How to Merge Facebook Accounts : The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

Edward.t. lundeen
7 min readOct 17, 2023


To merge Facebook accounts, go to the settings menu, select “Account Ownership and Control,” and follow the prompts to merge your accounts. Facebook has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, and even businesses.

However, there may come a time when you find yourself with multiple Facebook accounts and want to merge them into one. Whether it’s due to forgetfulness, a change in email address, or any other reason, merging Facebook accounts can help consolidate your online presence.

We will explore the step-by-step process of merging Facebook accounts, ensuring a seamless transition without the hassle

Understanding the Need for Merging Facebook Accounts

Merging Facebook accounts can greatly simplify your online presence by consolidating multiple accounts into one. By merging accounts, you can streamline your activities, contacts, and information, giving you a more unified and efficient online experience. It allows you to combine your friend lists, followers, and notifications into a single account, reducing the need to manage multiple profiles.

The benefits of merging multiple Facebook accounts

  • Elimination of duplicate content: Merging accounts helps to avoid duplication of posts, photos, and other content across different profiles.
  • Improved engagement: With a single account, you can focus your efforts and engage more effectively with your audience, as your followers are concentrated in one place.
  • Consolidated friend list: Merging accounts allows you to combine your friend lists, ensuring you don’t miss out on any connections.

Common scenarios where merging Facebook accounts is necessary

There are various situations where merging Facebook accounts becomes necessary:

Scenarios Reasons for merging Business rebranding or consolidation Merging accounts helps maintain consistent branding and avoid confusion for customers. Changing personal details Merging accounts allows you to update your personal information without losing your existing connections. Managing multiple professional profiles Merging accounts streamlines the management of your professional presence, making it easier to showcase your skills and experience.

Whether you’re looking to simplify your online presence or adapt to specific circumstances, merging multiple Facebook accounts offers a convenient solution for streamlining your social media activities. It provides a more cohesive online experience while ensuring you don’t miss out on the benefits of your existing networks.

Step 1: Preparing For The Merge

Step 1: Preparing for the Merge To merge your Facebook accounts effectively, it is crucial to start by evaluating your existing accounts and identifying the primary and secondary ones. Carefully review the content and connections in each account to ensure a smooth merging process.

By doing so, you can retain the necessary information and avoid any confusion or loss of data. Take your time to assess the accounts and their respective activities, such as posts, photos, friends, and followers. This evaluation will provide clarity on which account should be the primary one during the merge. Once you have completed this initial step, you’ll be ready to move forward with the merging process.

Step 2: Verifying Eligibility For Account Merge

  • Ensuring you meet the eligibility requirements
  • Verifying if you have access to all accounts

Merging Facebook accounts requires meeting specific eligibility criteria set by Facebook. These criteria are put in place to ensure that the merging process is done securely and for valid reasons. You must carefully review these requirements to determine if you are eligible for account merge.

One of the key criteria is that you must have access to all the accounts you want to merge. This means being able to log into each account with the associated email or phone number. Without access to all the accounts, the merge cannot be completed. Make sure you have the necessary login credentials before proceeding with the merge.

Step 3: Backing Up Your Data

The importance of backing up your data before merging accounts

Backing up your data before merging Facebook accounts is crucial to ensuring that no important information is lost during the process. It serves as a precautionary measure to safeguard your photos, videos, and other valuable content.

Steps to back up photos, videos, and other content

  • Go to your Facebook settings and click on “Your Facebook Information”.
  • Select “Download Your Information” to access the data backup tool.
  • Check the boxes for the types of data you want to include in the backup, such as photos, videos, and posts.
  • Choose the specific date range and format for your backup file.
  • Click the “Create File” button to initiate the backup process.

Tools and methods for creating a data backup

Tool/Method Description Facebook: Download Your Information A built-in tool provided by Facebook to create a backup of your account data. Third-Party Backup Apps There are various third-party apps available that can assist in backing up your Facebook data. Cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox can be used to store backup files securely.

Step 4: Initiating The Merge Process

Accessing the account merging feature on Facebook is a simple process that requires a few easy steps. First, navigate to the Settings option in the top-right corner of your Facebook homepage. From the drop-down menu, select Settings & Privacy, and then choose Settings again. Look for the Account Ownership and Control section and click on Account Merge.

