Eve’s Politics
5 min readAug 9, 2018

June the Month of Gloom:

June was a whirlwind of a month, here is a rundown of the events: the separating of 2,300 families and placing young children in detention centers, the abysmal G-7 summit, starting trade wars with our allies and the terrible rulings by the Supreme Court along with Justice Kennedy retiring, the month of June is one to remember. Sidebar: the separating of 2,300 kids is the most unthinkable act America has done besides Slavery, the Trail of Tears and placing Japanese families in internment camps during World War 2.

It should be noted, the immigration policy is nothing more than a force-fed issue by the GOP who have no real issues to run on, therefore they are creating problems.

Here is a rundown of the Supreme Court Rulings:

1. Employees: Arbitration and Labor Unions

When it comes to working out a conflict between workers and companies, the Supreme court ruled that arbitration is the legal route to take. With arbitration, the conflict will be resolved one on one and not in a class-action lawsuit where numerous employees could have banded together to take a company to court. With 30 years of stagnant wages, employee time theft, the ruling of arbitration is a legal blow to workers. Essentially, the Supreme court has given employers the legal right to screw over workers.

