Poem — First Day Of The Week

Today Is My Day

Elena Cooper
2 min readNov 14, 2022

Celebrating a moment is like living forever

Photo by Tom Henderson on Unsplash

Today, I love to share with you a poem to celebrate the present moment. However, every poem can represent something slightly different for everyone, so I will let you decide how to feel and what to think.

Finally, I would love to read one from you — so if you like — write your poem using:

  1. Mountains
  2. Winter
  3. Morning, afternoons, evenings, nights (what you prefer)
  4. Atmosphere
  5. Feelings and/or thoughts

Write as you wish. Then feel free to comment by leaving a link and I will come to read your poem too. I love poems!!!♥

Today Is My Day

Good afternoon tall mountains you’re so close to me
I never felt better before and here I am in silence,
I left the past and now I’m free to be me.

Oh, majestic presence! Allow me to sing to you
Allow me to enjoy the fresh air and start my life from here,
From now on I will never feel sad I will never be blue.

Birds flying high in the celestial sky
You are bringing me messages of joy and



Elena Cooper

Spiritual Adviser. Tarot Reader. Clinical Professional Hypnotherapist. Writer. Music Composer. Singer-Song-Writer. Survived abuse of violence for many years.