A New Era

3 min readFeb 24, 2023



Upcoming Dates

  • Before Unlock: Claim PE5 Rewards
  • February 28: Parallel Closed Alpha / EP Candidate Deadline
  • March 1: PRIME Unlock
  • March 1–14: EP Election Panels
  • March 15–22: EP Election Vote

Parallel Closed Alpha launches on Tuesday. An age-old question for skeptics, have you seen the cards, now has a powerful alternative. Have you played the game? In the first waves of early access, few can answer in the affirmative. But many have something to look forward to next week. On Wednesday, around noon EST, PRIME becomes transferrable. And each of the nearly 60K wallets holding Parallel cards on February 3 have a claimable balance. But there is not much PRIME to go around.

Est. PRIME in Circulation March 1

As of March 1, the circulating supply of PRIME is around 20.2M. Prime Events and caching emitted 19.7M. Sinks absorbed 0.8M, and only three are live. Coming weeks and months bring additional utility to PRIME. Several new sinks are launching, and one existing sink is evolving. Payload dynamically reprices post-unlock, meaning the amount of PRIME required to use the sink varies based on demand. This update allows us to test dynamic repricing ahead of its implementation with Echoes. The final variable is 1.2M for launch partners — PRIME is available on [REDACTED] day one.


One might wonder — how do investor, founder, and EP PRIME allocations factor into the circulating supply? As of March 1, they do not. These tokens follow a 24-month linear unlock schedule, beginning on July 18 for investors and September 30 for founders. EP tokens, representing 0.28% of total supply, are sourced from the Echelon Reserve and unlocked in line with the investor schedule. This way, PRIME trickles into circulation at a sustainable pace over time. But we are hopeful that it floods into the polls next month.

PRIME Allocation

Submissions for the Emissary Prime election are now open. Candidates have until the end of this month to apply. So far, nine have put their name in the hat. In the first two weeks of March, Echelon is hosting Panels — group discussions with candidates moderated by the internally elected EPs. On March 15, the election begins — PRIME must be claimed before that date to be eligible for voting. Holders can choose up to five candidates, and their full voting weight applies to each. For more info on the election, check out this community call and this Twitter Spaces.

Emissary Prime Candidates So Far

What else? Thanks for asking. Defined released a new set of endpoints for Parallel, completing phase one of their PRIME grant proposal. “The Defined API will power the future of Parallel community tools, deck builders, metagame analysis, and more!” Exciting. In other news, the PRIME logo changed. Let us know in the comments which logo you like more. Knowing, of course, that there are no take backs.

Old Logo | New Logo

Gonna be a big week,





Echelon Prime Foundation. An Ethereum-based gaming ecosystem powering Parallel TCG and beyond with $PRIME.