Gabriel Ameh
2 min readApr 27, 2022


Who is the SHISH nation?

These are mostly active young people, but also old time-tested pirates who know a lot about chilling. They always know what they want from life, and what they achieve. Together with Shisha, we are moving towards the task at hand.

WE DO NOT PROMOTE SMOKING, AND EVERYTHING WITH THEM! SMOKING is very bad. We are not responsible for all your actions. We only love Shisha, it is our love.

Shisha is very closely associated with Jupiter. Shisha has divine blood. One day, the shish course will skyrocket upwards with the lightning power of the god Jupiter, but the thunder will be heard for a very long time. Our history is yet to be seen.

Before returning to Jupiter, Shisha must conquer this world. But the main goal has long been defined. The task is to study the direction of this crypto world and transfer all the peculiar chains to your home planet. Destination Jupiter.

For the basis of our hero, we see a certain sarcastic hero of our reality. Which moves in its metaverse, demolishing everyone in its path. At this point in time : it’s the Snoop

Shisha is a project that uses NFT Artwork to promote animal lovers and advocates, including those who support disabled animal shelters.

Shisha token

SHISH is a BEP-20 deflationary project token with a total supply of 1 000 000 000 000 tokens.

©️ Smart-contract:


💵 Pair:



This is a project with a great team of enthusiasts who came together and decided to create a unique meme product. Anyone who is at least somehow familiar with the cryptocurrency world will understand.

We want to unite animal lovers and foundations and animal welfare funds with the crypto world to help animals. To keep everyone in step with the times. We plan to launch a game in which you will own a unique “dog” character in the form of NFT and interact with other players. But we will return to this later. We also plan to show that the meme product is not only fading projects that appear and disappear — but to show that this is a really big ecosystem and this is the future.

