The Lab and The 9 Lab EGGs

Eggies World
3 min readJul 19, 2019


Image from: Eggies World

Vines of purple and green snake through the cracks of the broken hull, like veins pulsing through a giant metal beast. The air is stale, except for the faint smell of whisky coming from the empty bottles, now swept into a far corner. Cages, welded and mended, line one wall looking out of place next to the high-tech lab equipment that continues to blink and hum gently.

Next to a collection of medical instruments a diary lays open on a metal trolley, pages singed and curled. The Professor’s notes are scribbled haphazardly within, with no care for lines or direction. Loose sheets of paper surround it, containing multiple attempts to decipher the Professor’s code. On top of one page the words ‘Camouflaged Eggs’ are written in bold and underlined three times.

The idea had come to the Professor after the hatching of JellyEye and JellyGuy. There would be nine special monsters, hidden within normal looking EGGs and only he would know how to activate them. Until then they would lie dormant, hidden. It would both protect his rarer creations and limit the amount of EGGs that would need to be produced.

After Zooka’s rampage, The Professor had fled, and the Lab was now in the hands of The Vassal Corporation. Deighton Jones (DJ), one of their Scientists, had been the first to discover how the Lab EGGs worked and now they continued The Professor’s work producing the 9 rarer Lab Monsters, while also researching how to make their own.

What is The Lab?

The Lab allows you to swap a regular EGG token for a Rarer EGG. These EGGs play the same but the Lab EGGs are not redeemable.

Once Eggies World has introduced the in-game Market for trading Monsters, some will become Collectors’ Items

Image From: Eggies World

How do I use the Lab?

Go to Professor Eggies Hideout and click on the Lab picture. The game will recognise if you have a valid token for swapping and will ask if you wish to swap your EGG.

Once you confirm, the EGG token will go from your Wallet and a new Lab EGG will be sent. It may take a little while for this to process.

Image from: Eggies World

Are Lab EGGs different from Regular EGGs?

Lab EGGs can be traded and played in the same way as regular EGGs except that each one will hatch a Monster specific to the EGG name.

The Monsters that hatch will most likely be rarer than regular EGGs and the Lab EGGs are not redeemable.

What Monsters can I get when I send my EGG to the Lab?

The Monster you get back will be Random, the percentage shows the chance of receiving certain Monsters.

Image from: Johnny

#9 = JellyGuy (JELLYEGG — 40%) — The first and most common Lab EGG
#8 = Adrenalin (LAVAEGG — 20%)
#7 = Cyclops (CYCLOEGG — 20%)
#6 = Brawler (KOEGG — 10%)
#5 = RazorTail (STALKEREGG — 5%)
#4 = Whacko (HAMMEREGG — 2%)
#3 = Frenzy (CRANIUMEGG — 2%)
#2 = Oblivion (ENIGMAEGG — 0.6%)
#1 = Zooka (FALLENEGG — 0.4%) — The last to hatch and the Rarest.

Can I send a Lab EGG back or send other EGG-types?

No, you can only send regular EGGs to the Lab to reveal what Monster is hidden within.

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

Go to D.I.T.O for more information on how to play the game: Here

Open Beta Launch: End Feb 2019



To buy a ZEZEEGG: How to Guide: Coming Zoon



Seed Germinator:



Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.