Meet the Regular EGGs….

Eggies World
2 min readMar 11, 2019


Image from: Eggies World

3. SuckerPunch — The Rage Experiment

Unhappy with the fighting responses in his first two Monsters the Professor dialled up the Fight or Flight response to maximum for SuckerPunch. Always on high alert around other Monsters he finds the anxiety produced almost impossible to handle. Hitting first and asking questions later is one of the ways he deals with the paranoia that they are all out to get him.

Seeking solitude in the caves on Eggies World, the damp, darkness feels warm and inviting, quieting his thoughts and slowing his heartbeat. One of the few Monsters to venture deep into the cave system he has already uncovered many of their secrets, some ancient, some more recent, and is already planning ways to make use of his findings.

Conversely, he has found that his human master provides him with great comfort that he is unable to find in the Monster world. Going to them willingly to be fed, he finds the laughter and joy that his quirky appearance creates in humans, a relaxing experience. His horn-like pods, normally loaded up and ready to fire at his monster enemies, instead create fun and entertaining noises in response to their human smiles.

Whether his day has been filled with humans, or monsters, he will always return to the caves, sometimes never reappearing for weeks on end. If these days are spent wallowing in self-pity, enjoying the quiet or working on secret projects, no one knows and any monster that ventures in to find out will be greeted with a hail of acid.

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

Go to D.I.T.O for more information on how to play the game: Here

Open Beta Launch: End Feb 2019


Telegram: How to Guide: Coming Zoon



Seed Germinator:



Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.