Finding Your Life’s Purpose: A Journey of Self-Exploration

Ek Karma
20 min readJan 23, 2024

Introduction Life’s Purpose

The question has echoed throughout ages, whispered in hushed moments, and roared in existential crises: “What is my purpose?” It’s a question that can cripple and liberate us. But what if instead of chasing purpose, we embarked on a voyage of self-exploration, where the journey itself becomes the answer?

Life’s purpose, that elusive yet profoundly significant concept, refuses to be confined to a singular definition. It stretches across the spectrum of human experience, taking on different hues for each individual. Whether seen as a grand mission or found in the simplicity of everyday moments, examining various philosophical, religious, and cultural perspectives allows us to appreciate the diverse and nuanced nature of life’s purpose.

As individuals progress through the stages of life, their understanding of purpose undergoes a metamorphosis. Childhood, marked by a pursuit of joy and exploration, gives way to the complexities of adulthood, where the search for achievement and contribution takes center stage. Exploring how different cultures and historical periods shaped notions of life’s purpose not only broadens our perspective but also emphasizes the dynamic and fluid nature of this profound concept.



Ek Karma

Author working more on things connecting with life encounters and karma