The wisdom of Wes Borland

One of the rare occasions when you‘re glad about someone flooding your Twitter.

Eimantas Paškonis
8 min readJun 3, 2014

Not long ago Black Light Burns frontman, Limp Bizkit guitarist, and an oil painter went on an Twitter posting spree. It lasted several days and every tweet was oozing with knowledge. Tips, lifehacks, insights, experiences and more. Read, if you know what’s good for you.

Everything taken from @wesborland account:

When leaving a party or bar, always ask a small group where the toilet is and say you’ll be right back. Then go home.

Keep your wallet in your front pocket and never in your back pocket.

Try using a bobby pin to clean your ears instead of a q-tip. Use the loop end and carefully scrape out the bad stuff.

Drink more water, park as far out in the parking lot as you can, don’t eat meat 1 day of the week.

Nobody is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. If you need to pee, you can probably get away with it anywhere.

You can make an album at home for almost nothing. The possibilities are only limited to your creativity, which is endless.

I learned how to mix on the internet, asking questions, and through trial and error. You can learn anything the same way.

Easy way to blow a mind: Carry a cheap extra umbrella in your car. Someday it’ll be raining and you can hand it to someone who needs it.

Some people need to be punched back harder than they punch you. Others need to be hugged when they punch you. It’s a tough decision.

Some days you should just leave the canvas blank.

Don’t watch commercials. Ever. Hide your eyes and mute the TV or computer. There’s nothing there that will benefit you.

You’re wrong. A lot. Admit it when you are. You’ll get more respect than if you’re an immovable know it all.

Try combining multiple things that you’re good at into one job or activity.

If you want something and can’t afford it, make it. Even if you fail you will have learned something.

Wearing sunglasses at night and in dark environments is way more weird and suspect than it is cool.

Never use the presets.

Men should lose the flip flops in restaurants. C’mon guys. We’re trying to eat here.

You can carry duct tape by transferring it to an old license or plastic gift card. You’ll have a flat roll that’s easy to pocket.

Most of the time nobody is coming to help you. Do it yourself. Fix it yourself. Save yourself.

Try to listen to music for what it is instead of letting it remind you of where you were when you first heard it. Listen to new music.

A wise man once said: “If you’re ready for zombies, you’re ready for anything.” I think I believe that.

Don’t let age, sex, race, income level, or geographic location influence who you think you are. You’re better than that.

Go on adventures whenever you can.

If you really want to get that fucking couch up those fucking stairs, you can do it.

If you’re about to pop, try listening to anything by Satie.

Fiber is super important. Make sure you’re getting enough.

Do it today.

Over thinking and limitless options give death to creativity. Set a goal and set parameters. Commit and pull the trigger.

If you didn’t like baklava when you first tried it, you may want to give it another shot. Every dessert deserves a second chance.

Use your gut for the big decisions and logic for the small ones. In matters of the heart, the right side of the brain will always win.

Shower often and brush your teeth. Dental insurance usually only covers cleanings and gold teeth are expensive.

You’re all going to get old and be mocked by the generation behind you. Get over it. Who cares.

Try juicing fruits and vegetables. It’s a mess and fun and really good for you. Breville makes the best juicers.

If you have the misfortune of ever breaking a rib. Avoid your funny friends for the next couple of months. They’ll forgive your absence.

Real will always sound better than virtual. The human element is the most beautiful thing about art and music. Make little mistakes.

Be spontaneous without being impulsive. At times it’s hard to tell the difference. Good luck.

When you make art, don’t be precious with your work. You can always start again. It’s just paper/canvas/hard drive space/clay/film.

If you need to get an important idea across to a person in writing, make it brief and to the point. Nobody wants ‘novel-sized’ emails.

Stand for something, better yet, stand for yourself. You are your own protector and cheerleader.

Loctite 2 part epoxy gel will fix pretty much anything. I buy it in cases of 10. It’s as indispensable as duct tape and knives.

You may have heard this before a lot, but for christ sake: read a fucking book. Read Catcher In The Rye or Slapstick or something. Jesus…

Fearlessly eat strange foods.

Do NOT eat fast food ever. EVER. Not even occasionally. It’s worthless and it will turn you into mush.

If it’s legal where you live, carry a pocket knife with you.

Don’t complain. Venting is okay. You need to vent every once in a while. But nobody wants to hear you complain about anything. Shut up.

Sometimes people should hear what you think. Sugarcoating and white lies should be kept 2 a minimum, unless you’re at church — then go for it.

Creativity comes in waves and what some call writer’s block is, in my opinion, a placid sea between the big surf. Don’t worry. Wait.

The Leatherman Skeletool is the best every day carry tool I’ve found out there. It has all the essentials and carries like a knife.

Most of reasons for the things people do can be boiled down to the need to be loved or the fear of not being loved.

