NSA Whistleblower Wrongfully “Baker-Acted” by Florida Sheriff’s Department After Providing Hard Evidence of Covert Electronic Harassment

Ramola D
35 min readAug 9, 2016


Originally published at The Everyday Concerned Citizen; please visit there for an easier read, with images and links intact; Medium is not displaying images and links accurately, thanks. — Rd

by Ramola D, with Karen Stewart/Includes information provided by Julianne McKinney, Cait Ryan, Deborah A. Weber, Paul Gaubatz/Photos by Karen Stewart, except as noted/Posted 8/5/2016

NSA Whistleblower and 28-year Intelligence-analyst veteran Karen Stewart was recently wrongfully and deceptively “Baker-Acted” in Leon County, Florida, by local Sheriff Mike Wood’s department, after emails and reports she made on the subject of measurable radiation from directed-energy weapons being used covertly in the county and on her person. Attending medical staff at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Access Center, finding her to be in perfect mental health and “not requiring any help” from them, acted swiftly to sanction her release the same day, pointing up the apparent misuse and abuse of powers by Sheriff Mike Wood, who is seeking re-election this summer.

The Baker Act Seeks to Psychiatrically Commit the Mentally Ill, Not the Perfectly Sane

Named after Maxine Baker, the state representative who introduced it, the Baker Act or Florida Mental Health Act of 1971 allows for the involuntary examination of an individual through involuntary or emergency commitment, and can result in further detention or psychiatric commitment.

Karen Stewart’s Family’s Home

However, it is supposed to be used only — by local law enforcement, court judges, mental health professionals, or physicians — when someone is deemed mentally ill and a possible harm to self or the community. It was not the action Karen Stewart expected when three employees from the Sheriff’s department showed up on the lawn of her family’s home on the outskirts of capital city Tallahassee on the morning of July 26 and enquired about her well-being.

Ms. Stewart had previously been in correspondence with deputies, detectives, and higher-ranking personnel in the Sheriff’s office, from November 2015 to July 2016, to inform them about portable directed-energy weapons being used to direct harmful radio and acoustical frequencies into her home, in a sustained program of covert electronic harassment that she and her family have been experiencing since November. Prior to this, she also experienced stalking harassment, inclusive of car vandalism and a first hit-and-run incident, followed by other incidents, which began the attempts to alert the Leon County Sheriff’s department of the true nature of her situation.

Retaliatory Harassment After an Employment Dispute at NSA

Excerpt/2010 Letter from Psychologist to Karen’s Lawyers

This extraordinary experience of harassment, seemingly retaliatory, following her request for an investigation with the NSA Inspector-General, related to the theft of work wrongfully credited to a woman who had furnished sexual favors to NSA management. Notwithstanding Karen’s award-winning accomplishments during her years at NSA, this theft led also to the loss of two promotions. Karen provided documented evidence of this travesty when meeting with the assessing psychiatric staff at Tallahasee Memorial Hospital, including links to interviews and news articles.

Recommendation Letter for Karen Stewart from her Supervisor at NSA

Karen sums up the experience briefly:

“I was stalked and harassed by NSA Security and proxy contractor and civilian dupes from 2006–2009 for filing a request for an investigation with the NSA Inspector General (IG).

In February 2015, when my lawyer subpoenaed new evidence for my case now sitting on the docket of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), this triggered renewed stalking harassment by NSA and proxies February 2015 despite the fact that I had left Maryland and moved to Florida in 2011.”

The Uncovering of NSA-Set-Up Nationwide and Global Stalking Harassment Networks?

In Florida, Karen Stewart reports that she learned NSA Security appeared to have contacted Tallahassee FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) when she began to experience stalking and other kinds of harassment — hit-and-runs, vandalism, and trespassing — from local Infragard personnel.

“In early 2015, it appeared that NSA and their proxy FBI attack dogs had contacted the FDLE’s civilian “Infragard” membership, and told the usual slanderous lies these crooks fabricate under color of law against anyone and everyone they find “inconvenient”, which they use to engage greedy, mercenary, faux-patriot, proxy stalkers into stalking innocent people as a national or community danger.

They (NSA) apparently targeted me to warn me off or punish me for having my lawyer subpoena — in February 2015 — corroborating information on the identity and existence of Eric Hagemann, a now retired NSA executive who had broken into my home and bugged it illegally because I had filed the IG complaint against one of his buddies.

But also apparently because Hagemann and two cohorts, Jack Shabe and Andrew French, had been integral in setting up stalking harassment networks all over the USA and possibly related ones overseas and in neighboring countries.

If these indeed were the mystery bearded men (and all three were executives not only in highly technical areas but also known at NSA for their obsessive pride in their bearded appearance) referenced in David Lawson’s seminal work years ago titled “Cause Stalking,” as being integral to such stalking harassment operations in various locations in regard to break-ins and the technical aspects of stalking, bugging, GPS tracking, etc., if not all such operations at that point, many years ago, then this would begin to explain the rabid, long-distance reaction by NSA against a simple subpoena.

And the fact that a private eye I hired, confirmed that both Eric Hagemann and Jack Shabe had had their identities wiped clean, seemed to support that possibility if not probability. (Mr. French, despite his eccentric Rasputin appearance in such a professional setting as NSA, and his constant association with Hagemann and Shabe professionally and personally, was not researched despite being part of the constant trio, since I knew of no direct involvement on his part in my wrongful persecution).”

Recording and Reporting Harassment to Local Law Enforcement, FBI, and Sheriff’s Office

Stalking Network?

