What is the future of the development and deployment of AI?

Elizabeth Press
3 min readApr 6, 2024


🔮 Generative AI is going to change the world….🔮until you take some practicalities into account.

🌟 “The Future of AI Development and Deployment”🚀 a discussion between Elizabeth Press from D3M Labs and M. Murat Ardag, Ph.D. based on the study M. Murat Ardag, Ph.D. conducted about developer attitudes towards the future of AI. (Timestamps below)

Are you ready to dive into the world of Generative AI and its transformative potential? 🤖✨

Before you get swept away by the promise of limitless possibilities, let’s talk practicalities! 💡

1️⃣ Data Quality: Garbage in, garbage out! The quality of data is paramount for successful AI deployment. Let’s unravel how data quality impacts the efficacy of Generative AI solutions.

2️⃣ Compute Power: Powering the future requires serious computational muscle. Let’s discuss the infrastructure needed to support Generative AI at scale and the implications for businesses and developers.

3️⃣ Hidden Manual Labor: Behind the scenes, there’s often manual intervention required to fine-tune outputs and ensure accuracy. Let’s shine a light on the unseen efforts that drive Generative AI forward.

4️⃣ Information Security: With great power comes great responsibility. We’ll delve into the critical importance of safeguarding data and mitigating risks in the age of Generative AI.

💻 One of the most buzzed-about applications of Generative AI? Coding assistance! But let’s not overlook the nuances. While SQL and Python enjoy robust coverage, other languages demand more experienced hands to refine output. Let’s dissect the challenges and opportunities in this realm.

Overview of the conversation between Murat and Elizabeth:

Introduction & Motivation for the Study:
This study, utilizing data from the Stack Overflow developer survey, aims to explore the dynamic landscape of programming languages and technologies. Murat is a Data Scientist and Political Psychologist whose drive to conduct this study stems from his interest in the psychological profiles and motivations of developers.

1:19 Methodology:
Insight into the methodology used in this study.

2:00 Key Findings:
An overview of surprising findings, including insights from inferential modeling and descriptive statistics, with comparisons to previous years.

4:30 Technology Landscape in AI:
Delving into the diverse range of languages and technologies in AI, emphasizing the imperative for well crafted and effective data strategies.
The discussion prompts a crucial question: Does the perceived shortage of digital and IT skills in Germany stem, in part, from companies’ inability to define realistic requirements due to a lack of robust data strategy?

7:02 Addressing Developer Expectations:
Examining the rapid influx of new languages in the market and the resulting pressure on developers to keep up, the discussion also evaluates the economic feasibility of these languages. The study explores the potential utilization of Generative AI to bridge developer skill gaps, compensating for newness to emerging languages technologies that companies may fail to address adequately.

9:46 Future Prospects:
Exploration of how generative AI could enhance data teams, including automating tasks like SQL queries and enhancing data governance processes.

On April 9th, D3M Labs and SPICED Academy are co-hosting a MeetUp to discuss Murat’s study about developer attitudes towards the future of AI. M. Murat Ardag, Ph.D., Elizabeth Press from D3M Labs, Kseniia Brauer from mexb.ai and Samantha Edds from Yelp will be there to disucss. Thanks Marie NEANG for being such a great host.

Sign up to the MeetUp on April 9th at 6pm: https://www.meetup.com/d3mlabs/events/299793910/

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Here is the full conversation between Murat and Elizabeth:

