Elements Estates Rent/Purchase Case Scenario #2

Elements Estates
2 min readDec 26, 2018


Meet Arif, ELES token holder that plans to write a book while enjoying the Croatia seaside.

Arif is a writer and he plans to publish his next book internationally. He already received a deposit from his book agent and felt in love with the idea to write the book in a beautiful Croatian coastline.

Arif started to search for an appropriate apartment in a good location somewhere on Croatia’s coastline and finds a beautiful apartment with a reasonable price that is available for rent. But there is one problem. They want 800 ELES tokens per month for the apartment — the currency he is not acquainted with. However, as a writer he is used to do some research and quickly finds out that all he needs to do is to register on the ELES platform, deposit some fiat money and the platform can help him exchange his money to ELES tokens through a partnering exchange, where ELES token is as well listed.

He deposits 3.000 EUR on the account of Elements Estates EMI pay partner, quickly exchanges euros for ELES tokens on the website and chooses the apartment for rent he desires. He believes that he will finish the book in six months but after his good experience with exchanging fiat to ELES, he decides to exchange even more in the following months if this will be needed.

Arif receives the confirmation for the apartment rent and starts packing for his working vacation in Croatia which will allow him to relax and enjoy the beautiful sea and good food while writing the book. Arif doesn’t plan to keep any ELES tokens after he finishes the book and intends to move back to his country, so he will exchange the ELES tokens back to fiat money. Alongside working on his book, he does a little bit more of a research on Elements Estates project and eventually decides to keep the rest his ELES tokens and grow his savings.

