Eterbase connector — New officially supported Hummingbot connector

2 min readJul 13, 2020


We are excited to announce that a new ETERBASE connector will be officially added the next release of Hummingbot! This new connector will allow anyone to perform algorithmic trades and market-making on ETERBASE through Hummingbot.

About Hummingbot:

Hummingbot is an open-source software client that allows users to create and customize automated, algorithmic trading bots for making markets on both centralized and decentralized digital asset exchanges.
Anyone can be a high-frequency trader and earn profits from market making, a trading strategy that was previously accessible only to algorithmic hedge funds, and together with the Negative Fees that Eterbase offers to its Premium Users, the integration should incentivize even more traders to use it in order to gain profits and bring additional liquidity into Eterbase’s orderbooks.

Eterbase/Hummingbot Partnership:

ETERBASE wants to create a faster and more secure trading environment for everyone and as we share the same vision with Hummingbot — offer trading superpowers to our userbase, a partnership was inevitable. Thanks to Hummingbot’s open-source code base, our engineering team has been able to build our own connector to Hummingbot, and discussions about a partnership began. The benefits of this partnership were clear to everyone from the first moment, and the Hummingbot developer team instantly offered to provide development support, including comprehensive code review and rigorous testing services for ETERBASE. With all the necessary QA work being completed, Hummingbot is going to include the new ETERBASE connector to its codebase in its next release v.0.29.0. Also since the connector is being incorporated into Hummingbot’s codebase, the Hummingbot team will provide ongoing user support as well as testing/QA and development support for the connector on an ongoing basis.

The collaboration with ETERBASE is Hummingbot’s first integration with an EU-based exchange, and while we assist Hummingbot to settle in Europe and offer their userbase a unique new feature — Negative Market Making Fees, the partnership also adds a layer of confidence to both sides about the joined goal to ease and offer various ALGO trading possibilities to traders around the world.

The announcement from the Hummingbot team can be found here.

The required documentation on github can be found here.

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ETERBASE is the first regulation-compliant European cryptocurrency exchange, offering fast, secure trading on a clean, powerful, user interface.