The story behind the retaliatory stalking and electronic harassment this NSA whistle-blower continues to experience and expose as well as her meticulous efforts to record, document, and report to local authorities offers up a paper trail of corruption and complicity.

Local stalker

“When the Tallahassee Infragard fools began trying to intimidate me, I attempted to ignore these “useful idiots” as much as possible, only reporting concrete incidents such as hit and run attacks, trespassing, and vandalism. I knew NSA’s game was to try to make me report every little thing in an attempt to make me look paranoid and delusional to discredit my lawsuit.

Police record of hit-and-run

This harassment went on from April to late November 2015 when suddenly electronic harassment (EH) was then also introduced and has been on-going since.

At this point I began trying in earnest to explain what was going on to the various deputies sent out for harassment-related intrusions onto the property, related suspicious behavior in the nearby woods, and horrific episodes of electromagnetic fields being projected into the house that even wreaked havoc on electrical instruments and appliances, destroying many. Notes were taken, nothing was done however in a timely or useful manner.”

Local stalker

Multiple Stalkers Not a Crime?

In fact, on one occasion of notifying police of a stalking and harassment incident, Tallahassee Police Department Patrolwoman Outz stated, astonishingly: “Multiple people stalking you is NOT a crime, only if one person is.”

On this occasion, Karen reports she had called police at a Dollar Store parking lot after being closely tailgated across lanes by a young blonde woman in a sedan on the roadway from a city park, Lake Ella, and experiencing the sensation of being electronically assaulted from behind. She reports that this sensation, of being attacked by a DEW inside her car (not unfamiliar to others being targeted in these ways), fell away as she switched lanes and maneuvered behind the woman’s car, who “panicked and pulled into the Dollar Store parking lot.”

While Karen called police, this woman made a call on her cell phone, then entered the store “with something covered.” Shortly after, a young blond man arrived in a pick-up and entered the store, leaving “with something covered,” after which the woman exited the store.

Portable DEW pick-up via pick-up truck

“Officer Outz had arrived, proceeded to argue with me that multiple people stalking you was NOT a crime, just if one was, and no one here could have a DEW or my car engine would have frozen up if hit while driving. I tried to explain to her the DEW she was thinking about would have to be much bigger and more powerful, military theater size on a humvee. Meanwhile, I pointed out the perpetrator was leaving, but she refused to do anything, citing ‘no probable cause’.”

Essentially, “Patrolwoman Outz let a person with a DEW drive off. I believe technically, mercenary organized stalking harassment falls under the RICO Act.”


DEW Affects iPhone: Karen reports the “DEW-wielder” on left is “one of a handful of perpetrators I have discerned who were aiming DEWs at me. Tallahassee PD has refused to search their cars for ‘no probable cause’ EVEN when I showed them the electrical havoc being created by the emanations located in this guy’s engine facing forward, which caused my iPhone to malfunction (could not function in photo mode).

DEW-Wielder’s car

“When I went behind (his car), this mode functioned. Officer Campbell let the guy go, THEN said: “Wait, show me that thing with the iPhone again?” I said, TOO LATE, he’s GONE. You had a chance to put an end to months of stalking harassment and you CHOSE not to.”

Overnight Health Damage: Crucial to note is that after a previously healthy medical record, Karen Stewart reports the continuous exposure to the microwave frequencies and other energies directed at her — which she has recorded — has resulted in a sudden plethora of extremely concerning and overnight health issues, including hypertension, heart problems, sudden onset of cataracts and vision damage, among others.

While “non-lethal” microwave and acoustic weapons have been developed by the Department of Defense jointly with the Department of Justice, as explored here, and are in use currently both overtly and covertly within and without the USA, the extreme biomedical health hazards of directing deadly pulses of microwave or other radiation at people, at whatever frequency or level, has yet to be publicly exposed and challenged.

Measuring EMFs and Sound Pressure Levels

As meters helped record incoming electromagnetic radiation, local Tallahassee Law Enforcement proved to be of little help.

“A Detective Paul Salvo finally claimed they would put up small cameras pointing toward my home at a point when I told them it would be more useful to put them up pointing out from my home but I was ignored. Naturally, they did not catch the real activity related to the electromagnetic field projection from strangers being let out at night with these devices and picked up in the morning from nearby woods.

Five star rated dB/SPL (decible/Sound Pressure Level) app to measure electromagnetic field strength in Hertz.

As I acquired and used instrumentation (Trifield 100 XE meter) and a 5-star app (dB/SPL) to measure electromagnetic radiation as well as sound pressure levels, I narrowed down where the emanations were coming from and which seditious neighbors were complicit. Many will already know the modus operandi of the Feds and their contractors in such an illegal, black ops criminal exercise–-bribe none-too-ethical neighbors to participate in electronic harassment in trade for under-the-table goods and services while laughably calling it ‘patriotism’.

Trifield Meter/Over 5 Milligauss

With the use of my meters and observations, I narrowed down the culprits and informed the Sheriff’s deputies of the daily (24/7) assaults by civilians with equipment classified as weapons of war and therefore not legal for civilians to have, much less use. I pointed out that their use was more accurately described as Domestic Terrorism than crime and should be viewed and treated as such. But over and over and over again, I got excuses and insults from deputies.” (Covered further below.)

Photos below: Karen suspects “agents far too fit to be homeless, transferring DEWs or battery packs surreptitiously to avoid being identified by car license plates or repeated patterns of visits to neighborhood. Far too many people walk into neighborhood from major highway to be normal at all.”

