What’s the opposite of gentle?

Elicia Wilson
5 min readApr 4, 2024


So, after two weeks, I am feeling pretty solid. I moved to a different Airbnb in the Provenza area near my favorite restaurants, salons, spas, and shops. I feel settled and have finally created some sense of normalcy in my day-to-day routine. My friend from Boston, Katie, also has graced Colombia with her presence and flew in a little less than a week ago. We kicked it off properly over the weekend with a seven-course tasting menu and wine pairing at El Cielo. We spent the following day (Easter) brunching, shopping, and enjoying the amazing spa at Celestino Hotel (it’s a vibe). I have been working my normal schedule this week (and in the middle of an audit) while Katie worked for a few days before checking out and starting a week-long vacation. While I work, she is exploring Medellin on her terms and navigating life here. Unfortunately, the weather hasn’t been ideal and tanning hasn’t been an option (and the girl could use some color after escaping Boston’s weather). So where am I at?

  1. Meeting people: As I mentioned in my last post, I recently met some ex-pats living in Medellin who have invited me to join them in different activities. A woman from Indianapolis who lives here with her family invited me to a Jehovah's Witnesses Ceremony to learn more about the religion. It was interesting and the people were very nice-though it is not something I plan to repeat. I had a blast when I met another group who invited me for a night in Envigado for cocktails, dinner, and live music. I connected with one of the group members, a former tech founder, who has been so helpful as I get reacquainted with Medellin. He even helped me figure out why 7 police officers were camped outside of my building for hours the other day (sadly, it was due to the underage sexual abuse of a boy in one of the units and happened the day after the Mayor of Medellin banned prostitution in areas that are popular with tourists, like Provenza). You may have heard several stories in the news regarding underage prostitution and dating app murders that have been an ongoing problem in Colombia, especially in Medellin.
  2. I am rough: While dining at El Cielo, during course 4, the server asked Katie and me what the “opposite of gentle” was. We assumed he was referring to one of the dishes being brought out, and after throwing out a few words like aggressive, etc., we decided “rough” was the word he was looking for. He looked at me and said, “You are very rough-like you’re from New York.” Katie almost died of laughter (while I just awkwardly giggled and said he was correct). But he does have a point and I am not ashamed to admit it. Since traveling, I definitely (try to) portray a sense of control and confidence. The last 3 months have taught me that you must be on guard when navigating countries, especially when you don’t know the language. So yes, I am rough (and tough). As I said, you will not hear about me on 20/20 anytime soon and I tend not to engage much and like to keep to myself. I don't think that comes as a surprise after some of what I shared above and in previous posts, but I am also shocked I have met as many people as I have already.
  3. The Food: I have yet to have a bad meal and have been bopping around to familiar and unfamiliar places (El Cielo, Mistura, Cafe Noir, Romero, SMASH Avocaderia (I get takeout from here a lot), BBC, Botanica, Alma, OCI, and many more). Everything feels elevated and exciting-a lot of restaurants put so much detail and love into the decor and the food. When not eating out, I am still focused on fruits, eggs, and ham and cheese sandwiches). I have said it before, and I will say it again…the cost difference between a night out in Medellin vs. a night out in Boston still shocks me (and I'm not mad about it). The pictures below tell the story for me.
  4. What's Next? Later this evening, Katie and I are going to a friend’s house for after-work cocktails and dinner in the Provenza area. I have one more day of work to get through before we fly to Cartagena for four days to lay in the sun, visit some islands, and relax. After Tuesday, she will head back to Boston and I will return to Medellin, where I will stay through late April. I will then travel to Boston, Pittsburgh, Bentonville, Los Angeles (or Georgia), and Connecticut before settling in Europe for the remainder of May and June.

You can click here to stay updated on my journey!

Some pictures from the week:

A refined night at EL Cielo.
Sunday Funday on Easter.
Pork has become a staple of my diet.



Elicia Wilson

Yes, I am really doing this! Working remotely while traveling the world. 6+ countries over the next 6+ months. Buckle up and subscribe to stay updated!.