My Goals for 2020

Eric Harty
2 min readJan 7, 2020


Last year I made a list of goals for 2019 and things went pretty well. I accomplished everything I set out in the running, books, movies, music, cooking, and financial categories. While also going 5/7 for travel, and 3/5 on coding. And with the foreknowledge that one of those travel goals was always going to be a long shot for last year.

Well, it is a new year, so I have got a new list at to track throughout the year. Let’s break it down.


Very similar to last years goals, I am aiming for 20 races and 2 marathons. New is the explicit goal of setting a PR, which is getting harder as my past time are now pretty good and I have been training a bit less.


Kept the two unaccomplished goals from last year, and traveling outside of North America seems more likely this time around. Once again taking up the goal of heading to a new state, and keeping local travel in mind with Niagara Falls making the list.


For some reason this was the category I struggled with the most last year, and keeping my two unaccomplished tasks from last year will keep this oddly difficult. The gimme options of launching are no longer available.


Read the two books on last year’s list, and have two new books (by new authors) on this year’s list.


Sitting around watching movies sounds like it should be easy, but it took me until the final week of 2019 to get around to watching Arrival. But I am glad that I did, as it turned out to be a really good movie. However, upping the movie count from 8 to 11 so this is still a little ambitious.


With a goal of at least two concerts for the year, ended up going to four in 2019. Keeping the target at two for the year, but I already have a ticket to see Thrice in February.


One of my favorite categories from last year, I am once again targeting the creation of seven specific meals.


Unchanged from last year, my goals still resolve around sending my money towards my mortgage and charities.

Home Improvement

The new category for this year, now that I have lived in my house for a little while there are some (minor) improvements to be made. The final item is to replace the bathroom fan that stopped working just this week, and is oddly a contender for being the first goal accomplished this year.



Eric Harty

Mobile Game and App Development - Fixing things that are not broken