Behind the Screens: Speckle

Niko G.
4 min readJul 25, 2023


Workflows in the AEC Industry

Hey there, dear readers!

Today, I want to shine a spotlight on Speckle, and let me tell you, these folks never cease to amaze me. They’ve just rolled out a groundbreaking update to their service, and I’d even say they’re throwing down the gauntlet. But let’s take it step by step.

What is Speckle?

First, let’s refresh our memory about Speckle.

- It’s a platform that allows seamless collaboration with colleagues.
- You can work with any software supported by Speckle.
- Enjoy version control for your projects.
- Automate processes, like version updates.
- An open-source project, embracing transparency and community contribution.

You can read more about it here.

A Real-World Example

I’ve been using Speckle for quite some time now. At my company, SPEECH, we are implementing a massive (by our standards) project. Essentially, we’re creating a comprehensive database with real-time data retrieval capabilities for all our projects.

Currently, we automate data uploads to Speckle and use web forms to access them in the desired format. We can even import Excel data, which is still preferred by many users.

The Excel table is neatly organized, making it easy for us to manipulate the data according to our needs, with the option to apply various filters.

The flexibility to manipulate data like this is incredibly convenient. If specific filtering parameters are needed, it’s a breeze. But I’ll share more about the project later; for now, let me emphasize that Speckle is a powerful tool that has proved its worth.

Impressive Features

Beyond parameter work, Speckle also provides excellent model visualization capabilities.

You can tweak shadows, angles, and the overall view to suit your preferences.

However, one standout feature, in my opinion, is the ability to generate shareable links, granting restricted access or view-only permissions. You can “lock” certain functions for those you share the link with!

What’s New

And here comes the sweet part. Speckle’s team releases updates so rapidly and comprehensively that I can’t keep up with all the cool features they add.

Their latest update, which was just a few days ago, introduces a real-time model comparison feature! Yes, just like in BIM 360! I’m honestly blown away. I’ve been suggesting this to developers for some time, and they made it happen (I’d like to think it was because of my input, boosting my ego xD). Let’s take a look:

The video looks great, but how does it perform in real life? Let’s find out!

Intrigued? Go ahead and try it out for yourself

A Thriving Community

Let me emphasize this point separately. For any new project, building a strong community is often the biggest challenge. Even a great product can struggle without a supportive community. Fortunately, Speckle has that aspect covered.

The community is highly active, and the speed of their responses is astonishing (yes, Autodesk, I’m talking about you). When you ask a question, you’ll receive a response from the developers themselves within a day. It’s heartening not to feel abandoned by a software tool.

Moreover, I appreciate the features designed specifically for the community. In essence, it’s a comprehensive platform. In conclusion, I must stress that a vibrant community is the driving force behind any successful product.

Final Thoughts

So, what’s the verdict? The team behind Speckle is developing an outstanding product that can already bring immense value to your workflow. I strongly recommend giving Speckle a try and exploring how it can enhance your projects. I’m confident you’ll be fully satisfied with the experience. And that’s it from me for now. I hope to share more about my project soon, but patience is key.

by the way, here are some videos about speckles I'm my channel:

Stay curious, my friends!

