ETHW Core Announced the Plan for Mainnet

1 min readSep 12, 2022


  1. ETHW mainnet will happen within 24 hours after the Merge. The exact time will be announced 1 hour before launch with a countdown timer and everything including final code, binaries, config files, nodes info, RPC, explorer, etc. will be made public when the time’s up.
  2. The mainnet will start at the block height of the Merge block “plus” 2048 EMPTY blocks as padding to make sure that the chainID switches to 10001 successfully and the chain is the longest chain of ETHW. Therefore, the Merge block + 2049 will be the 1st block on ETHW that may contain any transactions. Block rewards for the empty blocks will be directed to the 1559 multi-sig wallet.
  3. The initial mining difficulty will be no lower than ~220 T, or 15 TH/s in terms of hashrate.

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ETHW Core 公布主链上线计划

  1. ETH 合并发生的 24 小时之内 ETHW 一定开链,开链前一小时我们会通知大家,并提供倒计时网站。
  2. 开链的区块高度是: ETH 合并高度 + 2049。
    其间填充 2048 个空区块,不含任何交易,只是为了保证新旧链 ID 的正常转换并且保证是最长链。空区块的区块奖励会转入 1559 多签钱包。
  3. 开链难度:不低于约 220T 难度,等效于 15TH/s 算力。

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