Wil R
5 min readJul 8, 2022

Why you Shouldn’t Worship Lucifer

Why you shouldn’t

worship Lucifer

There is nothing to fear, but fear itself. You are asleep. Just as you are about to wake up for a fraction of a second you experience this deep sinking feeling in your stomach and you immediately become aware you are sleeping, and for just a slight moment, almost imperceivable, you remember where you are lying. Just as your eyes open, you lance around and are right where you expect to be, in your room.

The Evil Eye

So what does any of this have to do with worshiping the devil?… good ol’ Lucy? That’s an easy answer. The question is are you curious enough to follow along?

“In any scenario, ‘angels’ are more powerful than humans…”

I’ll be honest,

I don’t actually remember how I came up with this conclusion… so please permit me a moment while I refresh my beverage and smoke.

I was going to add a joke about a cute puppy that wasn’t really a joke but a distraction to see if you were still invested. Honestly, I’m surprised you made it this far. And since you have, I’ll clue you in on a little secret — I have no idea why anyone would want to worship Lucifer. The concept is scary and the fact that people would choose something like that is scary.

This is the Puppy…

But I don’t believe we’ve considered another alternative. Or, better put, I didn’t research if anyone else has thought this.

What if being human is what happens when an angel questions God and thinks he/she/it/they is better than a human? If the lore, stories, scripture and even people who believe in ancient aliens all tell us that Angels are a story about beings that have a humanoid form, with wings or the ability to fly… etc. You get my point.

In any scenario, “angels” are more powerful than humans but generally look like us. Right? Are we on the same page?


So the story of Lucifer is the fallen angel doomed to an eternity in hell because he was rebellious, spiteful and so forth. While simultaneously playing devil’s advocate and an advocate for the devil (only in this scenario, though. The idea that people think things like this exist makes me curious and terrified all at the same time.), I posture the idea that one of us could be the devil. Writing that brings so many controversial concepts and ideas that I just don’t have time to go over. But if you follow these future links (future link ;P), (there’s a good chance I might actually add these links in the future. We’ll see) you will learn more about those topics.

Stay with me. You’ve made it this far.

So recap — the devil was cursed to hell for eternity, and I posture that for Lucifer that means being a human over and over and over again. For eternity.

OKAY.. here comes the big leap of “pseudo-logic” where any fun conspiracy jumps out of the logical train and tumbles down the side of a mountain… I presume.

You are the devil. MIND BLOWN!

This watermelon slice person is very excited for you. Can you tell?

LOL. But honestly, if you warship someone who was forced to be human, and reincarnated over and over again, only to rediscover what he/she/it/they is and have to choose what is right and wrong… well fuck, that sounds like following a leader like that might seem beneficial, but well, wouldn’t Lucifer just torture you too?

I mean there are people out there that like all sorts of stuff. I MEAN IT’S A ‘YOU THINK IT, IT PROBABLY EXISTS AS A KINK’ kind of world that we live in. BTW, if you didn’t know that about kinks, I’m sorry to have spoiled it for you, but a good 1/2 of the species is probably kinky and soo many can’t admit to it. …Kinky to some degree… ANYHOW

Yeah, at least 1/2 of you will think this is funny. Maybe a good 1/4 of you will take this seriously, and everyone else gave up ages ago. …. So there’s that… Uhm. THANKS!!!

I all sincerity, the mere concept of good and evil is problematic. Culture, gender, identity, belief systems — all of these contribute to a society and will impact as to what is deemed good or bad. Good v Evil argument.

In the end, regardless of what you believe in, if you made it this far I want you to know I care about you. Most of us are struggling right now in this “post pandemic era” what every that means and this is… uhm. IDK.

This is what I processed yesterday while swimming because I had a hard day at work and some how this made me forget about my problems just long enough to have a micro-existential crisis and let go what worries me for a good 4 hours.

First I did the swimming, which was rather fun I must say. Then, I had the idea and pondered it, which I followed with some writing and here we are now. I mean I’m here writing, and you are here reading at a different time. But we shared something. And I don’t even know your name? …Call me by your…? No no. That’s a different post. LOL

I’m Wil BTW. I hope you find peace, equality and equity. Maybe some Love too if you don’t already have some. And if you don’t, I mean you are still reading this and I definitely value that, so thanks! I love you for being a human! …assuming you are human. I digress.

Stay in school. Have fun. Save the Planet.

I mean if that works for you….



PS, I made the art work in this post. The fashion based on the art work can be purchased here.

Wil R

I am a freelance designer and artist in school for Psychology and working in Non-profit. https://linktr.ee/effortmess