Egor Kotkin
2 min readAug 12, 2018

I’m and always have been a Liberal Democrat.

Which means:

  • free market, freedom of speech, freedom of beliefs, freedom of abortions, freedom of marriage, LGBTQ rights, drug legalization, abolition of death penalty;
  • naturally, a small government because with all of those freedoms the state loses a lot of things to do and would have to let go a lot of people,
  • a small taxes because when the state becomes so significantly smaller it has no need in all this money anymore;
  • (when my sleeping libertarian got awoken for a minute) for a decentralized monetary system separated from the state

I imagine some of the Americans should be a little confused now: how could I’ve combined the best things from the both Democratic and Republican parties in the same ideology? Is this even legal?

To explain all of this I’ll have to remind you about simple truth: political spectrum never has been limited between only two options.

Political compass

This is actually pretty basic stuff. I found myself on this compass in my early teen years.

Horizontal axis means a level of an economic freedom.

On the left — state-controlled economy, socialism per se.

On the right — free market.

Vertical axis is for civil rights against the power of the state.

On the top — totalitarian state totally oppressing its people.

On the bottom — anarchy, basicly.

And I am somewhere here in the Libertarian Right area.

A Political spectrum isn’t limited just by two choices.

So maybe instead of an eternal choosing between the same two parties Americans should look at the Political compass and find where they stand first?

And then Americans should have a political parties come to them with their offers instead of a political parties having them to follow them everywhere.