[gallery ids=”20850,20851" type=”rectangular” orderby=”rand”]

Growing Public Awareness of Stalking Harassment and “Electronic Harassment”

It should be noted here that the combination of Stalking Harassment and “Electronic Harassment” — shorthand for covert assault with microwave radio-frequency and other “less-than-lethal” weapons employing electromagnetic and acoustical frequencies — is both a national and global phenomenon currently, has been covered here earlier, and continues to be reported by high numbers of activists, whistleblowers, ordinary civilians, and military veterans, many of whom suspect they are also being exploited as non-consensual subjects of covert Military/Intelligence neuro-experimentation and field testing of directed-energy weapons.

Notice of undercover retaliatory and repressive programs of stalking and electronic harassment operative in the USA has been previously provided, among others, by FBI whistleblowers Ted Gunderson, Mike German, Geral Sosbee, and NSA whistleblowers Mark Novitsky and Thomas Drake, while NSA whistleblowers Russell Tice and William Binney have alluded to such programs in discussing abuses of extreme surveillance.

Extensive information currently can be found online on the nature and application of microwave weapons or DEWs, and on their usage in covert electronic harassment programs by Fusion Centers targeting innocent Americans, ranging from the cornerstone 1992 report by ex-Army Intelligence officer Julianne McKinney, Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation, to the 2006 Project Censored/Sonoma State University/Media Freedom Foundation report titled US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights/A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons, to microwave weapon expert Barrie Trower’s interviews, and informative websites set up by activists Harlan Girard, Cheryl Welsh, Magnus Olsson, ICAACT, EUCACH, and other organizations. Several books by investigative writers and researchers also cover these subjects, offering details on patents and technologies, notably those by writers Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. John Hall, Renee Pittman Mitchell, Dr. Robert Duncan, Rosanne Marie Schneider, and Mark M. Rich.

Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) Devices: New information is also currently surfacing that electronic harassment in the community is possibly related to untested radio-frequency Through the Wall Surveillance (TTWS) devices available nationwide to local Law Enforcement and Fusion Center personnel, among other recipients in a wide net cast by published lists of Public Safety Radio Pool membership, which can include anyone from EMS personnel to lifeguards at a swimming pool, under experimental FCC licenses (to be further explored here).

Field-Testing of Directed-Energy Weapons to Ascertain Bio-Effects: Additionally, military contracts reveal ongoing field-testing of Directed-Energy Weapons to include millimeter-wave weapons, as in the now rather notorious US Air Force $49 million contract with General Dynamics testing bio-effects of DEWs on humans — where it is still unconfirmed whether non-consensual field testing is being conducted.

Covert Silencing with Radiation Weaponry: Speculation continues that many other forms of radiation weaponry are being tested and operated covertly in the community. Deborah A. Weber, a former psychiatric facilities manager, whose latter career was environmental toxicology, states that both non-ionizing and ionizing radiation weapons are being used. “They’re using both on certain select targets. And they’re using a hell of a lot more than microwaves — particle beams, plasma beams, you name it.” She mentions an ex-Marine and former employer whom she learned later oversaw Black Ops in a Seattle elder-living community, “creating acute exposures to ionizing radiation, i.e. inoperable brain cancer within 3 months or less,” targeting “veterans who worked in microwave, sonar, and other radiation weaponry & technology.” In addition, she mentions having recorded, with other residents, including a Navy SEAL, RADs (Radiation Dosage) on a Geiger Counter, signifying ionizing radiation, at an apartment complex in Albany, New York.

“Non-Lethal” is a Misnomer: The whole concept of “Non-Lethal” and “Less-Than-Lethal” weapons, in fact, currently in use by the Department of Defense and, less overtly it seems, by the Department of Justice, is one of continuing public concern, particularly since some of these weapons are possibly being transitioned for use as surveillance, monitoring, and restraining devices by Law Enforcement. The “Active Denial System” for instance, much touted as a crowd-control weapon, is apparently not non-lethal in its entirety, according to Paul Gaubatz, an OSI (Office of Special Investigations) agent who worked on Security for this system at Kirtland Air Force Base, where it was developed.

In a 2008 article by Sharon Weinberger at Wired titled “’Ray Gun’ a Lethal Weapon, Says Former OSI Agent,” Mr. Gaubatz reported seeing truckloads of animals brought on to the base in the middle of the night and implies he saw them being incinerated by the “Ray Gun”:

“Gaubatz said he saw clear evidence that the Air Force was testing lethal effects related to microwave weapons, including the Active Denial System.

The Active Denial System, of course, is the military’s nonlethal “pain ray” that uses millimeter waves to heat the top layer of skin to create an intense burning sensation.

…Gaubatz’ more controversial claim is that the Active Denial System is really designed as a lethal weapon. That would mean all the testing and legal review related to its deployment is a cover-up.” Sharon Weinberger, Wired

Disinformation and PsyOps Efforts Increase in Mainstream Media to Tag Victims as Insane

It should also be noted that there appears to be a concerted effort currently in corporate mainstream media — just as in local Law Enforcement arenas — to dismiss reports of remote electronic assault and discredit those reporting it as mentally ill and delusional, as openly evident in slanted and dismissive coverage of “Targeted Individuals” and “Gangstalking” in such publications as the New York Times and Motherboard, possibly to quell growing public awareness of clandestine government programs of surveillance and experimentation with microwave, sonic, directed-energy, and neuro-modification/mind-control weapons in our midst.

