Veevee of Papa Damballah Wedo, Ayida-Weddo, Papa Legba, Santa Muerte, Erzuli, Agwé, and Baron Samedi

For anyone who forgot who I am:

I am the real life Gypsy “witch” whom was Stephen King’s neighbour in the 1970s, and whom he based his Thinner book/movie witch off of. While the spell casting he used in the book/movie are fictional made up by him, they were based off the real world Voodoo & Hoodoo spell casting passed down through my family for many centuries. My being the real Gypsy witch whom inspired his fictional one, is WHY the opening scenes of the Thinner movie were filmed on my farm.

I’m the autistic mute child named Christine, whom locals called a witch when I was only 4 years old.

Yes, he made the “witch” in the movie be an elderly woman, but the REAL “witch” was a 4 year old mute autistic savant: me.

And THIS is what our REAL Gypsy spellcasting looks like:

Veevee of Papa Damballah Wedo, Ayida-Weddo, Papa Legba, Santa Muerte, Erzuli, Agwé, and Baron Samedi

But also:

Calling me a “witch” — that is YOU HARASSING ME!

I am a Mormon.

When I am walking my dog in Rotary Park, a difficult task as I am still relearning to walk, I do not appreciate you throwing rocks at us and screaming “witch”.

Your stupid ass “witch” rumours, come from…



Wendy Christine Allen 🌸💖🦄 aka EelKat 🧿💛🔮👻

20x Top Writer of July 2024! Old Orchard Beach, Maine's Dark Fantasy MMM Romance author: 138 novels, 423 novellas, & 2k+ short stories published since 1978. 💗