France Outlaws Catcalling

Linking It to Increased Violence Against Women

Elle Beau ❇︎
Inside of Elle Beau


Image by Messy Nessy Chic

“Men who wolf-whistle or sexually harass women on French streets face fines of up to 750 euros ($885) after lawmakers in the National Assembly approved tougher legislation to combat sexual violence.

The law, backed by a majority of lawmakers in an overnight parliamentary session, comes amid a worldwide wave of sexual assault allegations against men in business, entertainment and politics.” (Business Insider)

As of May, 2018 it’s a fineable offense to catcall or harass women on the street or on public transportation in France. This may turn out to be a difficult law to enforce but it’s still a symbolic step in the right direction. Incredibly, some people still think of catcalling as something that is perhaps annoying, but largely innocuous. However, there is a growing body of evidence that supports what women have long known, that public objectification of women quite often leads to real danger for them.

“A new study by the University of Kent reinforces a reality that many women have long known to be true: that the sexual objectification of women leads to more aggressive behavior toward them. Researchers examined 275 people ages 12 to 16 in London to study the association between objectification and aggression towards women. Additionally…



Elle Beau ❇︎
Inside of Elle Beau

Social scientist dispelling cultural myths with research-driven stories. "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge." ~ Carl Jung