ETHW Core to Introduce Liquidity Pool Freezing Technology to Protect Users’ Assets
Right after the Ethereum PoW hardfork, especially for the initial several blocks, users’ ETHW tokens deposited in the Liquidity Pools, like Uniswap, Susiswap, Aave, Compound, will be swapped or lent out by hackers and scientists using deprecated and valueless USDT, USDC, WBTC, which will create a huge mess to the whole network and community.
Hereby, ETHW Core has to make the hard decision to temporarily freeze certain LP contracts to protect users’ ETHW tokens until the protocols’ controllers or communities find a better way to return users’ assets.
The freezing will not be applied to the staking contracts that only involve a single asset ( eg. ETH2.0 deposit contract and Wrapped Ether ).
Last but not least, ETHW Core recommends everyone withdraw their ETH from LPs (eg. DEX and lending protocol) before the hardfork.
ETHW Core 将引入流动性池冰封技术来保护用户资产
在以太坊硬分叉之初,ETHW 上的用户放在流动性池子(LP)里的 ETHW 币会被黑客和科学家在极短的时间内,用废弃的没有价值的资产置换走(如:USDT、USDC、WBTC)。 这一切会造成极大的混乱,甚至会影响到 ETHW 用户对主链和链上生态的信心,也会造成 ETHW 币价的剧烈波动。
为此,ETHW Core 将引入“LP池冰封技术”,此技术会暂时把资产冰封在现有合约之中,直到项目方(如 Uniswap, Susiswap, Aave, Compound 等)或者他们的社区有更好的方法,来安全妥善地把资产归还给相关用户。
单币质押的合约池, 不会受到任何影响 (比如:ETH2.0 质押池和 WETH)。
最后,ETHW Core 建议用户在分叉之前取出流动性池子(如 DEX 和借贷)中的ETH。