Hard Work ,Dedication & Sacrifice

Elite Fitness HQ
5 min readDec 1, 2016



One thing you have to know about me is that I love “the chase.” I love the process of becoming Legendary. You hear me say it to my kids all the time. When I say process, I’m referring to the hard work, dedication, and the sacrifice it takes to even dream of accomplishing Legendary status.

I was a kid that grew up on fields and playing in sandlot games, or just exploring my town. I was outside from sun up to sun down. No phone, just the height of the sun and the wish that the games would never end. We were able to reach for the stars because we had great parents. The adults in my town worked extremely hard to provide their kids with a great childhood. This is not up for debate. My little suburb is, and was, ideal for any young kid in America. My friends and I always felt like anything was possible.

My passion has always been training. After the competitive portion of my life was over, I felt lost because everything I identified myself with was gone. I know that this is a feeling every individual that spends the majority of their childhood striving for the perfection of a sport, feels. When one dream dies, I hope that every athlete finds a new passion. It can be anything from business to baking cupcakes. All that matters is that you put that same energy into your new endeavor.

I am fortunate enough to work everyday in a field that I truly love. I work everyday in an environment where individuals strive to improve themselves daily. I have been lucky enough to coach people in physical performance for ten plus years. The simplest way to put it is I am, and always will be, a trainer. Nowadays, people try to fancy up the name to try and make it sound more than what is. Sadly, these individuals miss the heart of what it means to be a trainer. It is not about us as trainers; it is and always will be about the client and their goals. Our job is to get them to their goal.

I take it very personally when an individual trusts me to help them achieve their goals. Anything from somebody wanting to lose 20 lbs pounds, to a young athlete wanting to earn a scholarship to continue their athletic career. Many would believe these two clients are very different. I always take it to the heart of the matter, which is each person is striving to be their best self. It can be an individual striving to be healthier and having more energy to play with their kids or an athlete attempting to earn a division one scholarship. Each goal requires Hard Work & Dedication and some sort of Sacrifice. As your trainer, it is my job to guide you through the process to reach your goal. I lay out to my clients the journey we are embarking on and reassure them that their dream or goal is now mine and WE won’t stop or let up until WE give everything to the process. I instantly become invested in every persons’ journey. I guide them through the process as a coach, as a parent would. I’ve seen the pitfalls and I have the experience to make the journey smoother. I have the knowledge to be able to pick you up when you fall. This is my job as a trainer; to believe in you more than you believe in yourself. I truly believe that we are able to achieve greater heights when you have someone constantly in your corner believing that you can. It makes it harder to give up or give in to the dark thoughts of doubt in the back of your mind. My voice must be louder than the inner battle one has with one’s self.

My clients and members inspire me daily to strive to become Legendary. I can only reach my Legendary status if I can push them to achieve more than they thought possible. For me, failure is not an option. Hard Work, Dedication & Sacrifice is what I give. I will always train, any day, any time if they are willing. I believe showing up ready to work is my duty. Theirs is bringing there “A” game every time we meet no matter how they feel or the outside pressures or demands of their lives. I have a few clients I want to highlight in this article, highlight videos included, and would love for you to read and watch.

Isaiah Diggs & Chris Wesley

These two gentlemen are playing this Saturday at noon for a TAPPS football State Championship. They have worked hard and dedicated themselves to being the best that they can be. I am extremely proud of these two. Working out almost every Saturday and Sunday getting their in-season training done. Isaiah and I have been training for two years and the kid amazes me with his work ethic and being a great kid.

Chris Wesley & Isaiah Diggs playing for tapps championship Covenant Christian Academy

Sheila Ridley

This mother of two has committed to making time to take care of herself. She makes sure to get her three days a week in no matter what time or day she has to do it. She knows I will be here any time, any day. We are dedicated to Hard Work, Dedication & Sacrifice. She has lost 15 plus pounds to date.

Sheila Ridley personal training client down 15lbs 6 months

Westin Ford & Hunter Ridley

These two young men grinded overtime with us all spring. They had school workouts and still made time to come work out with us, leaving no stone unturned. Their efforts are being rewarded as they are playing in round four of the Texas 5A UIL football playoffs.

Westin Ford & Hunter Ridley CHHS Football 5a playoff football


~Old Man Revels~

Editorial Director




Elite Fitness HQ

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