El Taco Finance White Paper, Roadmap and Doxx -> Phase 2 (SOLD OUT!) and Phase 3 Info

El Taco Finance
5 min readApr 5, 2022


El Taco Finance is a limited collection of Tacos that doubles as an opportunity to be handsomely rewarded every week! Each unique Taco is generated from hundreds of different traits. By bringing the NFT, node, and other income generating worlds together, buyers get the benefit of tradeable art and passive income just from holding!

GOALS: Our Goal with El Taco Finance is to create a community that is constantly being rewarded for holding their taco. We want everyone to benefit financially on a regular, long-term, basis. This is why we will be focused on diversifying passive-income projects including nodes, staking pools, yield farming, rebasing and mining.

Think of El Taco Finance as your ETF vehicle for DeFi! There are numerous benefits of ETFs which include: low cost of ownership, diversification of ones portfolio, outsourcing of knowledge, and time-intensive functions related to upkeep of these protocols. All of these traits are what El Taco Finance provides to their holders!

Investments will begin immediately with the phase one launch of the OG tacos (see an explanation of OG tacos below) to start building the treasury. The first investments will be a split between node projects and yield farming.

Our soft launch mint will take place with 500 tacos which we have named the OG tacos. Holding an OG tacos will allow the holder to be included in additional giveaways and have a whitelist (WL) spot for all future phases and spin-off launches. (ALL OG tacos have been sold out! Please check NFTrade.com for your opportunity to purchase one on the secondary market)

Why an OG role? We understand the space and the risk people are taking with investing in crypto projects. We want to reward the early adaptors and community members that put their trust in us and our vision to make this passive income generating community.

What makes us different?

Recently, we have seen a plethora of node NFT projects join the space. What makes us different is our combined experience and plan to diversify the treasury investments. Along with purchasing blue chip nodes, we have a unique opportunity with an established protocol and have agreements in place to invest directly into their company. This is a tremendous opportunity. El Taco Finance will receive a percentage of all fees generated throughout each of their business ventures, present and future.

For our phase 3 launch, which also includes new artwork by AJ Thomas ( @ajezus ), El Taco Finance Team will be investing 70% of their treasury directly into staking pools, yield farming, rebasing, and mining operations. The balance of the treasury will continue to be invested into blue chip node protocols. This is a strategic move with the recent selling pressure in the node space.

Every other week, El Taco Finance will airdrop EVERY taco holder a percentage of stable coin. This move would help the longevity of El Taco and also create higher ROIs for the community. It will also give the holder a sense of reward even if they are not successful in the node lottery. Lastly, it gives El Taco Finance the flexibility to return to the node space if it starts to show strength.

El Taco Finance will also be changing the payouts for the staking pools, yield farming, and mining airdrops for phase 3. The communities allocation will increase 10% and it is taken from the founders percentage. The community will be able to vote on the first of every month how they want that additional 10% to be allocated. The community can choose to allocate all 10% to the giveaway rewards; 10% to additional compounding; or a mix of 5% to each the giveaway rewards and compounding.

El Taco Finance is also still committed to node lotteries in the weeks that there will be no airdrop.

Launch —

El Taco Finance has SOLD OUT of all 500 OG tacos before the deadline. Currently there has not been a date set for the phase 3 launch, which will include new artwork and airdrops to all taco holders. El Taco Finance team is working very hard to make sure everything is in place and set so we can pull off a flawless execution.

When we do have dates established, they will be shared in our Discord server as well as, Twitter.

** Please note that weekly node and stable coins will still be given out in lottery fashion, weekly, until the launch of phase 3 where we will move to the new format.

New format will be: Week 1: Node lottery; Week 2: Airdrop; Week 3: Node lottery; Week 4: Airdrop; etc.



El Taco Finance

6,500 Taco NFTs that gives our holding community the opportunity to be rewarded every Taco Tuesday