3 Reasons You Don’t Hear From A Man After A Great First Date

Elliot Scott
4 min readMay 26, 2024
Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash

Ever had a first date that felt like magic, only to be met with radio silence? It’s a painful experience many women face. But before you spiral into self-doubt, let’s decode the reasons behind the disappearing act.

The Thrill is Gone: The Dopamine Dilemma

Men are wired to chase. It’s not just a stereotype; it’s rooted in evolutionary psychology. The thrill of pursuing a potential partner triggers a dopamine rush in their brains, making the chase exhilarating.

But once the “catch” is secured — in this case, after a successful first date — the dopamine levels drop, and the initial excitement fades. This biological letdown can leave men less interested, even if the date was genuinely enjoyable.

This isn’t common and if a guy truly wants a relationship this wouldn’t happen. But remember, we are talking under the context of the date going well and you not hearing from him.

In today’s dating scene, where men are often told they are the “prize,” this effect is amplified. They may feel entitled to constant excitement and novelty, making it difficult to commit to one person, especially given the many options.



Elliot Scott

#Dating #relationships #selfimprovment #psychology. Dating coach for women