Word Count in Microsoft Word

3 min readNov 1, 2015


Need to know how many words are in a document? You can find this information easily in Microsoft Word.

  1. Simply open your document (or open a new document and paste your text into it).
  2. On the bar that runs across the lower edge of the screen, you will see a range of information, including word count.

Depending upon your version of Word, the placement of this box may vary (it may be farther to the left in the Windows version, which you can see in the video at the end), but the essentials are the same: “Words: 370 of 370” means your curser is placed after the 370th word out of a total of 370.

If you click the top of the document, you can see the display will show “Words: 0 of 370” (cursor before all words out of a total of 370), as below.

If you highlight some of the text, the counter will indicate how many words you have selected in comparison to the total word count of the document. Below, the program shows “Words: 5 of 370” which means 5 words selected from 370 words total.

Furthermore, if you click on the word count bar itself (the part indicated in the lower red box), you will see a bit more detailed information.

As labeled in the box itself, you can see a rundown of the specs of your document (the Asian character data may or may not appear depending on whether you have the relevant language supplement installed).

As an alternate approach, you can also bring up this same box by using the “Tools” menu:

Simple, right? That’s all you need to know to find the word count of any document using Microsoft Word. Check out this quick video to see the process in action:

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