Four Designs For Refugee Shelters

Eliza Smuel
3 min readApr 12, 2017



When a natural disaster strikes, there’s nothing people want more than the bare necessities and a roof over their heads. Disaster relief groups go to great lengths to ensure that victims have shelter from the storm and a place to dwell during the aftermath.

Emergency house designs:

Thankfully, there are hundreds of affordable shelters on the market and self-build homes that provide shelter and hope in these trying times. Temporary houses are considered part of the recovery process. Given are the examples of quickly deployable emergency shelters.

IKEA solar-powered flat-pack:

This shelter is easy to transport. IKEA Foundation and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) have made this shelter that is easy to assemble. Its size is 188-square foot. This can be made within four hours.

The major advantage of this refugee shelter is that it has solar-powered roofing, so you don’t need emergency lights or lamps. Its roof deflects heat of the sun, so it makes the shelter interior cool in summer.

Portable bubble house:

Portable bubble house model is developed that is ‘easy to transfer’. This house consists of different accessories that are considered vital if you want to stay for longer period. The walls of this house can be filled with air, water, clothing or even by grass.

The Accordion reCover:

The Accordion reCover model is developed for unusable infrastructure conditions like if the road is bumpy. This model is predicted to become popular in future as it is reasonable priced and also provides ‘rapid roofs’


The design of AbleNook is designed on universal and similar aluminum structural insulated panels (SIPs) and excreted aluminum members that stick together without using any support. You don’t need a professional to assemble this type of house.

The patent pending design permits for electrical components wiring. This design is kept by structural members. There is a vaulted roof that covers the whole house, and also solar panels that generates electricity for the house.


The ‘EDV-01 shelter’ has similar size as that of a shipping container. This house can be easily manageable as it does not use exterior resources for its survival. It can generate power with the help of ‘sizable solar array’. These houses have small kitchen and bio toilet.


Whatever be the design you choose be sure to list down your requirements and select accordingly after some consideration of the benefits of each type of refugee shelter. Some shelters come with security features like cameras and alarms that can give extra security.

