Those Who Are Easily Hurt in Love Are Often Kind People

Elaine Ford
4 min readJul 6, 2024
Photo by Rendy Novantino on Unsplash

People who have been hurt in love often ask themselves:

Why am I always the one who gets hurt? What did I do wrong?

You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re always hurt because you’re too kind.

If you simply divide people into good and bad, the thing to fear in marriage is a kind person encountering a bad person. This kind of pairing happens surprisingly often in real life.

Why? It’s all about “harmony.”

“Harmony” usually exists in a way that’s complementary and balanced. Think of yin and yang, light and dark, long and short, hard and soft. If you understand it this way, good and bad are a harmonious pair.

Kind people are usually soft-hearted. They don’t like confrontation, so when conflict arises, they choose to compromise first. The precondition for compromise is to give in, and the one who always gives in is the kind person.

Kind people care more about others than themselves. They put the other person’s needs first and ignore their own feelings. However, in marriage, this kind of sacrifice often doesn’t bring gratitude, but rather the other person taking it for granted.

Kind people worry too much and limit themselves. In a marriage, they consider everyone’s feelings and…



Elaine Ford

Hello, lovely souls! I'm Elaine Ford, a writer with a passion for storytelling and a commitment to spreading joy through my words.