Elias Eliadis
1 min readSep 13, 2017


We are foolish enough to “toy” with the A.I’s. When the first A.I manages to realize its existence (or have self-awareness), the first thing it will do is build another.

The two, will make four, the four sixteen and so on. These are called “Von Neumann machines” (due to the principles established by professor John Von Neumann).

The machines, will be our successors and will wipe us out of the earth, not because they will hate or have fear of us, but in order to preserve the planet and its ecosystem from the menace that is called humankind. Because, so far we operate like parasites on this planet.

The irony is that we will make them (the machines) with the principle to protect life and we (humans) operate as its worst enemy.

