Promote Your Product Don’t Push It

Aoife O'Carroll
4 min readSep 2, 2020

How to sell your product without plugging it

Sick of being sold to every time you go online? Afraid you might come across as pushy and aggressive in your own web content? Don’t worry: It is possible to promote your business and help your customers without being too salesy.

Be relentlessly helpful

If everything you put on your website is inspired by your desire to solve problems for your customers, you will never come across as too pushy. Delivering value at every opportunity builds trust and ensures that visitors to your website and followers of your social media will look at you as a reliable expert in your area.

This means posting consistently about topics that will help your prospective clients. If you rarely publish content and then start posting about your latest product or company update before disappearing again, people will switch off. Create a content calendar with a schedule of posts, each with a goal. This could be to educate customers about a notoriously difficult or confusing aspect of your industry or to give them tips on getting better results from your product.

When you give followers a reason to trust your content, they begin to learn that your offering will be worth buying.

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