To the moon and back?

Elementh Foundation
3 min readOct 10, 2018

The recent half year was hard for new projects, risky for investors and sorrowful for all crypto society. The key to understanding this situation is overall market decline making it red. So, at the moment no one knows when the market will come around, the situation is unclear for all: from market giants to average projects.

Today we are going to take a short overview of the current market situation, including market capitalization and current token price broken down by various projects.

According to the data presented by crypto analysts from the Diar company, 70% of tokens are now valued less than during their ICOs. Among the most unsuccessful projects rated by the difference in borrowed funds and current market capitalization are Sirin Labs, PumaPay, Envion, Paragon, Bankex, Cryptosolartech, Kin, Olympus Labs и Leadcoin (see the table below).

Top 10 Losers Against Capital ICO Funding, in USD

Diar’s report says that among the projects that attracted more than 2.3 USD billion in 2017–2018, more than one third still has not listed tokens on crypto exchanges (324 ICOs to be exact). At that half of them raised funds in 2017.

We have also made our own investigation and checked token price dynamics for well-known cryptocurrencies. This information was obtained from for a period of 6 months.

  • Ethereum is a decentralized platform for applications. More than half of all ICOS in 2017 were held on the basis of the Ethereum platform.

After the rise of ETH to 735.50 USD (on May, 15), we see the constant fall of the currency rate. Today the price fell to 226.49 USD.

  • NEO is the first open source decentralized blockchain platform launched in China.

The price of NEO fell more than by 4 times: from 93.22 USD (in the end of April) to 18.10 USD (in October).

  • EOS is a software company that introduces blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal scaling for decentralized applications.

Over the last six months, the price routinely goes down: from 21.25 USD in May to 5.87 USD in October.

  • OmiseGo

Price of OMG is also lowering and amounts only up to 3.46 USD now.

Сonsidering depreciation of the top altcoins and market behemoths, while being aware of risks, savvy investors are intent to wait for changes of the market situation, namely, exit from the red stripe.

At the moment, it makes sense to invest in trusted coins. Prices of such coins (Bitcoin, Ethereum) will most likely increase upon the observed crisis. Also, it sounds reasonable to hold available tokens of ordinary projects — they can be traded only at a loss right now.

To sum up, it shall be noted that even the top crypto currencies show the market main trend: fall of prices. Obviously, the situation in the market will change due to a new impulse in the crypto industry. Before that, rates of the bulk of currencies, including ЕЕЕ, will not grow.