This appears to be in keeping with permitted PsyOps and media propaganda permitted by the government to the government discussed here earlier.

Julianne McKinney reports that back in the 1980s and 1990s, persons complaining of electronic harassment were dismissed as “wavies,” and the government took the position that electronic weapons simply did not exist. The government no longer takes this position, she notes, but the “wavies” of yore are still a threat, apparently, so propaganda pieces alleging mental illness are now the preferred mode of attempted discrediting. (Julianne McKinney reports extensive experience with this during the 1980s and 1990s.)

Further Documentation of Stalking and Electronic Assault in Tallahassee

Neighborhood “Secret Exercises” by Federal Agents: Adding further weight to the possibility that this NSA whistleblower has been singled out for extreme retaliation and covert assault via electronic harassment by the NSA, in a program that is actually well-known to the Leon County Sheriff’s department and points to the complicity of neighbors, private property in Karen Stewart’s Leon County neighborhood was recently the site of secret “exercises,” as she describes in the map below. The blue dot marks her family’s home.

Map of Phipps property, close to Karen’s home/Site of secret Federal exercises, Spring 2015/Graphic: Karen Stewart

Neighborhood Stalking and DEW Assaults: Reports from many Americans being targeted currently confirm Karen Stewart’s observation that neighbors are apparently being bribed with home renovations and services in order to host and operate monitoring and assault equipment on their property (such as covert antennas, magnetrons, radio-frequency sensors, and concealed directed-energy weapons).

Some DEW assaults traced back to this house.

“This is the home of a perpetrator getting major home renovation for his hosting a DEW several months (still doing it). He shoots through the back yards of several houses to get to ours! It took a long time to find him but meters don’t lie. Every one of the people in between are affected but do not know it yet.”

DEW assaults traced to neighbor in back

Neighbors to the left and back of the Stewart family home, Karen reports, appear to be using DEWs aimed into their home.

DEW assaults traced to neighbor to the left

Neighbors to the left here, Karen reports, are in their late 60s or 70s and have had previous property-line disputes with their family, expressing aggressive tendencies: “They had removed markers and grabbed (my father’s) measuring tape, sliced it up with hunting knife, then the woman (Nancy) kept yelling at husband, ‘Jim, just get your gun and shoot him!’”

“Numerous mercenary psychopath stalkers” live in this neighborhood complex (Greenwood Hills), Karen notes.

Sadly, she reports her dogs too have been affected by the energy assaults in her residence.

Several neighbors in the community appear to be assisting with the harassment campaign, as well as non-residents, Karen reports. Of the walkers pictured to the left, she notes, “Neighbors turn on DEWs located near me in woods, thinking I would not notice DEW was turned on after their new walking route.”

Next-door neighbors from whose homes radiation assaults can be traced include those with civilian-vigilante, new fascist leanings, as evinced by the plethora of Sheriff-supportive stickers on this car. Interestingly, most of those engaging in harassment in the community, Karen notes, sport these Sheriff-support badges, denoting financial support of the Sheriff’s department — the same Leon County Sheriff’s department under discussion here.

Community Stalking and DEW Assaults: Neighborhood and community stalkers/electronic assaulters include walkers, sitters, and drivers, old and young.

Stalker Admits to Murder-for-Hire

A particularly revealing moment transpired when Karen Stewart asked the young man sitting on the bench in the photo (above right) “what he thought of the fact that Tallahassee was a murder-for-hire town”.

“ — his response? ‘So?! You think this is the ONLY town that does that?’”

Dismissive Responses from Sheriff Mike Wood’s Department in Leon County, Florida

Reports made by Karen Stewart to the Sheriff’s department over a period of eight months solicited a variety of dismissive responses :

“Tell the FBI.”

Complicity of the FBI: Karen notes that she did call Tallahassee FBI, “but they would hang up on me continuously even after I identified myself as a retired, 28-year veteran intelligence analyst with the National Security Agency — with 10 years’ experience in weapons development and proliferation — which I believe showed their obvious complicity.”

The FBI, Karen also notes, “would hang up on me locally as well as on the national hotline, and my efforts to engage the Domestic Terrorism section of the FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement), run by the FBI’s Annie White, also was continually ignored, even when I gave them my credentials and the names of former NSA employees who could vouch for my background as an Intelligence analyst.”

“The NSA has better things to do than bother you!”

Here Karen points out this is hardly credible given that one of the reasons she sued in 2010 was due to NSA Security stalking harassment, addressed earlier in news articles.

“How come we don’t feel it/no one but you feels it?”

Karen Stewart’s parents

Karen responds: “First, yes, other people are feeling and hearing it, but because they are my elderly parents, Law Enforcement dismisses it. When my mother called to report painfully high emanations, a Sheriff’s Department Supervisor named Caroline told her she would not waste time sending anyone to the house for such a call for help.

(I render it as “emanations” because not only can you at times hear the high-pitched whining of the energy, feel it on your skin burning, but because it is a field of energy clearly being projected into the home or projected into your environment, even if from another car (or leased site on a cell tower or antenna on an utility pole) to your car as you drive.)

My brother also eventually began to experience it the more exposure he had to it. The more you are exposed, the higher your sensitivity, and also the likelihood you will die from exposure, just like (ionizing/nuclear) radiation. On occasion someone with exceptional hearing but limited exposure can detect a tell-tale high-pitched whine.

Note: I have endured not only what appears to be microwave but also ionizing radiation, low frequency and high frequency 24/7 acoustic assaults, in fact 10 weeks of high frequency at 13 Khz and above, which creates a band of heat that also burns cells and internal organs.

