Ellen Muckerman
3 min readJun 7, 2016

Historically African Americans have been oppressed continuously throughout time, from slavery through 19th century to segregation and hate crimes that carry into modern day. Even though we have discontinued many oppressive practices that came before us, we are currently overlooking many modern ways of oppression that are kept well hidden. In The Deep Hearts Core is a memoir written by Michael Johnston, that speaks specifically on the topic of education in African American communities consumed by poverty. It directly relates to oppression and intolerance against African Americans, and the hardships that occur in their daily lives. To dive even further into this topic I will be reading multiple other articles surrounding this topic, which have been published on the internet by the Washington Post and other publishers.

Intolerance against African Americans today is much more complex than it used to be. Society has birthed a complicated system used to undermine and oppress African Americans. That is why my main focus is on education. By underfunding schools in underclass black neighborhoods, they are destroying opportunities for our African American youth to rise in society. They are stuck in the class that they were raised in, and their kids will be forced to live the same life.

Organizations have worked tirelessly to put an end to poverty around the world. They all focus on many different subjects surrounding poverty.

Some center on feeding children over seas that don’t have a reliable source for food or money. Others target local poverty that may present itself in nearby cities, like Chicago or New York. One that I believe to be a true hero today is the People Against Poverty organization. They receive donations from around the world and provide help to wherever needs it most. They also give the option of funding a child, which assists younger generations by suppling youths with the basic necessities of life. This includes meals, medical care, and access to education. Because organizations like People Against Poverty, a child will have a meal tonight, and an education that may permanently bring them out of poverty.

For my service learning project I want to complete two tasks that will benefit me and the my cause. For the first project, I will be conducting a sit-in, hopefully with help, to raise awareness for what it’s like to live on the streets without a home. The goal is to not only bring attention to the topic of extreme poverty, but also raise money from donations to give to People Against Poverty. I would also like to collaborate with a few other students to put on a bake sale in order to raise even more money for this cause.

I am reading In The Deep Heart’s Core, by Michael Johnston. It is a memoir based in the 90’s. The narrator is a Teach for America, fresh out of collage, educator, that is brought to a crime ridden black neighborhood in the heart of South. This reading focuses on the corrupted education system that is limiting the abilities of young African Americans, along with their daily life and the hardships that they face. He focuses on the shocking events that occur during his time at the school, attempting to motivate his students.

Ellen Muckerman

If you want to live life with no regrets, don’t do regrettable things. — Me