Learning to Code: Practice and Projects

Elena Gorman
4 min readMay 3, 2022


My Coding Journey (Week 6)

This week I pressed pause. Rather than rushing to learn new topics, I focused on what I already know.

In a very short time, I have covered lots of coding principles and concepts: syntax; errors; strings; user input; control flow; lists; loops; functions; dictionaries; files. Until recently, I knew nothing about these topics.

Currently I am 65% of the way through the Codecademy Pro “Learn Python 3” course, and I feel myself improving with every session. But I realise that I am progressing through the course without fully understanding or remembering each new piece of information.

So, this week my goal has been to make no progress. Well, that’s not exactly true. I decided that, instead of moving on with my current modules, I would go back to start of the course to review content and practice my learning.

Practice Makes Progress

Codecademy has made this so easy! The course structure is perfect for revising and consolidating knowledge. Each module has a corresponding section to review and practice core concepts. Short quizzes put your knowledge to the test and provide feedback if your answer is not correct.

I have also downloaded the Codecademy Go app. I wish I had done this sooner! I can spend 5 minutes reviewing a range of topics, and/or 5 minutes practicing through quizzes. As a busy working mum, the Codecademy Go app has been incredible! I use it when the kettle is boiling or when I am breastfeeding my baby at night. I don’t need to be sitting in front of my laptop. I can practice wherever and whenever!

Project Kickoff

It was a very exciting week for our Code First Girls Coding Kickstarter course, as we started our group project! I am in a small group with two incredibly brilliant people who are also new to coding in Python. We are working together to develop an app that suggests recipes based on an ingredient specified by the user.

Working on a group project has already been a fantastic experience. Together we have approached the project in a different way to how I would have worked if I were carrying out the project independently. We have set up a Google Colaboratory account to collaborate when coding. We have also set up a Trello board to plan and monitor our project. This is the first time I have used these platforms, and I am looking forward to getting stuck in!

Currently we are working independently to deepen our knowledge of APIs and to familiarise ourselves with the project brief. Next week we will be rolling up our sleeves and starting to code!

Goals for Week 7

This week my main priority will be the Code First Girls group project. Before we meet, I will be learning more about APIs and playing with some code to remind myself of relevant coding principles and concepts. After we meet, I will be working on any tasks that need to be completed before we present our project to the cohort in Week 8.

I will also be resuming my progress on the Codecademy course. I hope to finish some or all of my partly-completed modules on strings, dictionaries, and files.

Looking to the future

The biggest challenge with learning to code has been finding the time. The content has pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I am really enjoying it.

Because I can only code when my children are asleep, I had thought that I might stop learning at the end of these 8 weeks. But I am enjoying coding so much that I would like to continue!

I have my eyes on a Codecademy course, “Build Python Web Apps with Django”. As I am quite a creative person, I am drawn to the idea of designing and producing a web app. Let’s see what happens over the next couple of weeks…

My weekly coding articles

Week 1: Hello World

Week 2: The Joy of Learning to Code

Week 3: Coding Like a Mother

Week 4: One Month of Coding

Week 5: All Progress is Good Progress

Week 6: Learning to Code: Practice and Projects

Week 7: My First Coding Vlog!

Week 8: Learning to Code in 8 Weeks

I hope that sharing my own experience might encourage other people (and especially women) to explore coding or other tech topics.

About the Author

Dr Elena Gorman is a UX Designer specialising in User Research. Before changing careers into UX in 2022, she worked as a Project Manager, including for tech-related initiatives, such as the TechUP Programme at Durham University, for The Alan Turing Institute at Newcastle University, and the Creative Fuse North East project at Northumbria University. Elena is also the Co-Founder of Women in Tech North East, a free community of over 800 women and non-binary people who are interested in tech. Elena has a PhD in Theology from Durham University and has published research on female martyrdom in early Christianity.