Nobody thinks it will ever happen to them, but it does.

Quit smoking today. Right now.

You’re beautiful without the make up.

I’ve found that people who tell you they listen to everything generally aren’t that interested in music.

Thoughts can make you physically sick or heal you. Do not under estimate the power of your mind over your body.

Call a cab. Who cares if your car gets towed? We still need you to be around for a while.

It’s important to forgive and forget, but in extreme situations, some people just need to be X-ed from your life.

Do NOT discuss religion or politics at extended family gatherings. Just keep the conversation light and surface.

You aren’t going to feel like doing it tomorrow anymore than you feel like doing it today. Might as well get it over with.

There’s no elegant way to surrender when you realize while having a heated argument that the other person is right, but you must.

There’s more than just one person out there for you.

I know it itches, but you have got to stop picking at it. Leave it alone.

A good leader delegates responsibility to others. Micromanaging those being led crushes their spirits and weakens their loyalty.

Carbonic acid attacks tooth enamel. All carbonated drinks contain it. Even sparkling water. Beware.

If it seems like bullshit, it probably is. Hustlers are everywhere.

Always carry your own bag. Letting other people do it only results in unnecessary tipping and missed opportunities for small workouts.

Avoid engaging in serious discussions with adults over 30 about conspiracy theories.

Making an effort to use phrases in the local language will usually invoke a better reaction than starting off with your native tongue.

Try listening to what someone has to say instead of thinking about your response.

Dress up a little more when you fly. A smart look could snag you an unexpected upgrade. Sweatpants are for the gym.

Don’t be afraid to tell people what your guilty pleasures are. They have some too and trying to be ‘cool’ all the time is exhausting.

Men who have a problem with cellulite should be shot out of a cannon into outer space. Who do you think you are? Fuck you, douches.

The magical things are usually happening outside of your comfort zone.

Try to live without the fear of spiritual consequences after death. Be good to others because it’s the right thing to do.

If you haven’t ever hit someone with a water balloon… Well, it’s summertime and… Enough said. Enjoy.

Making out without it leading to sex should be practiced more often. See if you can.

Call your parents more often.

If you’re not in a position to get stitches, super glue is an effective alternative as long as the bleeding isn’t profound.

When exploring an unfamiliar place alone, project confidence and purpose. Learn to say no in the language when approached by strangers.

Almost everything bad that has ever happened to you is YOUR fault. Be accountable.

Everyone you know will let you down at some point. Try to trust a few of them anyway. You’re tough.

Eat a lot during the first half of the day. A little bit in the afternoon. Nothing after 8pm. Try it. You’ll see.

Learn to say no to people. Your mission in life does NOT include pleasing everyone.

You don’t need any of that boat anchor crap in SkyMall.

Beware of new age and homeopathic remedies.


You will naturally develop an artistic style over time by combining as many influences as possible and being unfiltered and fearless.

The most important thing I’ve ever read: Notice when you are happy and exclaim “If this isn’t nice I don’t know what is” — Vonnegut.

You are a master of nothing. There will ALWAYS be something else to learn.

If you’re going to light that on fire, you better be able to put it out.

Blueberries are a fantastic alternative to high calorie desserts and they’re high in antioxidants.

Sometimes men get pissed off when they’ve been hurt. Don’t be confused/afraid girls. That’s just us crying while trying not to seem weak.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Take action.

Shaming or embarrassing someone is a despicable act. Stabbing them would be kinder.

As good as the intention might be, prayer does not put food in a stomach or a roof over a head. Be physical with your compassion.

Long lasting halogen bulbs may be energy efficient, but they look terrible. Life’s too short to skimp on good lighting. Fuck those bulbs.

The only thing anyone knows for sure is that none of us know anything. I’m glad we all have that in common. Thanks. I’m done.

The difference between chewing with your mouth open and chewing with it closed is vast. Audible mastication is a no no.

“You have to have thick skin to be a Segway owner.” — Dave Pino, guitarist and Segway enthusiast.

While Rosetta Stone is great for learning vocabulary in another language, I myself have found the Pimsleur Method to be better overall.

Everyone deserves at least 1 gargantuan, royal fuck up. It teaches them humility and you forgiveness.

Yours doesn’t have to look like mine. Children shouldn’t be taught in that “monkey see, monkey do” way, in my opinion.

Referring to an artist as “artsy” is insulting bordering on derogatory.

Reading the unfavorable reviews of my heroes has helped me swallow my own. I find that comforting for some reason.

Try using your non-dominant hand for everything for a day. It’s bonkers. I had a friend who did it for a month.

Cleavage is an eyeball magnet. Good or bad, plumber’s crack, toe, boob, if you show, don’t get mad at people for looking. We can’t not.

Avoid Indian cuisine before air travel.

