Eve’s Politics
5 min readDec 30, 2017
An accurate description of how Trump pulled the rug from under his supporters. They were warned.

W ell, America we survived the first shitty year with Donald Trump-the sexual predator in chief in the oval office. January 20th, we the people and the world were in shock and is still in shock that Donald Trump is President, however, we knew he was not fit to lead which our nation and the world witnessed first hand. Sidebar: when legitimate President Obama was elected, turkey face Senator Mitch McConnell goal was being obstructionists, and the obstructionist’s behavior of the Gross Old Pedophile party continues with every attempt to repeal every law passed by legitimate President Obama. Nevertheless, we fought and heavily resisted every terrible decision and law Donald Trump attempted to carry out. Surviving our first year of Donald Trump in office is a great accomplishment. Here’s to recapping 2017:

1: Doug Jones wins Alabama

A great political recap is Doug Jones winning the Alabama Senate race, a race that will go down in the history books as a bizarre and WTF to the GOP. The Alabama Senate race between Doug Jones and child molester Roy Moore had the entire world on edge because no one was clear on how Alabama would vote; sidebar: knowing that Alabama is a deep red state with illogical conservative values such as supporting a child molester, it was a relief to see Alabama vote for Doug Jones. Specifically, it was black women who overwhelmingly voted for…

