Eve’s Politics
5 min readDec 30, 2017
Trump pulling the rug from under his supporters-they were warned.

Continuing to highlight the politics of 2017.


Another bad decision-repealing DACA (Deferred Action Childhood Arrival program). Jeff Sessions, sidebar: not sure how he continues to hold the office of Attorney General, in a press conference repealed the DACA policy which puts 800,000 Dreamers at risk of losing their status and being deported. Repealing DACA, similar to all the other repeals by this illegitimate President and his administration has a negative economic impact costing our nation trillions of dollars in the long-run. Many young adults who are DACA recipients are contributors to our nation, paying more in taxes than Donald Trump. Repealing the DACA program will take away the livelihoods of DACA recipients, repealing this program is forcing DACA recipients to move to a country they never knew giving up a life they have worked hard for.

“sidebar: not sure how Jeff Sessions continues to hold the office of Attorney General.”

In the next 3 months March 2018, DACA recipients will be forced leave the life and only home they’ve known which is upsetting. The loss of 800,000 DACA recipients will economically hurt our nation and many families in the long run, and this bad policy decision demonstrates to the world our nation does not see the benefit of contributions from great people who continue to make…