Why do I think it was ionizing? Because the air was difficult to breathe, it felt as if I was oxygen-deprived. When I got a Himalayan salt lamp, that puts positive ions into the air, I turned it on the next time this kind of emanation hit, and the air was immediately more breathable.” (Ionizing radiation implies radioactivity and comprises high-energy radiation such as gamma rays, X-rays, high UV radiation.)

Karen also recounts that when she experienced these particular assaults, perpetrators in the neighborhood would presumably “set up their devices and leave the entire weekend. ALL. About 4 households,” proving they knew this was dangerous radiation. On these occasions, “extraordinarily nasty emanations were sent through the house, so strong I wondered if anyone in my household would die before dawn.”

On one such occasion, she rose early to see “one pick-up truck seem to quickly leave the next-door neighbor’s driveway (perpetrators next-door who were gone for the weekend), and on another occasion, saw a truck on a nearby road (with line of sight to my house) speed away after having been parked in the street for some reason.” This made her wonder if certain devices were being used just from the bed of pick-up trucks, to be whisked away quickly thereafter.

Given that new information is surfacing currently that Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) devices may be used by varieties of people under experimental FCC licenses, as noted earlier, an added speculation might be that neighbors and community harassers are being permitted to use TTWS devices (the portable DEWs mentioned here), while paid mercenaries are being cleared to use “Blacker” technologies from trucks and vans parkable in neighbor driveways or street, while neighbors clear out.

“Second, when the perpetrators see Law Enforcement drive up, they turn it down or off, indicating our property is being surveilled if not the entrance to the neighborhood.”

Karen stresses here that she is not a scientist and continues to investigate the nature of these radiation assaults, planning to invest next in a Geiger Counter, while she continues to report her experience and speculations on what kind of radiation weapons are being used against her.

If we can’t SEE it, we have no probable cause to search anyone’s property.”

Pulsed microwave frequencies or other radiation directed outward from portable directed-energy devices, of course, are not going to be visible, even as they are measurable on EMF and other meters.

Meter Reading “in driveway next-door to neighbor’s home where their devices are hidden between our homes and they come out multiple times a day to turn it up incrementally and recharge it”.

Karen responds: “Tell me how you see “electromagnetic fields? When I showed them meter readings that rose the closer to certain neighbors’ properties we got, clearly indicating danger zone readings, I was rebuffed with, “We don’t know what that means.”

My suggestion to confer with the local Florida State University Physics Department was ignored, likewise my suggestion to confer with similar technical experts at the local Mag Lab (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory), as was my suggestion to ask the Forensics Lab. at the FDLE to assess the readings coming through our property and home with their own equipment.”

Karen notes that the Forensics Lab had agreed on the phone to help if either the Leon County Sheriff’s Department or the Tallahassee Police Department would but file a formal request for help. “That of course never happened despite my informing both entities of the offer.”

Update from Karen as this article “goes to Press”: Karen reports that she called the FDLE once more last night (8/4/2016), to report high levels of electromagnetism being picked up by her meters and was told, in apparent admission, “Oh, that’s something the Federal government is doing!” Once more, today, she is seeking to supply the FDLE with further information, in hopes that the Forensics Lab. can be alerted by the FDLE, and this tyranny can be stopped.

“We’ve never heard of ‘electronic weapons’… ‘Directed Energy Weapons’… ‘We don’t think that exists.’ “

To this profession of ignorance of modern weaponry well-documented online, Karen responds: “I asked them, have you hired veterans of the Iraq or Afghanistan Wars? Then check with them, since Directed-Energy Weapons (DEWs) were used there by the Military. Do some research on the Internet. But they apparently would not, even when deputies relayed my comments to their supervisors.”

She also embarked on a program of public education: “I began sending them via email, articles and site-links educating them to the existence of Directed-Energy Weapons, electronic weapons, the phenomenon of organized stalking, etc.

Laser hit, sized using a coin

I also delineated those neighbors who were implicated by the meters, by my observation, and by some experiments I ran. (With three neighbors, strategic placement of mirrors on our property, that reflect certain types of frequencies back to their source, caused a difference in recorded radiation levels (cessation) from their properties and a difference in certain behaviors by them, such as removal, relocation, or non-use of the devices, indicating my assessment of their involvement was correct.)”

Astonishingly, she notes a consistent refusal of information at the Sheriff’s office:

Screenshot/Microwave Technology and Its Use Against Humanity

“When I printed out pertinent articles for them, neither deputies nor their supervisors at headquarters would accept the material for review. I also provided the name and contact number of a retired Military Intelligence investigator who had guarded a facility that developed such weaponry for the Military, but no one could be bothered to contact him.”

“When you get some EVIDENCE get back to us.”

A disturbing picture in actuality of refusing evidence unfolds. Karen responds:

Sheriff Mike Wood, Leon County/Screenshot: Karen Stewart

“The Sheriff’s Department would not look at my meter readings, nor engage independent experts to evaluate those readings, nor take their own, refused to consult numerous veterans on their own force, ignored the fact that I had seen 3 devices, 2 with nearby neighbors, and then began chiding and insulting me in regard to calling them about high levels of radiation making my family and pets physically ill.

They refused to ask the FCC to get involved (FCC requires non-civilian requests), refused to review Comcast records showing highly unusual massive outages and numerous calls for technicians in the neighborhood.

