Electric Capital Developer Report (H1 2019)

Electric Capital
Electric Capital
Published in
1 min readAug 12, 2019

We fingerprinted 27,000+ code repositories and 22 million code commits to create this H1 2019 Developer Report.

This report focuses on developer activity from June 2018 to June 2019.

Executive Summary

  1. Despite market downturns in 2018, Full Time developers increased 13% year-over-year in June 2019 and are consolidating around high network value projects.
  2. Code commit volume is consistent but total monthly active developers are down 10% Y/Y.
  3. 80% of developer loss came from One Time per month and Part Time developers.
  4. The biggest developer drop-off came from projects outside of the Top 100 by network value.
  5. Smart Contracts, Infrastructure, and DeFi ecosystems continue to gain Full Time developers.
  6. Overall crypto ecosystems are approaching the size of well known open source projects such as Apache, but still has plenty of space to grow.

We’ve opened our ecosystem map on GitHub so that anyone can help us find repositories and projects we should include in future reports:

  1. Submit a pull request in https://github.com/electric-capital/crypto-ecosystems
  2. email info@electriccapital.com

We welcome any feedback or comments on this report. Please do let us know how we can improve our data and analysis.

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