Elements Estates nailed it at the Monaco Blockchain Conference

Elements Estates
4 min readJun 7, 2019


We are so excited to share our experiences at the Monaco Blockchain Conference with you! So if you want to know about the presentation of our CEO — Ziga Silic, our meeting with some interesting people and the pleasant meeting with the CEO of Eterbase — Robert Auxt, please read this article till the end.

First challenge — Peter Gorinšek could not join us

Like in real life, great opportunities seem to always start with a challenge. Our challenge for the Monaco Blockchain Conference was the cancellation of Peter — our Chairman and Founder — due to illness. We trust he will be fit again soon. Obviously, we missed him! We faced the challenge and prepared accordingly. With big thanks to the team that showed flexibility to get this thing done in the best way possible!

“There will be bumps in the road, but if you stay positive and believe that you can get through it, you will” ~ Savannah Rose Neveux

Let’s get started

So no easy path towards this event. After some traveling hours, our CEO, Ziga arrived in Monaco — World’s Wealth Capital. In his hotel, he did some last preparation supported by his team. Soon after, the conference started with an informal kick-off with food and drinks. Here it all started, although not all participants were present yet.


Normally one would call an important day that somebody’s been living up to “D-Day”. We created our own term “P-Day”, which stands for Presentation Day. Despite the bumps we faced, the preparation towards this moment showed its use! Ziga nailed it on stage. His presentation about Elements Estates, the blockchain solution we offer, the progress so far and the business opportunities regarding the no.1 platform for distressed assets, currently in development, was well received! Ziga’s presentation was granted with many thumbs ups from the audience present, consisting of investors, advisors, entrepreneurs and blockchain enthusiasts.

Ziga introducing Elements Estates and its potential

Ziga meets Ziga and other interesting people

Ziga meets Ziga (and other interesting people)

The name ‘Ziga’ is a typical Slovenian name. If you meet someone with the same name it is more often than not someone from the same country as our CEO. Meeting a ‘Ziga’ with African roots is something worth sharing and absolutely a moment to capture on a photo. So here the journey of meeting new, interesting people started. Many projects presented their proposition to the audience. The Monaco Blockchain Conference is a modest and cozy event. The strength lies in the charm of the event. It totally fits with the environment it is organized in. Big compliments here to Alastair Lidel, the organizer.

We can’t share all the people we met. Let’s summarize it by saying ‘Ziga enjoyed life in Monaco with some cool people, hang out with them and the majority of these new friends might be quite wealthy.

We would like to share one story though — a bit anonymous for the sake of keeping the opportunity that could come out of it. The majority of the meetups took place outside of the conference. Ziga walked out of the conference and sat down on a bench to enjoy the view recapping his experiences so far. An older man sat next to Ziga. They started a good and long discussion. This man from Switzerland is experienced in the real estate business as well. Being part of some tokenization/digitalization of assets projects within the Switzerland / Liechtenstein area, this might be of good interest for the Elements Estates project. So even in moments of relaxing and enjoying, Ziga did a great job in (re)presenting Elements Estates!

A quick chat with Eterbase’s CEO, Robert Auxt

Proposed by the team Ziga found a way to have a quick chat with one of the other interesting projects presenting at the Monaco Blockchain Conference — Eterbase. With their CEO, Robert Auxt, Ziga discussed the subtitle of Eterbase, “Eterbase is Europe’s Premier Digital Asset Exchange, offering fast and secure trading”. The newly developed platform, with go-live scheduled June 17th, might be a great possibility in the (near) future for listing $ELES. The quick chat is a first starting point. To be continued….

Back home — reflecting on the event shows an outlook to the future

The event is over as well as our summary. Much has been said, much has been done. We found out once again, that our team is a team of professionals that take responsibility, cooperates like a machine and consistently working towards the success of Elements Estates. Our blockchain solution is one that got many thumbs-ups in the conference. New relations have been built. In our opinion, we cannot give a better outlook on the future:

We have the team, we have the business solution, we have the relations. Let’s get this done!