They refused to consider a record of my sudden plethora of unusual health issues during the months of electronic harassment, unless the doctors STATED that the health issues were directly related to Directed Energy Weapons, which of course they cannot possibly confirm such causation and would likely be unfamiliar with DEWs much less their biological affects, though one dermatologist did suggest an overnight facial burn could have been radiation dermatitis given the circumstances.

I’ve had sudden onset of hypertension when I previously had slightly low blood pressure and as a result of sudden onset hypertension — a thickening of the left heart ventricle, sudden onset of cataracts, bleeding in the brain, small (then?) brain tumor, chest burning sensations (heart, lungs, esophagus), and sudden, overnight vision damage, all since November 2015 with a previously almost ridiculously healthy medical record my entire life.”

Governor Rick Scott/Photo Credit: Meredyth Hope Hall

Florida State Attorney General and Governor Apprised: Karen records that, like many others who have reported harassment to local government authorities, she has taken other measures to report the unsettling electromagnetic and acoustic assaults she has been experiencing:

“In this process to report the phenomenon, I had also written to the Florida State’s Attorney, William Meese, who sent out investigators Derek Lawhon and Al Gandy, who praised my efforts to tenaciously go through proper channels. Mr. Meese soon decided his office was not up to the task and transferred Mr. Lawhon to another county.

Pam Bondi, Attorney-General, Florida

I also wrote the Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi, three letters explaining the situation and the illegal operations going on under her nose. Her response was that “The Attorney General’s Office was not Law Enforcement, so tell them”. (Which I had of course to no avail, and made her aware of that).

I also wrote to the Florida Governor Rick Scott, and got no response at all.

The tipping-point for Sheriff Mike Wood apparently came in late July after receiving factually informative emails on Directed-Energy Weapons from Karen Stewart “containing links to pertinent sites, including Julianne McKinney’s report from years ago, regarding the government’s and military’s development and misuse of these kinds of weapons, patents on them, and other pertinent information.”

Ms. Stewart observes her emails by this time tended toward sarcasm “due to their tenacious, arrogant ignorance and belittling of me and my career experience and expertise, which I felt was largely due to my gender and perhaps the disbelief that anyone from Tallahassee might ever have worked for the NSA, as well as their depraved indifference to the daily, long-term distress that I and my family were going through.”

The Experience of Being “Baker-Acted”: Irradiation and Neglect at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital

Deputy Panasuaia, Detective Paul Salvo, and Lieutenant Debbie Hertz from the Sheriff’s department initially appeared concerned about Karen Stewart’s health when they arrived at her residence on Tuesday morning.

“The Deputy said they were there regarding my emails. They asked how I was and I told them the daily 24/7 electronic harassment was now in its 8th month, so no, of course I was not feeling well.”

In addition, she told them that about 5 minutes earlier, the radiation assault had been turned down, which she says “was the usual case when Law Enforcement came into the area or we got visitors, showing tight surveillance by someone of the neighborhood and our home.”

They then asked about whether she wanted an ambulance to come.

“I said no, that despite a burning in my chest (heart, lungs, esophagus) and ears, exposed skin, and head, this was par for the course, and though that morning the electromagnetic radiation levels (as recorded by my Trifield Meter) had been particularly high, I could hardly call an ambulance daily and it was a waste of time I felt to call one unless I was actually having an acute episode such as a heart attack.”

She also notified them, as many others being electronically surveilled and harassed in these ways confirm, that hospital Emergency Rooms and doctors’ offices, shockingly, are not free of electronic harassment:

“I had been to doctor-appointments at various locations in town where I had been followed and had DEWs directed at me in the doctor’s office or at TMH, the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital.”

She recounted an experience of recording EMF spikes, with a meter, in a doctor’s office, tracing the pulses directionally to a stairwell, then encountering two people in the stairwell aiming a small DEW device toward the doctor’s office, who ran when she entered the stairwell.

“The Sheriff’s department personnel seemed to be incredulous that anyone could get such a device into a hospital, despite the fact that these now fit into a backpack or large purse and there is no security whatsoever searching anyone who enters or leaves the hospital.”

At that point, she notes “the Deputy feigned concern for my physical health and insisted that if they (finally) were going to take this seriously and help me, that they needed me to be checked out by the ER. So I consented to an ambulance. (Interestingly enough, the major perpetrators next door jumped in their Humvee and followed the ambulance out of the neighborhood).”

At the hospital, the Emergency Room doctor, a Dr. Joel Holcombe, spoke to her about the burning in her chest and ordered appropriate tests and monitoring. She was left in an ER room but a hospital Security person seemed to be posted outside the room. The Sheriff’s Deputy left about noon, wishing her luck. Electronic harassment found her shortly after:

“By 12:30pm, someone with a DEW had located me and was turning an electromagnetic weapon on me through the wall, likely a janitor, as (it is possible) low-skilled and therefore low-wage-earners (are) susceptible to bribes. I could tell by the resumption of the burning feeling on my skin, and the burning headache and direction of the microwave radiation that seemed to follow the janitor’s activity there, an older man with a long blonde ponytail.

This frustrated me because I knew I would be a sitting duck to these depraved stalkers and I indeed was. My systolic blood pressure jumped about 30 points from 140 to 179 quickly thereafter. Naturally, no one was in the room for any length of time to feel it and as I have said before, apparently it is constant exposure that makes you sensitive to it (because your body is incurring damage, just like with ionizing (nuclear) radiation exposure).”

