To Go: 10 Best Conferences 2017 for Entrepreneurs. Volume 1.

Ekaterina Vaynberg
6 min readJan 18, 2017


From the ancient times people have been gathering together in chase for the common ground, to feel the unity and power of being together. They used to group in tribes near the fire and listen to the wisdom of the elders. They were sharing their knowledge on the past, delving into the present and unravelling the pathes of the future. These moments were of great power and of the precioust sources to learn.

Nothing has changed, except, the fires. None of the social networks replaced the power of physical presense. People are still social, though lonely, creatures in a desperate need to feel “another shoulder” nearby. While everyone has a hunger for new knowledge, exciting connections, meaningful conversations, noone wants to get stuck in his/her own echo chamber and miss the latest news &insights. Instead, the pace is only accelerating and requires from us being plugged in the global entity more then ever before.

What is the best way to satisfy this desire of being aware, united and connected? Right — go to a conference.

Below is the list of the most creative, knowledgeable, uplifting, visionary conferences of Spring/Summer 2017 Season. Some of them are personally approved by me, some are planned (marked with Approved/Planned). Enjoy:

World Economic Forum

When & where: 17–20 January, Davos

Why to go: the Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. All superstars are there. Learn from the best. The on-line translations can be watched here… NOW!

Global Corporate Venturing and Innovation Summit

When & where: 25–26 January, Sonoma

Why to go: Designed to bridge the information gap between CVC and innovation units, the Summit provides CVCs, corporate strategy executives, C-level innovation officers with ways to maximize innovation value and drive strategic investment opportunities. It is the one & only summit that gathers all top corporate venture investors, at least, from the USA in Sonoma County (which is famous for it’s wineries, by the way). Sounds good for your startup, right? Attended.

Mobile World Congress

When & where: 27 February — 2 March, Barcelona

Why to go: annually MWC unites leaders of the mobile industry. More then 300 mobile operators attend. Being held in spectacular Barcelona, it is the place where progress, culture and history meet. No need to mention the delicious cuisine and Spanish proficiency in celebration: no matter fiesta or mobile congress.

Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2017

When & where: March 13–16, Johannesburg

Why to go: in its ninth year, the GEC pulls together a broad collection of voices from entrepreneurial ecosystems around the world. This year’s chosen spot — Johannesburg — promises a great blend of exotic culture, various attendees (160 countries), intense schedule and hot African weather. All aimed at empowering new founders. A rare opportunity to open up Africa in its foremost entrepreneurial hub — the motherland of Elon Musk and the Gold Rush in 1886. Planned.

TED2017: The Future You

When & where: 24–28 April, Vancouver

Why to go: being world №1 conference for inspiration, this years TED emphasizes on You — You in the Future. A planned week of talks will provide every single individual with a toolkit for personal learning, growth and empowerment. While Vancouver — one of the world cleanest cities — will ensure you a pleasant stay surrounded by the ocean and mountains. It is hightime to enhance Yourself — AI age is very close…!

TechCrunch Disrupt NYC

When & where: 15–18 May, New York City

Why to go: TechCrunch Disrupt gathers the best and brightest entrepreneurs, investors, hackers, and tech fans for on-stage interviews, the Startup Battlefield competition, a 24-hour Hackathon, Startup Alley, Hardware Alley, and After Parties. Located in NY City it is a brilliant opportunity to feel yourself at the center of the world as well as enhance your wardrobe with superb shopping. Attended in San-Francisco.

Global Corporate Venturing Symposium

When & where: 23–24 May, London

Why to go: in its seventh year, the GCV Symposium is the leading event for global corporate venturing professionals. Attracting an enviable list of speakers and international senior delegates who manage more than $20 billion in venture assets — it represents “the investment power hand” of the whole Europe. During the event, the GCV also holds the Gala Awards Dinner, the 2017 GCV Powerlist of the Top 100 Industry Leaders and the Startup Pitching session where you can find the right usage of your investments. Attended.

Startup Village Skolkovo

When & where: 6–7 June, Moscow

Why to go: the largest startup conference for technology entrepreneurs & investors in Russia and the CIS. Startup Village wraps up the annual Startup Tour which goes across the whole Russia and several CIS countries for half a year to select the “cream of the Russian technology scene”. Attended.

Forbes Women’s Summit: Navigating a New Tomorrow

When & where:12–13 June, New York City

Why to go: the Summit is a wonderful source of inspiration and support that connects and empowers women around the world, helping them to realize their potential and reach new heights. Having attended the Female Founders Conference in San-Francisco by Y-Combinator, it is 100% approved that women audience and approach to entrepreneurship is a unique fenomenon worth experiencing. The super star of the previous Forbes’ Summit was Ivanka Trump. Trendy.

World Business Forum

When & where: May 31— June 1, Sydney

Why to go: for twelve years the World Business Forum has been a global source of inspiration, learning and transformation for leaders looking to build better businesses and a better world. It remains. Taking place in Sydney it can be a wonderful mix-pot of Australian nature, culture and top notch networking.

RISE Conference

When & where:11–13 July, Hong Kong

Why to go: produced by the team behind Web Summit, RISE is expected to be the next “hot ticket on the technology conference scene”. More then 20 000 people expected. Taking part in stunning Hong Kong it has all the chances to become the Eastern conference pearl.

Burning Man

When & where: August 27 -September 4, The Playa, NV

Why to go: ‘ We welcome and respect the stranger,’ — the first out of 10 other principles of Burning Man says. The conference encourages the individual to discover, exercise and rely on his or her inner resources. Sounds like you? Then, go.

See you somewhere around!



Ekaterina Vaynberg

Startup Ecosystem Shaper, Innovation Thought Leader and Venture Catalyst — 3 colors of my personality.I love startups, disruption & futurology. The rest — BELOW