Once you are on the account merging page, you will be asked to provide the necessary information for the merge. This typically includes entering your credentials for both accounts that you wish to merge. Make sure you have the login details for both accounts ready to proceed.

After providing the required information, you will need to confirm the merge request. Note: Once you initiate the merge process, it cannot be undone, so double-check all the details before proceeding. Click the Request Merge button to finalize the request.

Step 5: Reviewing The Merge Request

When submitting a merge request to combine multiple Facebook accounts, it is essential to understand Facebook’s review process. The outcome of your request depends on several factors, including:

Profile Authenticity: Facebook will evaluate the authenticity of the profiles involved in the merge. Make sure the accounts are legitimate and meet Facebook’s guidelines. Merging Personal and Business Accounts: Merging personal and business accounts may require additional verification steps and could impact the approval process. Misuse of Accounts: If any of the accounts have violated Facebook’s terms of service or community standards, it may delay or disqualify the merge request.

Once you’ve submitted the merge request, Facebook aims to respond within a specific timeframe. However, the exact timeline can vary depending on several factors, such as the current workload and the complexity of your case. It’s essential to be patient and await Facebook’s response.

Step 6: Post-merge Actions

To fully complete the process of merging your Facebook accounts, there are a few important post-merge actions that you need to take:

  1. Updating your profile and privacy settings: After merging your accounts, it is crucial to review and update your profile information, including your bio, profile picture, and cover photo. Additionally, go through your privacy settings to ensure they align with your preferences.
  2. Managing connections and friend lists: Take some time to review your friend lists and connections. You may want to organize them into specific categories or groups to better manage your network. This will also help you control who sees your posts and updates.
  3. Communicating the account merge with your contacts: It’s a good idea to inform your friends and contacts about the account merge. You can do this through a post on your timeline or by sending a message to important connections. This will minimize any confusion and ensure everyone is aware of the changes.

Troubleshooting And FAQs

Have trouble merging your Facebook accounts? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! If your merge request is denied, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue. First, ensure that you are the rightful owner of both accounts and that you have followed the correct merging process.

If everything checks out, reach out to Facebook support for further assistance. During the merger process, common issues may arise. To help you navigate through them, here are a few solutions that might come in handy: Make sure that your accounts have the same name and personal information.

Verify that you are using the same email address or mobile number for both accounts. Ensure that both accounts are not disabled or restricted in any way. Now let’s address some frequently asked questions about merging Facebook accounts:

Q: Can I merge my business page with a personal account? A: Yes, you can merge a business page with your personal account if you are the administrator of both.

Q: Is it possible to merge multiple personal accounts into one? No, Facebook only allows you to merge one personal account with another. Remember, if you encounter any difficulties or have additional questions, it’s always best to reach out to Facebook support directly. They will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information related to merging accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Merge Facebook Accounts

Can I Combine Two Facebook Accounts Into One?

No, you cannot combine two Facebook accounts into one. Facebook does not offer a feature to merge accounts. You will need to choose one account to use and deactivate or delete the other account.

What Happens If I Have Two Facebook Accounts?

Having two Facebook accounts is against Facebook’s terms of service, and your accounts may be disabled or banned. It’s best to stick to one account to maintain a positive experience on the platform.

What Does It Mean To Merge Accounts On Facebook?

Merging accounts on Facebook means combining two separate profiles into one. This helps consolidate your information, friends, and content in one place for easier management and better engagement.

How Do I Get Rid Of A Second Facebook Account?

To eliminate a second Facebook account, follow these simple steps: Firstly, log into the account that you want to keep and navigate to the settings menu. Then, click on the “Account” option, followed by “Settings & Privacy. “ Afterward, choose “Deactivate Account” and indicate a reason for doing so.


Even though merging Facebook accounts may seem like a challenging task, this guide has provided you with a step-by-step process that is easy to follow. By combining your accounts, you’ll be able to streamline your presence on the platform, access all your friends and content from one account, and have a more organized experience.

So, don’t hesitate to merge your Facebook accounts and enjoy a hassle-free social media journey.



Edward.t. lundeen

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