Cavazzoni, Director, AISA — Associazione Nazionale Imprese Salute Animale

· Mauro Donda, CEO, Associazione Italiana Allevatori

· Claudio Massaro, Direttore, Associazione Regionale Allevatori della Toscana

· Marco Poggi, President, Società Culturale Italiana per animali da Compagnia (SCIVAC)

· Giuseppe Pulina, President, Associazione Carni Sostenibili

· Pier Antonio Salvador, President, Associazione Piscicoltori Italiani

· Lara Sanfrancesco, General Director, Unaitalia — Unione Nazionale Filiere Agroalimentari Carni e Uova)

· Anna Toffan, Secretariat (on behalf of the scientific board), Italian Fish Pathologist Association (SIPI)


· Raimonds Jakovickis, Chairman of the board, Beef breeders union


· Mark den Hartog, Secretary General, Vereniging van de Pluimvee Verwerkende Industrie (NEPLUVI)

· Arie Hoekstra, Chairman, Koninklijke Nederlands Hippische Sportfederatie

· Frederik Schutte, Director, Federation of the Veterinary Industry in the Netherlands

· Marc ter Haar, Executive Director, The American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands


· Adam Estrup, Chief Executive Officer, Veterinary Industry Nordic (representing Denmark, Norway, Sweden)


· Dariusz Goszczyński, Director General, National Poultry Council — Chamber of Commerce

· Radosław Knap, Secretary general, POLPROWET — The Polish Association of Producers and Importers of Veterinary Medicinal Products

· Jaroslaw Kuczaj, Committee Member, Polish Hunting Association


· Adalberto Manuel Correia Povoa, President, Uniao dos Agrupamentos dev Defesa Sanitaria da Beira Litoral

· José Carapeto, Director General, APIFVET

· Jorge Moreira da Silva, President, APIFVET


· David Adrian Balaban, President, Romanian Association of Swine Veterinarians

· Nistor MAIEREAN, Chairman, Romania National Association of Veterinary Products Manufacturers

· Valer Tuesada, Executive Director, Romania National Association of Veterinary Products Manufacturers

· Andrei Rautu, Executive Director, AFV Veterinary Pharmacies Association


· Ana Ahčin, Secretary General, Association of the Slovenian Meat industry

· Roman Žveglič, President, KGZS, Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia


· Ricardo Alastrue Tierra, Secretary, Aragon Association of Porcine Veterinarians (AVPA)

· Jaume Alòs, President, COAGRA

· Jesus Felix Barandika, President, Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC)

· Pedro Barato Triguero, President, ASAJA Spanish Farmers Association

· José María Castilla Baró, Head of Office, ASAJA representation in Brussels

· Raul Cimas, President, INTEROVIC

· Rufino Del Olmo, CEO, APROMAR

· Santiago De Andrés, Director General, VETERINDUSTRIA- Asociación Empresarial Española de la Industria de Sanidad y Nutrición Animal


· Enrique Diaz Yubero, Director, Federación Española de Empresas del Sector de la Producción de Huevos y Ovoproductos (FEDEROVO)

· Victoria Falceto Recio, Secretary, ANAVEPOR — National Swine Vets Association

· Raul Figueras, CEO, Assaporc

· José Friguls, President, ANAFRIC — Spanish meat industry association

· José Luis Guersi Sauret, President, Centro Tecnológico de Ciencias Marinas (CETECIMA)

· Miguel Ángel Higuera, Director, Spanish Pig Farmers Association

· Ana Hurtado, Technical Manager, CESFAC

· María Jaureguízar, Directora Gerente, Fundación Vet+I

· Maria Angeles Llobet Pulleiro, Director, A.C.E.P.Z

· Isabel Marzo, Director, Asociación Empresarial para la Salud, la Nutrición y el Bienestar Animal (ADIPREM)

· Honorato Meneses de Prado, President, ASAJA Palencia

· Jordi Montfort, Secretary General, Spanish Poultry Meat Association-AVIANZA

· Matilde Moro, General Manager, Asociación de Productores de Vacuno de carne (ASOPROVAC)

· Jose Orantes, President, Asociacion de Apicultores de Granada

· Josep Puigdollers Masallera, Director, Asociacion Empresarial de Distribudores de Sanidad Animal (AEMASA)

· Tomás Rodríguez, Director, INTEROVIC

· Juan Roldán, Vice President, AVEE

· Santalla Roman, Secretary, Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos (UPA)

· Maria Sanchez Ruiz, Secretary General, Confederacion Espanola de Detallistas de la Carne

· Joan Sola Orriols, President, PORCAT

· Josep Solé, President, Associacio de Veterinaris de Porci de Catalunya (AVPC)

· Josep Soldevila Caba, General Manager, COOPERATIVA D’ARTESA

· Arán Zaldívar General Secretary Asociacion Nacional de Mataderos de Aves y Conejos


· Sarah Albini, Co-president, Swiss branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA)

· Karin Kreyenbühl, Co-president, Swiss branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA)

· Franz Renggli, Präsident, Schweizerische Vereinigung für Geflügelmedizin


· Dawn Howard, Chief Executive, National Office of Animal Health Ltd

· Aled Jones, Deputy President, National Farmers Union (NFU) (Cymru)

· Chris Lloyd, Secretary General, RUMA — Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (UK)

· Stuart Roberts, Deputy President, National Farmers Union

· Richard Jackson, Director, British Poultry Veterinary Association (BVPA)


· Nadine Brandtner, General Manager, World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses

· Vicki Jo Harrison, President, The International Cat Association

· Gunnar Sturluson, President, International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations (FEIF)

Find here the full list of signatories.




EPRUMA facilitates and promotes a co-ordinated and integrated approachon the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals.