What is a Logic Model?

Ecotone Analytics GBC
5 min readAug 2, 2023


Written by Lucie McCallum

In the world of program evaluation and impact assessment, a logic model is an essential tool for understanding, planning and communicating the impact of a program or intervention. A logic model is a visual representation of the relationships between the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impact of a program or intervention. By placing these relationships into a simple chart, the goals underlying the program or intervention can be easily articulated, as can the theory of change as to what resources and activities are necessary to achieve each of those goals.

At its core, a logic model is a diagram that shows how a program or intervention is expected to work.

  • A logic model begins by identifying the inputs, or the resources that are required to implement the program, such as staff, funding and materials.
  • The inputs are then used to carry out a series of activities, which are the actions taken to achieve the program’s goals and objectives.
  • These activities produce outputs, or tangible and measurable results of the program, such as the number of clients served, services provided or products delivered.
  • The outputs, in turn, contribute to the achievement of outcomes, or the changes in knowledge, attitudes, behavior, or conditions that the program seeks to produce.
  • Finally, the outcomes culminate in the desired impact, or the ultimate change or benefit that the program aims to achieve.

These factors can be mapped out in table format to read horizontally as such:

For example, the table below shows Ecotone’s logic model for past client All Square, which visualizes the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impact of The Legal Revolution Prison to Law Pipeline program. To view and download a larger image, click here.

Why use a logic model?

There are several benefits to using a logic model in program evaluation and impact assessment.

  1. A logic model helps to clarify the underlying theory of change of a program or intervention by explicitly stating the assumptions about and causal links between its inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impact. This helps to ensure that the program is rooted in a clear, evidence-based logic, and that the resources and activities are aligned with the intended outcomes and impact.
  2. A logic model provides a shared language and framework for communication among stakeholders– e.g. program managers, funders, and evaluators– by explicitly defining goals, objectives, and expected results of the program. This helps to foster transparency, accountability, and collaboration across these groups.
  3. A logic model provides a roadmap that can be used as a tool for guiding program evaluation. Its comprehensive display of the components in each stage of a program or intervention illustrates key areas for data collection, analysis and reporting. This helps to facilitate relevant and valid evaluations, highlighting which results should be focused on for optimal learning and decision-making.

How do I make my own?

To create a logic model for your own program or intervention, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the problem or opportunity that the program or intervention addresses, and articulate the goals and objectives in clear and specific terms. (Ex: Literacy rates in the community are below state standards. This program seeks to raise average community reading scores on state tests to 80% by the year 2025.)
  2. Define the inputs, or the resources that are required to implement the program, and estimate the costs and availability of these resources. Place these in the “Inputs” section of your logic model. (Ex: students, tutoring staff, teachers, book collection, practice tests, funding from Education Organization)
  3. Specify the activities, or the actions that the program take to achieve the goals and objectives, and describe how these activities are carried out, by whom, and when. Place these in the “Activities” section of your logic model. (Ex: A needs assessment will be conducted by teachers to understand literacy challenges. Funding will be used to pay tutors for weekly reading sessions with students using the book collection. Teachers will hold monthly practice tests with students and monitor results. Parents will be notified to encourage students to read their books at home. State tests will be conducted at the end of each school year. A book drive will be held in the community.)
  4. Define the outputs, or the tangible units for measuring results that the program produces, and identify the indicators and methods for measuring these outputs. Place these in the “Outputs” section of your logic model. (Ex: average scores on practice tests, overall change in scores per student, number of tutors hired, wages paid to tutors, number of practice tests administered, number of books donated to book drive, number of books read per student, scores on state exams)
  5. Articulate the outcomes, or the changes in knowledge, attitudes, behavior, or conditions that the program causes, and specify the indicators and methods for measuring these outcomes. If desired, these outcomes can be split by timeframe into the short, intermediate, and long-terms. (Ex: increase in literacy rates, increase in reading rates by students, improved educational opportunities for students, community empowerment through involvement in book drives)
  6. Define the impact, or the ultimate change or benefit that the program achieves, and specify the indicators and methods for measuring this impact. (Ex: long-term academic success for students, increased post-secondary enrollment and employment, reduced disparities, increased civic engagement)
  7. If applicable, revise and refine the logic model based on feedback from stakeholders, and use it as a tool for planning, monitoring, and evaluating the program or intervention.

You can download our free blank logic model template at the link here!

*Disclaimer: This template is purely for demonstrative and informational purposes. Ecotone Analytics is not responsible for its use. Ecotone Analytics utilizes research, evidence and data analytics to complete data-driven Logic Models for clients.



Ecotone Analytics GBC

Impact Accounting and Visual Communication for Social Enterprise Stakeholders and Investors.