Having been installed in a hospital room, the patient was apparently ignored for hours, including being dehydrated, to the point where she had to make a decision to leave. It was at this point she discovered she had been “Baker-Acted”:

“By late afternoon, I was certainly getting impatient and restless. No word on the heart EKG or chest x-ray results and my requests for Motrin for the headache that I knew from experience was due to emanation-induced brain swelling, and for water to drink, were being ignored.

So I began removing the monitor equipment. I was in the corner putting on my shoes when a nurse passed by the room and said, “Oh my God, where is she? Did anyone see our Baker Act patient leave?”

So, my suspicions were correct, the insincere and duplicitous Sheriff’s Department had (done this) in vengeance for my emails trying to educate those impervious to learning and chiding them for their disinterest in consulting experts instead of blaming the victim — I was being met with retaliation and abuse of power.

So I made myself known and demanded to be told, had I indeed been Baker Acted, and was told yes, that I could not leave until evaluated at the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Access Center, in another building, and that they could decide to send me to the Psychiatric Ward for as long as 72 hours.

At that point, I said, “Since when does other people’s gross stupidity and ignorance mean that another person is mentally defective?

The ER doctor, Dr. Holcombe apologized and said there was nothing they could do, I had to follow the process.”

Fraudulent Baker Act Attempt Fails as Psychiatric Staff Recommend Release

Karen Stewart reports that her long wait finally came to an end about 5 pm when she was taken to the Access Center “in a Suburban, with a ‘caged’ back seat”. The psychiatric nurse on call proved receptive and “posed intelligent questions and assumed nothing ahead of time, which meant she had an open mind, much to my relief. I cautiously told her a synopsis of my situation and then pointed her to looking me up on the Internet along with the term “NSA” and “whistleblower”. She promised she would research the articles about me and my struggle against NSA abuses.”

“The nurse asked me why I thought this Electronic Harassment was going on, I described to her an incident at NSA years before, where I transferred to a new office but they had no desk for me. They threw up a temporary desk in a corner.

Well, I sat there about 5 minutes when I began to feel ill… headache, nausea, burning sensation in ears, on skin… I asked my Deputy Branch Chief to check it out. She had the same response sitting there.

A maintenance man came to the office, looked under the floorboard, said the desk had been placed above a major electrical hub for the entire building and that the electromagnetic field was so strong he would not put a human being near it much less over it on a continuous basis. Too dangerous.

I told her that without this experience I would not have recognized the type of problem as quickly as I did.”

The nurse also had copies of Karen’s recent emails delineating the development and use/abuse of Electronic Weapons aka Directed Energy Weapons to the Sheriff’s Department, who apparently had tried to characterize her steering them to such sites as “lunatic ravings”. She also gave them a handful of people to call, “including my best friend of 40 years, my brother, and another friend who happened to be a retired psychologist, who had all experienced some effects of these weapons during visits.”

While Karen waited in an adjacent room for a staff psychiatrist, the nurse read her emails and articles, occasionally returning to ask questions.

Interestingly, the nurse mentioned that the attempts at psychiatric reprisal Karen was experiencing were not singular, that recently “yet another whistleblower had been Baker Acted and forced by local authorities to come there for evaluation, but that they discerned there was no mental problem with him and released him. She advised that he had gone on to write a book and that maybe I should as well.”


“She intimated that she would be recommending that I be released immediately but it was the decision of the psychiatrist ultimately. After conferring with the psychiatrist for a surprisingly short while, both came to speak to me, and the psychiatrist said he saw no problem with me and would release me immediately upon confirmation that I had someone to pick me up. I did, and they called my brother.”

“I did shake both their hands and thank them for not letting evil people ruin my life with a fraudulent Baker Act attempt.”

Corruption, Cover-Ups, & Complicity in High Places

Karen Stewart

Karen Stewart, whose family has been resident in Florida for 100 years, and in America since the 1600s, recounts, interestingly, that her maternal lineage traces back to George Washington’s family as well as to the military chaplain who baptized him.

A patriotic American, she offers this retrospective on the entire experience of being tricked to visit a hospital in an underhand attempt by Sheriff Mike Wood’s department to psychiatrically commit her, instead of further investigating and ending the very real, measurable, and deadly electronic harassment her family has experienced, connecting it to her EEOC lawsuit against the NSA:

“I would also add at this point that NSA has been so very rabidly desperate to intimidate and discredit me to derail my EEOC lawsuit (capped at $300,000) because they fear being exposed for not only allowing my boss, the head of NSA’s Weapons & Space Directorate in 2004, to miscredit my award-winning Intelligence report series supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003) (assessed by management as saving a couple thousand lives) to his office bimbo to get her promoted in my place to reward her for sexual favors, but even more so, they do not want the fact that she was “servicing” multiple high-up managers in Weapons and Space apparently at the behest of NSA Security, so that Security would have blackmail material on them to use for themselves (think espionage, treason).

And that to cover up this aspect of my case, is the real reason they spent and continue to spend unfathomable amounts of money paying pseudo-National Security contractors (mercenary predators) and treasonous proxy stalkers, often greasing the palms of seditious Law Enforcement (Leon County Sheriff’s Department, Tallahassee Police Department, FDLE, Fusion Centers, etc.) to look the other way in order to allow criminal and potentially lethal electronic weapons attacks on me 24/7 for 8 months now, under color of law, when clearly, this criminal activity bears no legal validity according to the Constitution, and is further castigated by the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison, that any law passed contrary to the Constitution is void.

City of Tallahassee Chief of Police Michael DeLeo

I would also point out that these very Law Enforcement entities were those that Myron May, the Florida Strozier Library shooter from February 2014, another targeted individual, had appealed to for help repeatedly and had instead been thrown to the wolves by — the wolves being the very same stalking harassment groups targeting me now in Tallahassee for money.

