Hatching your Buddy

Eggies World
3 min readJul 19, 2019


Image From: Eggies World

You will start the game with an EGG.

That EGG will start with Zero Stats and will need you to stay alive.

This EGG can not take part in battles or help heal other players. They cannot train until they are hatched into a fully-grown Monster.

They are new to Eggies World and they are relying on your help them stay healthy and reach the requirements for hatching.

How can I look after my EGG?

First you must feed your EGG Tron Tokens. These will be consumed so make sure you only feed tokens you are happy to lose. Your EGG likes to eat a variety of tokens and may react negatively if you feed the same one twice.

Each token will have a range of effects on your EGG. Some Positive and some Negative. It is a good idea to take note of what each token does so you can find the ones your EGG likes.

Pic From: Eggies World — KE ALIENEGG

This is also a good time to think about the kind of Monster you would like to eventually raise. Good or Evil. High in Defence or in Loyalty, maybe both? You can read more about the Monster Stats here.

Once your Monster is full you will have to wait for Battle Reset in order to feed them again.

How does my EGG hatch?

Your EGG requires two things in order to hatch.

1/ 1000 EGG Power Experience. This is the Experience they collect over their Lifespan. It is the sum of the Experience you earn each Battle Reset.

Total EGG Power Experience

2/ 26 Happiness.

Get your EGG to a certain Happiness and EGG Power EXP level and it will Hatch.

Image From: Eggies World

How Will I know my EGG is ready to hatch?

Once you have reached the required level of EGGPower and Happiness you will be able to meet your new Monster. Just log out, then in again.

Are there any Items I can buy to help my EGG hatch quicker?

There will be items that your EGG can buy from Professor Eggies Hideout and some of those Items may help with hatching.

Maybe one of the best early Items to hold for Hatching is the HEARTPACK, as this will help boost your Monster’s happiness levels. This is a Partner Item and you can read more about the HEARTPACK here

Image from: Eggies World

You can visit Professor Eggies Hideout whenever the Lake of the Lost Portal is visible. Items are available to buy in Trx and ORBZ. Read more here.

Can my EGG die?

Yes! Just like Monsters, EGGS can die in-game if you do not keep them healthy.

You keep them Healthy by buying them Food Items from the Marketplace on the Token Wheel. This will add extra LifeSpan to your EGG.

Image from: Eggies World

If your EGG dies in-game you can still reuse your EGG token to get a new EGG, ready to hatch, in another wallet.

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

Go to D.I.T.O for more information on how to play the game: Here

Open Beta Launch: End Feb 2019

Website: https://eggies.world/

Telegram: https://t.me/Eggiesworld

To buy a ZEZEEGG: https://t.me/ZEZEEGG

Eggies.world How to Guide: Coming Zoon

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EggiesEGG

Instagram: https://t.co/g9d9Ty6XNl

Seed Germinator: https://seedgerminator.sesameseed.org/



Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.