Changes to Elastos CR consensus

MButcho ● Nenchy
4 min readMay 14, 2022


CR elections 2022

If we get elected, we will work to implement changes to the existing CR consensus. We have short-term (by-elections in May 2023) and long-term goals (by-elections in May 2024).

We firmly believe being a council member is a great privilege but also a great responsibility to be an active one. This is why we will be advocating to bring changes to the existing model and evolve it for generations to come.

Voting (May 2023)

Current proposals must run the whole voting period. To speed things up, once ⅔ council members vote in favor, the proposal should be passed and moved to the public veto period, keep the council voting going for latecomers (also to see possible full 12/12 support and reward/punish council voters)

1a. Emergency suggestion voting (May 2023)

24-hour window or when ⅔ council members vote in favor, the proposal passes with no community veto period in this case nor punishment for not voting

1b. Comments from council members (May 2023)

required minimum of 55 characters voting comment on regular proposals.

Eligibility for election (May 2023)

We firmly believe that we need to reflect DPoS 2.0 also by changing two core areas:

2a. Reduced collateral

deposit reduction from 5,000 ELA to 2,000 ELA to reflect DPoS 2.0. Any community member who deposits 2,000 ELA can run for council. By this, we can attract more people to run for council.

2b. Deposit ownership

is required to be eligible to run as a candidate.

Impeachment (May 2023)

As CR Council Members serve their term, community members can at any time vote to impeach council members with whose performance they are unsatisfied. Once the number of votes to impeach a council member exceeds the equivalent of 20% of the circulating supply of ELA (the ELA circulating supply is defined as ELA outside of the CR assets address), the impeached member will be automatically removed from the council.

We are proposing additional improvements:

3a. Voting obligation

If CR council member fails to vote on 3 consecutive proposals or 5 proposals total over 1 term will lose all their deposited ELA and spot at CR council automatically and a new election of impeached member spot in council will be created by consensus.

3b. Reduced impeachment rate

Impeachment reduction from 20% of the circulating supply to 15% (more reasonable power for the community).

Suggestions (May 2023)

Suggestions are the prelude to Proposals, the best or most popular ideas can be picked up by council members and turned into Proposals for voting consideration.

We are proposing additional improvements:

4a. “Proposer” can’t be a “Referee”

If a person creating a Suggestion is a council member, other council members must turn it into a Proposal, not the proposer himself/herself.

4b. Additional suggestion types:

  • Regular suggestion as it is now
  • Emergency suggestion for occasions where we need to act fast and swiftly but prevent any centralized decision on closing bridges (ESC <-> Mainchain), deploy new SW version with bug fixes, emergency suggestion /proposal must be introduced.
  • E-lab suggestions directly integrate e-lab into the new CR website.

Benefits and risks for council spot (May 2023)

We would like to introduce additional benefits and risks as follows:


The reward for successfully finishing the CR council term is 1000 ELA


Each missing vote will deduct 200 ELA from the deposit (max. 1.000 ELA than Impeachment).

Payment for proposals (May 2024)

Explore possibilities to pay for proposals in stablecoin to lower sell pressure on ELA.

Updated duties for CR council members (May 2024)

Every CR council member has an obligation to create at least 1 suggestion which will be turned into a proposal and voted on per term (passed or not passed). If the CR council member fails to deliver, he/she becomes ineligible for the next council term election (single candidate or as a team candidate).

7a. Availability for the community

  • We have 12 council members, so there will be 1 AMA led by 1 council member monthly where milestones, struggles, and perspectives are shared. Those CR council members that do not speak English can get a representative or another alternative;
  • Past AMA should be easy to access for everyone;
  • Secretariat or sub-teams could be subject to AMA too.

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