Eve’s Politics
4 min readJan 17, 2021


Too Many:

Jacob Blake, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, Emmitt Till, Medgar Evers, MLK, Malcolm X, Breonna Taylor, Elijah McCain, Amber Evans, Michael Brown, Darren Seals, Deandre Joshua, Marshawn McCarrel, Edward Crawford, Danye Jones, Bassem Masri, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Manuel Ellis, Robert Fuller, Charles Oatman, Kathryn Johnson, Fong Lee, and Thomas Finch. These lives were taken away by selfish, mindless individuals who believe in an ideology dehumanizing people who are different in skin color and a system created to subjugate blacks to continue to keep them as second-class citizens. The deaths of black people in a nation built on systemic racism are at a boiling point which our nation can no longer beat around the bush. Sidebar: Too many innocent black lives have been lost at the hands of a system built on a false idea the hue of a person’s skin color makes them superior which has never been accurate, and this ideology has inflicted harm on groups of people for centuries.

“Sidebar: Too many innocent black lives have been lost at the hands of a system built on a false idea the hue of a person’s skin color makes them superior which has never been accurate, and this ideology has inflicted harm on groups of people for centuries.”

The foundation of America was created on racism, a tool no longer acceptable in these current times. This system has infringed on black people’s civil rights and human rights for too long which we the people will no longer tolerate. Not another black innocent life will be lost due to this false ideology.

“Not another black innocent life will be lost due to this false ideology.”

Black Lives Matter:

Sidebar: It’s funny how racists storm the capitol and not one person was shot and killed, yet the excessive militarized police force stays ready for Black Lives Matter protestors. :-/. The blatant hypocrisy of this racist system to allow white racists to storm what black lives built and not get shot at or have the militarized police armed and ready is what black people have been saying for centuries. To witness the white privilege of racists to not be handled by police in the same manner as black people is insulting and adds to the frustration of black people. Not only that, it is a disgrace for millions of people generation after generation to constantly repeat the same ills of the nation, and they remain ignored, a reason why America is in turmoil.

Sidebar: It’s funny how racists storm the capitol yet not one person was shot and killed, yet the excessive militarized police force stays ready for Black Lives Matter protestors. :-/

The names listed above are the ones we hear about; however, we cannot forget the innocent black lives we do not hear about. Sidebar: What happened to George Floyd and Ahmad Arbury is what happens to black lives in prison who cannot cry for help because the world does not see what is taken place. Without black people there would be no America, there would be no culture to be stolen and profited from. Most importantly, without the greatness of black people’s ideas, everything we utilized in our daily lives would not exist.

“Sidebar: What happened to George Floyd and Ahmad Arbury is what happens to black lives in prison who cannot cry for help because the world does not see what is taken place.”

Being reduced to second-class citizens, being held back from promotions, forcing black people to live in poorer areas, and working lesser paying jobs ­­­­also known is design crime is why BLACK LIVES MATTER. The intentional designs and policies passed to keep black people lesser than is why BLACK LIVES MATTER. With the horrific pain inflicted on millions of people for centuries without any justice, there should not be any questioning on why Black Lives Matter. Racists policies intent on subjugating black people at all levels of government and implemented in the workforce has held black people back far too long which prevented families from creating generational wealth.

400 years of a nation ignoring, subjugating, intentionally creating racists policies, getting away with murder is why BLACK LIVES MATTER. America can no longer ignore this sickness it has created.


Originally published at Eve’s Politics.