So, a massively depraved town, with a hopelessly corrupt and incompetent Law Enforcement body as well as a predatory National Security Gestapo, essentially attempted to Baker Act me for representing honesty, decency, knowledge, logic, patriotism, and sanity.

Truly the asylum patients are running Tallahassee and many other towns and cities in this country as led by the biggest psychopaths (those in Federal government), and their overlords in the massive Military Defense Contracting empires who have secretly declared war on the US citizenry, with the easy acquiescence of our so-called Oath Keepers.

Attempting to claim your Constitutional rights to equal protection under the law is now a confinable offense apparently. No challenging whatsoever of the thin façade of what we once were is allowed.”

Tactics of False 51–50/72-Hr-Hold Baker Act/Psychiatric Commitment not New: Clinicians Know

Julianne McKinney, former Army Intelligence officer, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project, a sub-group of the Association of National Security Alumni, and author of the seminal work, Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation, observes that Karen was “indeed fortunate” since these tactics of psychiatric commitment are not new:

“Back in the ’80s, after the Army tried to discredit me by tossing me into a psychiatric ward for two weeks at Walter Reed, I furnished absolute academic proof of the existence of electronic weapons to the psychiatrists charged with evaluating me on an outpatient basis.

Their response was, “We’re not going to read this. It’s not part of our job description.”

I dealt with these cynical freaks by other means, suffice it to say. A long, fascinating and ugly war. I ended up being returned to duty as “mentally fit” and was promoted to a higher rank.” Julianne McKinney

Cait Ryan, Director of US-CACH, US Coalition Against Covert Harassment, concurs:

“I am so grateful that people are waking up. I had a similar experience that Julianne had — they refused to read the information I provided. At every turn they refused.

I still have no trust in Psychiatry — they are complicit, and if they are not, the DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is stacked purposely to allow them to destroy us.

I will say a prayer of thanksgiving that this time, Truth spoke to power and won.” Cait Ryan

Deborah A. Weber, a psychiatric facilities manager who has managed “17+ clinical/managerial psychiatric/MH small facilities” commends Karen Stewart and points to available recourse for all those wrongfully attacked as “mentally ill” by local authorities:

“You kept your wits, stayed calm, and provided evidence and rational thinking.

So many witnesses, whistle-blowers, victims of sex-crimes (also witnesses), good government & military personnel have falsely been 51–50'd (psycho-social call AKA 72-hr-hold Baker Act) over the past 30 years at such extraordinary rates that even the most obtuse of clinicians know something is going awry.

Many are frightened and then some, well… wicked.

You do have some recourse though. The APA (American Psychological Association) has barred any member from taking part in any form of torture — including unlawful detainment, rendition, etc. Any member will be barred from the Association and will lose their license and the APA will seek legal and possible criminal redress/reporting to authorities. You may want to contact the National, State and local office & let them know…I am seeing more reluctance among the Mental Health ‘professionals’.

Do tell them you are a National Security witness (because you all are as TIs) and organized crime thugs are using military weapons on you (like they used in Iraq, the “Voice of God Weapons,” Medusa/refer to Wired Magazine, and covert EMF), etc. Do try to talk to DAs, AGs, etc. Part of the game is to keep you in perpetual fear. Live to piss them off, I say.” Deborah A. Weber

As noted earlier, because of pervasive attempts at the level of corrupt Law Enforcement and corporate media to wrongfully and fraudulently dismiss those widely reporting assault with microwave radio-frequency, sonic, and other energy weapons as mentally unstable, while the use of these devices is actually being permitted, and whose usage can be confirmed with the right meters, it is vital to waken Americans and citizens worldwide to the undeniable reality of “Electronic Harassment” (possibly masquerading as “Electronic Surveillance”), clandestine neuro-experimentation, covert military weapons testing, and portable Directed-Energy Weapons (possibly in use under the label of Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) devices) in our midst.

Please share this article widely.


NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

The “Deep State” Hides in Plain Sight: Organized Covert Harassment Points to Overreach and Abuse of Powers by Out-of-Control Intel Agencies

Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin Implicated in Covert Microwave Weaponry Assaults on “Targeted Individuals”

Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons

Tim Rifat: Deadly Microwave Weapons Being Used Covertly as Dissident/Mass Behavior Control Weapons in UK and US

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America To Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA & Other Western “Democracies”

External Links:

National Security Agency Whistleblowers: Psychological Abuse/Sherrie Gossett, CNSNews.com

Media Blackout. Government Cover-Up. Bigger Than Snowden…

Electronic Harassment, Noise Harassment, Psychiatric Abuse in Guantanamo Testimony: Transcript of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed,2–24–2016 /Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas

The Covert Use of Energy Weapons for Political Control/Byron Belitsos

History and Practice of Psychiatric Reprisal in the Soviet Union and the United States of America: Psychiatric Reprisal

ABC News Story: Military Whistleblowers “Fired” with Fabricated Psychiatric Evaluation (video)

DHS Whistleblower (Julia Davis) Censored from 60 minutes #N3/Next News Network, Gary Franchi (video)

This article may be reproduced in full, with attribution and linkback.

Source: The Everyday Concerned Citizen



Ramola D

Writer/Journalist/Educator/Activist — runs the news/media/blog site The Everyday Concerned Citizen/everydayconcerned.net. Podcasts at Ramola D Reports/Youtube.